Nie Pu opened his eyes wide and looked at Wu Jun incredulously.

Just now, she thought that Wu Jun was just to ease the atmosphere, and she casually said a few jokes, and it became real in a blink of an eye!

" did you know?"

Wu Junyun smiled lightly: "I'm a fortune teller, this matter has already arrived."

Nie Pu: ......Then have you calculated that we will be kidnapped?

I wanted to ask a few more questions, but several kidnappers violently escorted them out of the car.

The three cars parked askew on a dirt road, surrounded by desolate mountains, under the bright moonlight, like the pitch-black backs of beasts.

The kidnapper leader looked at the tires of the car in a desperate manner.

According to the information provided by Zhang Qiao, the scenic area was quiet, and no one called the police.

So until just now, their plan went well, and it was even perfect.

The result was a puncture suddenly!

And there were twelve bursts all at once, even if they were fully prepared, they didn't have so many spare tires.

"Quickly, pack your things and walk!" Brother Wang felt that things were a bit weird, so he shouted, "There is a market town over this mountain. Go there and find a way."

Nie Pu sighed. She was most afraid of walking, and she didn't want to walk more in the city, let alone in this desolate mountain.

"Don't move!" Wu Jun suddenly whispered at this moment, "You just stand here, don't move no matter what happens, don't be afraid, um...turn your head a little and look at my shoulder."

Nie Pu maintained a somewhat awkward posture: "Are you trying to say... your shoulders are very broad?"

Wu Jun: …girl, you are still in the mood to joke at this time. It seems that you have a good psychological quality.

"I'm not telling you a joke," Wu Jun said. "There will be a landslide. You can keep this position and avoid all the rocks."


Nie Pu blinked. Just now Wu Jun said that he had a flat tire.

Now he is talking about landslides, mountains... are they so easy to collapse?

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the nearby mountain, which aroused the vigilance of the kidnappers.

"what sound?"

Some people looked up at the mountain, but after a while, someone suddenly yelled, "It's a rock! A rock has rolled down!"


"It's too late, hide behind the car!"


The scene was suddenly busy, and no one cared about Wu Jun and Nie Pu.

The mountain next to it is relatively steep. The rock rolls down and hits it casually. It's a deadly rhythm. It's too late to escape. Who cares about others?

The kidnappers hid behind the vehicles one after another, hoping that these useless vehicles could help them withstand the danger.

However, there are too many rocks rolling down the mountain. There are hundreds of pieces that are more than hundreds of thousands of catties visually, and there are countless small ones. They are densely rolled down, like someone pouring a bowl on a small slope. Different beans.

The force of inertia makes these stones full of destructive power, and everything they pass is invincible.


The two smaller cars were directly smashed into a big pie, and the people hiding behind were killed before they had time to make a pit.

The truck was also smashed beyond recognition, but due to its large size, it was temporarily able to withstand it.

Nie Pu's face paled with fright.

Just now, several big rocks rolled past her feet.

Such a big stone, if it hits her, it will turn into a meatloaf, okay?

But the stones seemed to have eyes. She was standing there, but she didn't hit her...

Even one of them was obviously pressed over the back of her instep, and as a result, there was a hole in the stone, which perfectly avoided her foot.

Not to mention some small stones, there are several flying past her ears!

If she hadn't been so frightened, she might have moved.

But it is conceivable that with so many stones falling, as long as she moves around, at least it will be a disfigured ending.

Seeing that the stones were gradually dwindling, she moved her gaze from Wu Jun's shoulder to his face.

This person... is so powerful, how does he know where the stone will fall from?

And at this time, he looked like he hadn't seen these deadly stones at all, and he changed his posture leisurely.

This calmness and calmness, not chaos in the face of danger, made Nie Pu admire him well.

Although this year is not young, she has never had a boyfriend. She is waiting for a heroic Prince Charming to appear.

Will it be him?

This thought made her face flushed and her breathing was a little short.

Wu Jun didn't notice her expression at this time. The falling rocks just now covered at least a hundred meters in width, and the density was also terrifying.

It can be said that if there are no trucks to cover them, none of these kidnappers will survive.

Is this Jiang Ziyan made?

If it is, then the girl's anger this time seems to be a bit big.

"The soul is pale!"

Brother Wang walked out from the back of the truck with the remaining few people, staring at Wu Jun with a ferocious expression on his face.

Good point, how come so many rocks fell on the mountain?

If this was an accident, he would never believe it!

But if not, who is the one who made these stones?

It certainly wouldn't be these two people. With so many stones just now, they would also die.

But the strange thing is that these two guys are really dead.

They hid behind the truck, and some of them were injured by small rocks, but these two were unscathed.

