The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 864 Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment

Jiang Ziyan's eyes lit up when she heard it, yes!

Isn't she going to be a bodyguard for others just to make money?

Now tens of thousands of yuan a month looks good, but if she can earn hundreds of thousands at a time, she can finish this work ahead of time, and then she can go where she wants to go!

"Thank you for reminding me, I know what to do." Jiang Ziyan asked again, "Could you tell me more about when?"

"This can't work." Wu Jun pretended to be embarrassed and shook his head.


"The secrets have been leaked too much recently, and if they leak it again, the body can't stand it."

Jiang Ziyan:...

"It's okay if you don't say it," Jiang Ziyan said, "but I have a request."

"any request?"

"Wait for the kidnappers to come, unless Nie Pu's life safety is threatened, otherwise you can't take action," Jiang Ziyan said, "including everyone here, can't take action, how about?"

"Why?" Wu Jun was aroused by her, "Are you quite a lonely hero?"

"This is actually not," Jiang Ziyan said, "I want to show that woman, Jiang Ziyan didn't rely on her face to take the position!"

Wu Jun: ...what you said is easy to misunderstand, girl!

"I'm fine. The key is are you sure?" Wu Jun asked. "You have to think clearly. The person who dared to kidnap her is not a simple character."

"You don't believe in my strength?" Jiang Ziyan frowned.

"It's not that you don't believe me," Wu Jun said, "but you alone, how can you take care of all aspects? Not to mention the people on your side..."

"No spoilers!" Jiang Ziyan covered Wu Jun's mouth.

Wu Jun: ...girl, did you touch Jasmine's head just now with your hand?

Jiang Ziyan said: "Anyway, you can count everything, so you promised me this time, okay?"

After thinking about it, she said again: "I owe you favor."

You don't owe me too much favor, Wu Jun said in his heart, so I don't care about this one anymore.

Jiang Ziyan wants to solve the trouble by herself, and it is not a bad thing. Soon, everyone will learn to solve the trouble by themselves.

"Okay, I promise."


Wu Jun: ", kid?"

"Quickly, Rehook, I can't stay here for too long."

Wu Jun shook his head, stretched out his little finger, and hooked up with Jiang Ziyan's chubby little finger.

"Hook on the sedan chair, for a hundred years, no change!"

Wu Jun: ...Why is it on the sedan chair?


Wu Jun said that Nie Pu would be kidnapped, and he would definitely be kidnapped. There is no doubt about this.

So after Jiang Ziyan returned to the camp, she immediately energized her.

Not only for the bonus, but not just for the responsibilities, just because Nie Pu is still very good to her, even if she pays back the favor, she has to cheer up this time.

It's just that Wu Jun, Damn it, refuses to disclose more to her, so she has to be vigilant next.

So she checked the surroundings of the camp over and over again. Everyone on the scene except Nie Pu became her suspicion. Her big eyes flashed brightly, and they looked like a torch, wishing to see through everyone's heart.

In Li Feng's view, Jiang Ziyan's abnormal behavior made her firmer.

Jiang Ziyan has a problem, there is definitely a problem!

So she began to be alert to her surroundings without leaving a trace, always on guard.

Then a dozen people just doubted me and I doubted you. On the surface, there was peace and tranquility, but the waves were surging in the dark, and even everyone’s favorite barbecue session was tasteless.

On the contrary, it was Wu Jun and the others, singing and laughing, and the atmosphere was warm.

This made Nie Pu think suddenly: "Or, go and talk to them, let's join them too?"



Jiang Ziyan and Li Feng spoke in unison, and they objected almost at the same time.

Li Feng was worried that Jiang Ziyan and the person on the other side would be unclear, and they would collude secretly. How could he even send the sheep into the tiger's mouth by himself?

What Jiang Ziyan was worried about was that if Nie Pu went to Wu Jun's side, the kidnappers came to see how many of them were. Is this whole or not?

No, dare to come is a question.

After all, there are dozens of people on Wu Jun's team. The more people there are, the greater the probability of accidents. It is impossible for the kidnappers not to consider this.

"Hey..." Nie Pu sighed, "Then you guys are a little bit happy. We came out to play. Why are you all nervous, as if you are going to war, how boring?"

Li Feng said that this is not going to be a war, and it is estimated that it is still a tough battle of fighting wits and courage, and combining the inside with the outside!

"It's boring, and the good mood is gone."

Nie Pu put down the barbecue in his hand, feeling dispirited, and walked to the side of the clear water by himself.

Li Feng raised his wrist to check the time, then took out his mobile phone and silently sent a text message.

Is this sneaky woman an insider?

Jiang Ziyan sneered in her heart, haha, this time you met this girl, and it would be unlucky for you to be a rape!

Nie Lu threw pebbles by the stream. It was already 7 o'clock in the evening, but the sun here was still hanging in the sky.

At this time, the mountain on the opposite side appeared a magnificent scenery, the upper half was golden woods, and the bottom of the mountain was thick dark green. A wavy dividing line was clearly distinguished in the golden sunlight.

Nie Pu was intoxicated by the beauty in front of him when he suddenly heard a buzzing roar in the distance.

Soon in the blue sky, a small black dot came far away.


Nie Pu frowned slightly, and she had to say that the helicopter destroyed the scenery in front of her, which made her feel uneasy and uninterested.

But the helicopter didn't mean to leave immediately. Instead, it hovered over her head at a very low altitude.

