"Didn't you say that they came to kidnap me?"

In the tent opposite, Nie Pu's big eyes flickered.

She was really scared just now, but seeing that the kidnapper’s target was not her, she was not so scared anymore.

"Who is there?" Nie Pu asked again.

Jiang Ziyan was also very dumb at this time.

Didn't Wu Jun say that someone kidnapped Nie Pu?

The kidnapper really came, but why did the target become him?

I stayed here with my eyes open and waited for most of the night, and I also vowed to tell Nie Pu that someone was against her, and it ended up like this?

Where do you put my face!

But that's okay, she just didn't know how to deal with those guys' guns. Now that Wu Jun is tied up, she will definitely solve the trouble by herself.

Although the bonus won’t be earned, as long as nothing happens.

But she waited for a long time, but Wu Jun remained motionless, letting the kidnappers put a black cloth bag on him, and then tied a sturdy piece all over his body.

Dahei and Jasmine were not in a coma, but these two guys were lying behind a tent, watching Wu Jun being kidnapped, but not in a hurry, they seemed to be laughing somewhere cheerfully.

What's the situation?

Jiang Ziyan started to be anxious. Which one is Wu Jun playing?

Could it be that he also saw so many guns on the other side, worried that others would be injured by mistake, so he didn't resist at all?


There are more than a dozen people on the other side, and a few of them are on the periphery. They are far away and are not easy to do.

But now is not the time to consider this. As a bodyguard, she must ensure Nie Pu's safety while she is still working.

As for Wu Jun, she believed he would be fine.

Even a few kidnappers can't handle it, he is not Wu Jun anymore.

So she turned to Nie Pu and said, "Quickly, I will carry you away now!"

But when she turned around, she found that there were two more figures inside the tent, and the black hole's muzzle was against the back of Nie Pu's head.

"Leave?" one of Nie Pu's assistants said with a faint smile, "Where do you want to go?"


Jiang Ziyan scolded herself carelessly.

She suspected that there was an insider, but she had always focused on Li Feng and those bodyguards with strength, and perfectly ignored the helpless assistants.

If it were just these two assistants, she would be able to solve it easily now, but at the same time when the two men were in trouble, the two kidnappers waiting nearby also came over.

They have automatic rifles in their hands, and as long as they move slightly, they can sieve people.

She was sure to break through, but she would definitely not be able to carry Nie Pu behind her back.

It seems that for the profession of bodyguards, her experience is still far behind.

"Be honest, put your hands on your head!"

Nie Pu glared at the two assistants who had betrayed her, and put his hands on his head honestly.

Everyone has taught her since she was a child, if she encounters any situation, don't try to make any resistance, because her combat effectiveness is almost zero, and if you follow the kidnapper's words, you can still suffer less.

Jiang Ziyan bit her lip and put her hands on top of her head.

At this moment, a short Fatty walked over, frowned and looked at her face: "I didn't expect you to be quite powerful, and you weren't unconscious."

Jiang Ziyan glared at him without saying a word, but she kept thinking about how to get out.

"But it's really not good for you," said the short Fatty King. "If you are unconscious, you may be able to escape. Now you can only go with us."

Brother Wang said and waved his hand. Someone brought a strong rope, tied up Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu, and then put on a black cloth bag.

"Brother Wang," someone said at this time, "a signal transmitter was found on her body."

"Hmph, a trick of the rich, just find someone to put it on him, and when they wake up and find that something is wrong, we are already far away."

Jiang Ziyan frowned in the bag, this group is really professional.

Nie Pu's signal transmitter, even she did not know where it was hidden, was found out.

"Go, hurry up!"

Someone shoved her from behind.

Jiang Ziyan released Spirit Power, and the scene in front immediately fed back to her mind, allowing her to tell the road ahead even if she was blindfolded.

As she was about to move forward, there was a muffled noise on her head. Someone took something and slammed her on the back of her head, making her head dizzy.

When Jiang Ziyan was bullied like this, her heart burned with anger.

These guys are really insidious, they deliberately said that they would take her away together, made her lower their guard, and then knocked her out.

No, judging from this strength, this is to kill her directly, and most people can't bear such a heavy blow.

She couldn't wait to explode now and squash all these guys to death on the ground, but in the end she still endured it.

If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. At this time, it will break out and the scene will be chaotic, which will hurt others.

So she pretended that her legs were weak and fell to the ground, not forgetting to twitch twice.

Seeing her down, the kidnapper kicked her twice again. Seeing that she was motionless, he smashed her on the head with the butt of the rifle a few times before leaving in a hurry.

For professional kidnappers, there will not be an insignificant person. This is cumbersome, and at the same time it is still an unknown variable.

As for whether Jiang Ziyan will die or not, that is not what they care about. Anyway, it is the last vote. Anyway, it is planned, and the vote will be torn in the end.

So Jiang Ziyan should be dead, and she is lucky if she doesn't die.