This luck is also heaven-defying!

"Brother Wang, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do, there is something wrong with this place, hurry up!"

It's a mass puncture again, and it's full of rocks and mountains. It would be weird if it was right.

So Brother Wang decided to leave here as quickly as possible.

"But those who were smashed to death..."

"I can't even control myself! What are you doing hollow?" Wang Ge said angrily.

He is now anxious, if he doesn't leave here, the ghost knows that something will happen again.

"People die for money. Since they have done this, they have to have the consciousness to die at any time, and they can be considered to have died well."

A few hands looked at each other, of course, Xindao died well enough, most of the people died, and the rest can be divided into more money.

"We still have eight people. It's not too bad. At least half of our lives will survive." Brother Wang continued to cheer up the rest. It's time to talk."

"Brother Wang," a subordinate reminded in a low voice, "We seem to have only seven people left."

Brother Wang frowned. He had counted clearly just now, including him. There were eight people in total. How could it become seven?

He turned his head and saw that there were three on his left, and on his right... there were still only three.

Adding himself, there are exactly seven people.

its not right!

Brother Wang opened the insurance with a click and looked around warily.

He will never remember it wrong, he also deliberately remembered just now, who has survived.

But why is one missing suddenly?

"Wu Mazi, where did you die?" Brother Wang shouted, "Hurry up and die for me, or you can stay here!"

The surroundings were quiet, and the only answer to him was the slight wind in his ears.

Even if a few kidnappers have experienced strong winds and waves, killed people, and seen blood, they still feel terrified at this time.

Is this a ghost?

To be honest, killing or something is really nothing to them.

But this kind of invisible and intangible thing, let alone guns, is useless when the planes and cannons come, and it is in this deserted place, which really makes people chill from the bottom of their hearts.

"Don't panic!" Brother Wang deserves to be the leader, knowing that you must not mess around at this time. If someone is secretly messing up, they may lose all the games. Be careful!"

But when he went down and checked around, he leaned against the truck himself.

There is something blocking it, it feels safer.

Nie Pu was also frightened. Girls are naturally afraid of these things.

So she quietly moved closer to Wu Jun, and asked in a voice that only two of them could hear: "Could there be real ghosts?"

"Well, yes," Wu Jun smiled, "still a female ghost."

Nie Ling swallowed a sip of water and leaned against him again, almost squeezing onto him.

Wu Jun sighed inwardly. The woman is indeed an incomprehensible creature. So many stones can still be calm just now. The ghost hasn't come out yet, and it turns out to be scared.

So he whispered: "Look behind that short Fatty, underfoot."

Nie Pu tried to look over, but almost scared the three souls and seven souls.

She saw a pair of white and tender hands stretched out from under the truck behind Dwarf Fatty, grabbed his feet, like a weasel stealing a chicken, and dragged him under the truck at once.

Everything was completed within two seconds, and silently, the other kidnappers didn't notice it at all.


Nie Pu couldn't help it anymore, screaming loudly, and plunged into Wu Jun's arms.

There are real ghosts in this world, it's terrible!

too horrible!

The remaining kidnappers were also taken aback by her and ran back instantly.

"what is it call?"

"Where is the ghost?"

"There..." Nie Pu said with a cry, "the car...under the car..."

Several kidnappers stepped back abruptly and aimed their guns under the truck.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement under the car.

"No, where's Brother Wang?"

At this time someone finally found out that one more person was missing.

"He was standing here just now, could it be..."

As he was talking, a figure rustled out from under the car.


I don't know who didn't hold it back, and shot over, opening the man's head.

But the man didn't mean to stop, he was still drilling outside.

The remaining kidnappers were frightened, their heads exploded, and people could still move. There are ghosts as well as ghosts!


I don't know who screamed, and the remaining six people ran away in an instant, even Wu Jun and the others couldn't take care of them.

Nonsense, at this time, I still think about how to escape. Leave two people there, maybe I can delay some time.

Nie Pu was also trembling with fright, and almost fainted on Wu Jun's shoulder.

"Okay, it's okay," Wu Jun said, "You too, come out quickly and pretend to be a fool."

"Hehe, just kidding." Jiang Ziyan got out from under the truck at once, "If you don't distract them, divert their attention, I won't be able to start."

When Nie Pu heard her voice, he felt full of blood instantly, which was so reassuring.

"Zi Yan, is it you?"

She was really surprised and didn't expect it at all.

She and Wu Jun have been in the truck for at least an hour. It is estimated that they are hundreds of kilometers away. Jiang Ziyan seems to have no transportation. How did she catch up?

Or is she hanging from the truck all the time?

And when she dragged the guy under the car just now, why didn't that person make a sound?

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