The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 865 I was kidnapped?

Zhang Qiao hung a thick rope, holding a large bouquet of bright red roses, slowly falling from the sky.

In order to win Nie Pu's heart, this time he racked his brains and risked his life to prepare a grand confession for her.

Although the Rose Rain just failed, it doesn't matter, he still has a backup plan.

The stereo arranged in the woods had already sounded at this time, the balloons all over the sky exploded hundreds of millions of pieces of colored paper, and his way of appearing from the sky.

He believed that this time Nie Pu would be deeply moved by him.

With a distance of more than 20 meters, he had already seen Nie Pu's happy face.

No matter how rich a woman is, she is also a woman, unable to withstand the sweet words of a man, and even less able to resist this super romantic scene.

So today, he will definitely succeed!

When the rope dropped to a height of more than ten meters, Zhang Qiao settled down.

He asked someone to help him write a confession book, not much in content, but affectionate enough.

At the speed of his descent, when he finished memorizing this confession book, he just fell to the ground, then knelt on one knee, and offered the flowers in his hand to Nie Pu, as well as the huge diamond ring hidden in the flowers.

So he took a deep breath, and was about to read the confession of love aloud when suddenly a gust of wind blew back.

This made him feel annoyed. Today, this wind feels a bit demon. How can he be against me everywhere?

But soon he became even more annoyed, because it was not a normal wind, it looked like... a tornado?

No, how can there be tornadoes in this place, this season?


Zhang Qiao's scream sounded in the wind. At this moment, he was like an out of control bamboo dragonfly, spinning frantically in the air.



At the same time, countless pieces of colored paper around, driven by the wind, also gathered together, and soon formed a long colored dragon.

Zhang Qiao was wrapped in these pieces of paper, ribbons and burst balloons, feeling that his breathing would stop.

What kind of luck daddy is today, let alone confession now, he is already dizzy and wants to vomit.

"Haha..." Jiang Ziyan smiled heartlessly when he looked at him looking so embarrassed, "This guy's way of playing is so special!"

Nie Pu was also amused and laughed.

It's really special, and it's funny.

It's just that this person has done a bit too much, how much money would it cost to create such a big tornado!

Money is not so wasteful.

After all the pieces of paper were gathered together, Wu Jun stopped the wind.

The wind suddenly stopped, countless pieces of paper fell on a clearing with a crash, and Zhang Qiao was also let down at the same time.

It's just that the world is spinning in front of him, walking with turns, and stabilizing his figure after falling down several times in a row.

The white suit was dirty, and the well-groomed hair was shaved into a chicken coop, looking like an escape from famine.

There were only bare branches in the roses in his hand.

"Nie...Nie Pu..." He staggered to Nie Pu and said bluntly, "I...Although my way of playing is a bit strange, my heart for loving you is sincere!"

"You go back and change your clothes quickly," Nie Pu said with a light smile, "and I have already said that we are not suitable, so don't waste money like this in the future."

Zhang Qiao's expression became stiff when he heard it, and it was over, hopeless!

It's all to blame for this damn ghostly weather, it's so clear that the sky is clear, and the wind blows twice inexplicably.

If it's windy, it's windy. It's just his important moment. Isn't it a coincidence?"Nie Pu, I won't give up on you!"

"Give up," Nie Pu said, "By the way, remember to take this pile of rubbish away later."

Faced with Nie Pu’s rejection, Zhang Qiao’s face was full of grief and anger: "Nie Pu, you can’t do this to me! You know I love you, and I can give everything for you!"

Nie Pu frowned slightly, her eyes were already showing a trace of discomfort.

She doesn't like people she doesn't like.

Don't talk about rose rain or balloons, even if she picked the moon in the sky, she still didn't like it.

She really didn't understand, they were all educated people, why didn't she understand this simple truth?

The prince charming of her dreams must be a dragon and a phoenix among people, a hero who can do what ordinary people can't, and be a hero!

It's a pity that this world has long since become superficial and impetuous. It is difficult to make a hero again!