After the kidnappers left, Jiang Ziyan got up from the ground fiercely.

Touching the wound on his forehead, Spirit Power was released, the wound healed at an extremely fast speed, and the pain began to ease.

But the wound on her head healed, but her heart was overwhelmed.

I was beaten by a few kidnappers!

He got a headshot!

Actually let people go under their noses and take away the people they want to protect!

What a shame!

This girl is angry, and the consequences are serious!

"You guys, wait for me!!" Jiang Ziyan said fiercely, "This girl will catch up with you right away, pressing you on the ground one by one! Three thousand times!"

At this moment Da Hei and Jasmine walked over together.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Ziyan asked, "Why have you been watching the show just now?"

Da Hei took out his tablet and typed quickly: "The master didn't let us do it. He also asked us to tell you, so you can save him."

"Wait for me to save?" Jiang Ziyan widened her eyes. "What's wrong with him, is he unwell? How can someone be kidnapped?"

"No," the big underworld said, "he said that he has made an agreement with you, and Nie Pu's personal safety is not threatened, so he can't take action."

Jiang Ziyan: ... After doing it for a long time, it seems that I was still wrong?

I knew it was like this, what hooks to pull with him, what kind of sedan chair!

But this person is too hard-hearted, the situation is critical, don't you know how to work around?

Or is he still thinking about making her do meritorious service?

But knowing this, she also relieved her heart, at least Nie Pu would not be in danger anymore.

"Well, then you stay here," she said, "I will catch up now."

After talking about Jiang Ziyan's Spirit Power entwined all over, chasing out of the woods like a gust of wind.

Watching her leave violently, Jasmine couldn't help but worry.

"Old Hei, nothing will happen, she looks very angry."

"If you get a headshot, will you be angry?"

Jasmine thought for a while and said, "I am very worried about the kidnappers. They are in big trouble this time."

"That's what they deserve," the big underworld said, "Let's go, this time it's nothing to do with us, and take good care of the camp."


On a bumpy truck, Wu Jun and Nie Pu were thrown into the carriage. In each of the four corners of the carriage, a person sat alone, watching them vigilantly.

The guns in their hands were not insured, as long as Wu Jun and the others moved slightly, they would shoot immediately.

Wu Jun sensed this situation and said, "I want to drink water! Is there anyone, I want to drink water! I need to go to the toilet!"

A kidnapper narrowed his eyes and nodded to the other three people. One of them walked up, took off the black cloth bag from Wu Jun's head, and put an iron kettle next to his mouth.


Wu Jun took a sip, then turned around and vomited: "What kind of water is this, it smells! Give me mineral water, it's unopened!"


The kidnapper is so angry, it’s not bad to have water for you to drink, you still dislike it, don’t you?

"No more nonsense, I will sew your mouth!"

"Hey," Wu Jun said without fear, "discuss something with you."

"Fart, let it go!"

"She," Wu Jun pointed at Nie Pu with his mouth, "Someone is a big girl, what is she doing with the bag, uncovered, and let her breathe. It will be suffocated later, where can you go and ask for money? ?"

The kidnapper took off Nie Pu's headgear backhand, and then continued to sit in the corner.

Nie Pu could see Wu Jun's face clearly through the faint light in the carriage.

She was always wondering why these kidnappers would be his first target.

"Hi!" Wu Jun said hello with a smile.

"Hi!" Nie Pu responded with a smile, "Hello, my name is Nie Pu, how about you?"

"My name is Wu Jun."

After introducing themselves, the two fell into a short silence.

Wu Jun is a person who doesn't talk very much. In this situation, he doesn't know what to say.

"Um... don't worry, we will go back soon."

"Thank you for your comfort." Nie Lu thought for a while and said, "but I am not so optimistic. We are in the car now, and the people in the camp are in a coma. When they wake up, we will be far away."

"It won't be far, they will blow a tire, right away."

Nie Pu:...Is this a curse attack for you?

"Not only this one, but several other cars will also blow out, and all the tires will blow out."

Nie Pu couldn't help but smile, this man would really comfort people.

But when he said that, she was no longer so nervous.

A few kidnappers wanted to laugh when they heard it. This rich man can really say it, and his heart is so wide. At this time, he still has the heart to tease his sister.

It is possible to say that a tyre burst, but now they have three cars with a total of twelve tyres. Can they all burst?

If it's really like this, it's really hell...

Bang bang--

Suddenly there was an explosion from the bottom of the car, and the truck suddenly crooked, and then came to a halt.

There was also a rapid braking sound from the front and back of the truck.

what's the situation?

Soon someone knocked on the door of the car and shouted outside: "All down, the car has a puncture! It's a hell, why all the tires have blown out at the same time?"

The kidnappers looked at each other, they were really hit by this guy!

And the twelve tires really burst together!

Several people looked at Wu Jun who was smiling at the same time, and suddenly felt a chill rise in his back.

Is this guy so accurate?

This is too weird, right?

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