Jiang Ziyan was on guard and looked up at the plane of unknown origin.

If this is a kidnapper, that would be too blatant.

But there are everyone in this world, and she has to guard against it.

At this moment, the helicopter's hatch suddenly opened, and someone dropped a huge package from inside.


Express delivery?

Jiang Ziyan's eyes were sharp, and she rushed to Nie Pu's side in a few steps, and Spirit Power was released, because she visually observed that the bag would hit her near her.

But what she didn't expect was that a rope was tied to the huge package, and it stopped a few tens of meters away from the ground, and then suddenly spread out, sprinkling countless red rose petals.


Jiang Ziyan frowned. It shouldn't be the kidnapper. The kidnapper shouldn't be so romantic.

Nie Pu was also shocked by this sudden scene.

Since college, many people have been making surprises for her, just to win her heart.

However, in her opinion, those surprises are not considered surprises at all, and some can only be regarded as shocks, so she basically avoids such situations later.

But today's scene made her feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

Millions, tens of millions of rose petals, one after another, formed a petal rain in the air, even if the person sending the flowers is not her prince charming, but this kind of romance is equally irresistible.

"so beautiful!"

Looking at the petals that are about to fall, Nie Pu stretched out a snow-white hand, trying to catch a few pieces and sniff the fragrance.

Wu Jun and the others were also taken aback by this scene, thinking in their hearts which rich second generation this is, such a slapstick.

These rose petals alone are estimated to cost hundreds of thousands, just to sprinkle it like this?

The world of the rich, don’t understand.

The key is that they are eating. How can they eat the dense petals falling into the food?

More importantly, Jiang Qi is allergic to pollen!

She is pregnant with a child now, is this allergic?

"I have a gas mask in my backpack!" Zou Hai said as he was about to run into the tent.

"no need."

Wu Jun called him back, how can he eat while wearing a gas mask?

So he said sorry to the rich second generation on the plane, the sky is big and the baby is big, but it's a pity that you have so many petals.

The wind is coming!


Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and the petals of the sky hadn't fallen to the ground. Just before Nie Pu's fingertips could touch a petal, they were blown away mercilessly.

Blown away...

Nothing left.

Nie Pu's hand was still stretched out in the air, stiff like a sculpture.

Why, why is everything not going well today?

The best rooms in the hotel were booked, and the campsite was occupied by people. There was no atmosphere at all for a barbecue.

Now someone gave her a rose rain, but the wind blows away...

Oh my god, is it the wrong choice for me to travel here?

Li Feng, who was standing behind her, also looked embarrassed.

This time she accepted the benefits of what she thought was the rich son, and revealed the news that Nie Pu came here to play.

In fact, this is not a secret, anyone who cares can investigate it casually, but the rich man has to prepare for the big scene, so he needs to make preparations in advance.

Now it seems that he has indeed spent a lot of thought, and the helicopter and the rose rain have all come out.

It's a pity that God is not beautiful!

It is estimated that Young Master Zhang on the plane at this time was in an extremely collapsed mood.

However, the cruel reality did not dispel Young Master Zhang's enthusiasm.

In order to pursue Nie Pu, this time he prepared more than just a rose rain.

Soon the door of the plane opened again, and Zhang Qiao, dressed in a white suit and graceful, with a large bouquet of roses in his hand, slowly descended from the sky.

At the same time, in the surrounding woods, a cello suddenly sounded, and a melodious and affectionate song "A Praise of Love" was passed from all directions.

Although the sound is not very loud, it prevails in all directions, like a fairy sound falling from the sky, surrounding this valley.

In this dim hour, it is very warm and romantic.

This guy still has some tricks.

But that's not all. At the same time, there are tens of thousands of colorful balloons flying up from the surrounding woods.

Below each balloon, there is a long ribbon hanging, and each ribbon is tied with beautiful flowers.

There are also some big characters written on the ribbon in hundreds of languages: "Nie Pu, I love you!"

Su Hao looked at the "fallen from the sky" boy in white and couldn't help shaking his head.

Seeing him shaking his head, Wu Jun said jokingly: "Why, seeing him, did you think of the previous you?"

"How could I be so superficial?" Su Hao shook his head categorically in denial, "It's me, it must be more shocking and romantic than this."

But I was saying in my heart, this guy is really similar to his previous style!

He hadn't pursued objects before, and if he had, it would definitely be exaggerated.

"Just blow it up," Qiu Ming, who was sitting beside him, smiled. "You are so romantic, why have you never seen you give me a flower? The balloons didn't see you give me one?"

Su Hao did not dare to make a public announcement for a moment. Gu left and right said to him: "Isn't this balloon environmentally friendly?"

Before the words fell, the surrounding sky suddenly sounded dense explosions, and tens of thousands of balloons exploded at the same moment.

However, there are no longer rose petals inside, but colored plastic pieces of paper that have been cut into fine pieces, and they are falling again and again.

"Tsk tusk," Qiu Ming shook his head, "it is indeed not environmentally friendly. Such a nice place, sprinkled with scraps of paper, really destroys nature."

Wu Jun also nodded, and the rose petals would soon rot and turn into spring mud. It was no problem to sprinkle as much as you like.

But plastic paper is really a bit too much. Some plastics will not be able to degrade in a hundred years.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment.

It seems that today's confession scene of the rich second-generation comrade is destined to be impossible.

Tornado, let's go!

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