But she would rather not marry forever than to wait forever!

"I have made it very clear, we are not suitable," Nie Pu said with the last patience, "So you don't say anything, it's useless to say more. You go, don't disturb our quietness. "

Seeing Nie Pu turning away mercilessly, Zhang Qiao's eyes flashed with cold light.

In this case, don't blame me. If you said you won't give up, then you will never give up!


Zhang Qiao hummed away, and the surrounding music stopped. The valley returned to the warm and tranquility, only the sound of the gurgling water of the small river, like a sleepless nocturne.

When a huge round moon rose from the horizon, everyone gave the most sincere praise.

The night is as cool as water, and the bright moon is in the sky, vast and vast.

This situation is beautiful.

Looking at the big moon in the sky, Wu Jun was deeply moved.

Who would have thought that he went up for a lap just two days ago.

Unconsciously, everyone fell asleep in a peaceful atmosphere.

Jiang Ziyan was sitting alone in the dark, her eyes flashing. It's already midnight. If a kidnapper is coming, it should be soon too, right?


In the hotel, Zhang Qiao never slept, and he was not in the mood to see the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

He is waiting for news.

Today, after being rejected by Nie Pu again, he has made up his mind to use extraordinary means to take Nie Pu to a deserted place, and he will go to the hero to save the United States.

In a desolate and dangerous place, a woman's psychological defense is the easiest to break, and then he will be able to embrace the beauty!

But there will always be surprises. There is still a large group of people camping next to Nie Pu's camp, so he asked them to investigate the details of these people first, and then see if they want to do it.

Seeing that the screen of the phone lit up, he quickly pressed the answer button.

"How about it, have you checked it out?"

"I checked it out," said over the phone, "it's just a group of ordinary tourists."

Are they just ordinary tourists?

This is easier.

Zhang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was kidnapped for love, it was illegal, and he was still very nervous.

Since it is an ordinary tourist, there is no problem, and there is no big picture.

"Okay, then act quickly!"


In a wood, a dozen dark figures, a short Fatty put down the phone in his hand, his two small eyes are like mice, shining in the dark.

"Brother Wang, what do you say?"

"Hmph, Zhang Qiao, the brain is really flooded," Brother Wang sneered, "Xingshi mobilized the crowd to ask us to take action, but it turned out to be alone with the woman for a period of time. Do you think there is a problem with this brain?

"That woman is very rich, so she doesn't take the opportunity to ask for a ransom, how can she be worthy of a hard trip?"

Someone around immediately responded: "Brother Wang, we will do what you say!"

"Don't worry," Brother Wang shook his head and said, "We have to re-plan."

"What else is there to plan? Isn't it planned long ago?"

"Haha," Wang Ge asked calmly, "Do you know who the group of people in the camp next to the woman are?"

"Who, Brother Wang? Is there more money than Nie Pu?"

"What is Nie Pu?" Brother Wang smiled disdainfully, "The news just came back, and the two bosses of Xizhilin are there!"

"Western Forest?"

Everyone could not help but take a breath.

Xizhilin has been in the limelight over the past two years. I heard that its total assets are now ranked first in China!

This is a big fish... No, this is a whale!

Someone swallowed his saliva, and his voice became a little uneasy: "Brother Wang, can you do this?"

"What are you afraid of?" There was a fierce look in Wang Ge's eyes.

"And we have also investigated. Their group of people are ordinary people, and none of them can fight.

"I don't know that these people are really big-hearted. They are so rich and don't bring a bodyguard when they go out. If they don't get tied up, it would be intolerable!

"You all listen to me. If you succeed this time, our brothers will not be short of money. Then we will go abroad with me to enjoy our blessings!"

"Okay! Brother Wang, since you said that, then the brothers did this vote!"

"Brother Wang, how many shall we tie?"

"Of course, just tie one," Brother Wang said, "both bosses are tied, who will pay?"

"What about Nie Pu?" someone asked, "Since the big boss of the West Forest is here, Nie Pu is trivial. Why not tie it up?"

"Of course we must be tied up," said Brother Wang, "how can we attract Zhang Qiao if we don't tie up Nie Pu? He knows us."

"what do you mean……"

"Let Zhang Qiao be a substitute for the dead ghost," Wang Ge sneered, "When the time comes, there is no proof, and it will be difficult for the police to find us!"

"As expected, Brother Wang, thoughtful."


Under the bright moonlight, a dozen people readjusted their plans and quietly touched Wu Jun and their camp.

A few tens of meters away, someone turned on the gas that can make people stunned quickly and let them drift slowly in the air.

After waiting quietly for more than ten minutes, Brother Wang threw a few stones towards the camp, deliberately making noises.

During the day they saw that there were dogs in that camp.

However, after several trials, there was no response in the camp, and it seemed that the dog was also stunned.


A dozen people rushed into the camp like ghosts of the night.

Jiang Ziyan just smelled the faint breath in the air, her heart was lifted, and she was a little excited.

After waiting most of the night, the kidnappers are finally coming!

But these fascinations were a bit annoying, so she released some Spirit Power to keep Nie Pu in a coma.

She is in a coma, how can we see her fighting the kidnappers bravely?Click--

Suddenly there were a few noises in the woodland. Jiang Ziyan knew that this was the kidnapper's final test, so she quietly got into Nie Pu's tent and gently slapped her to wake her up.


"Hush—" Jiang Ziyan gently covered her mouth, "Someone is here, I want to be against you!"


Nie Pu got out of his sleeping bag, his face turned very ugly.

She had never encountered such a thing before, and it was a wilderness, and she was very scared in her heart.

"Don't worry, I will protect you," Jiang Ziyan said, "Wait later, remember not to run around, there will be nothing wrong."

Nie Pu nodded heavily.

Running around, needless to say, she didn't dare, the woods were so dark.

At this time, a rush of footsteps came from the woods, and bright flashlights shot everywhere.

From the gap in the tent, Jiang Ziyan saw the true faces of the kidnappers and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Who are these guys? Not only are they advancing and retreating well, there is no chaos in the dark, but all of them are armed with guns!

Originally, she still had the confidence to resist by herself, but with so many guns, it would be difficult to handle it.

She didn't worry about herself. With her agility, these guns could hardly hurt her.

But I was afraid that these people were in a hurry, and they shot randomly. There were dozens of people in the camps on both sides. She couldn't accept any shots.

How to do?

Seeing that the kidnappers were getting closer, Jiang Ziyan quickly pulled Nie Pu behind him.

If it doesn't work, let's run away with Nie Pu on his back.

Send her to a safe place first, and then come back to clean up these guys.

But what made Jiang Ziyan stunned was that those kidnappers only kept two of them watching her, and all the others rushed into the camp on Wu Jun's side.

What's happening here?

Wu Jun was also dumbfounded at this time.

Originally he was meditating with his eyes closed, waiting for Jiang Ziyan to show off his power, but the kidnappers did not follow his plan at all. Several black barrels were aimed at him, and then a black cloth bag was placed inside. On his head.


This is clearly not the case in the image. Could it be that the emergence of own changed the direction of the future?

It can only be so.

And the result of a momentary negligence was that he was kidnapped!

Where does this make him go to reason?

I'm sorry Jiang Ziyan, it's not that I don't talk about credit, but that these kidnappers don't play cards according to their routines.

When preparing to put the kidnappers down, the system suddenly said: "Host, please pay attention, as the Supreme Master, please keep your promises and do what you say."

What's the meaning?

"The host and Jiang Ziyan agreed that you can't take action if Nie Pu is not threatened."

Wu Jun: ...I've been kidnapped now. The black cloth bags are all over my head. Can I protect myself?

"The safety of the host is not a major issue."

Wu Jun smiled bitterly. With his current physical condition, it was not easy for these kidnappers to hurt him.

I don't know if those guns can hurt him.

Jiang Ziyan has to come and "rescue" him quickly, otherwise these kidnappers don't know where to get him.

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