The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 868 What plane to buy?

Nie Pu chose Jiang Ziyan as her bodyguard, not because she was very good.

In fact, when choosing a bodyguard, she didn't know anything about Jiang Ziyan's ability. At that time, it was because she was young and looked very cute.

Such a small and cute girl is coming to be a bodyguard, fighting and killing, her family must be very difficult.

So she was moved with compassion.

She didn't lack such a bodyguard, let alone the tens of thousands of dollars a month, just as she was looking for a little Little Sister to speak with her.

It turns out that she still didn't see the wrong person.

Jiang Ziyan is usually silly and cute. She is a good chat partner, and she does things well.

In the camp before, she was able to perceive the danger in advance, and even to escape with her back at critical moments.

As a result, she did not expect her skill to be so powerful!

Only special soldiers can do the silent dragging hand just now, right?

If it weren't for her this time, she still wouldn't know what to do.

"It's great, are you hurt?"

Jiang Ziyan patted the dust on her body, and said embarrassingly: "I'm fine, I'm sorry, boss, I frightened you today."

"It's okay, I'm fine." Nie Pu asked curiously, "Why are you here? Didn't you get knocked unconscious in the camp?"

Jiang Ziyan laughed and didn't say anything. For some things, it's better not to say too clearly.

"Things are done well, but the consideration is still not thoughtful," Wu Jun smiled. "It's right to blow the tires, but the stone just now is too dangerous. You are not afraid of smashing your boss?"

"Huh?" Jiang Ziyan was taken aback. "You didn't get the stone?"

Wu Jun's eyes narrowed slightly. Didn't she make it?

There are others on the mountain!

So he exerted a gentle force, and the ropes that tied him were instantly broken by him. At the same time, he stepped on the ground with his feet, and disappeared in front of them with a whistle.

Nie Pu's eyes almost fell.

The surprise Nie Pu gave her just now was already great, but she never expected that the person who had been by her, this was no longer a human being.

Jump more than 20 meters in one step, is this still a human?

"Zi Yan, who is this person?"

Jiang Ziyan blinked, thinking that you are leaning on his shoulder, don't you know who he is?

Can your heart be bigger?

"This is a long story. Let's find a place to talk slowly."


Wu Jun rushed up the mountainside at a very fast speed and found that there were no landslides. The ground was full of broken steel wire meshes. Someone should have used them to hold the rocks, thinking that it had caused a disaster.

But the terrain here is steep, and just moving so many stones over is a huge project.

Not one or two people can do it.

Is this wanting his life or Nie Pu's life?

Was it premeditated, or was it a temporary intention?

It shouldn't be a temporary motive. He and Nie Pu were kidnapped for only an hour. In such a short period of time, it would be difficult for him to make such a big trap.

If it was the person who had planned and arranged these things, how did he know that he or Nie Pu would pass by here?

Heavenly Eyes!


Everything on the scene can be seen in the past.

Wu Jun flipped forward to look at the video and found that someone really started to prepare a few days ago.

There are a lot of people, at least one hundred to dozens, and they also use large trucks, hoists and other automated machinery.

After the trap preparations were completed, these people all evacuated, leaving only one person here.

This person took the binoculars and saw that the vehicle entered the trap area, he opened the mechanism, and thousands of tons of stones rolled down.

Then this person didn't care about the result, so he ran away.

It shouldn't run far.

Wu Jun quickly chased after him, and over the top of the mountain, he suddenly smelled blood in the air.

The person who opened the mechanism just now fell into a deep pit, the bottom of which was covered with spikes, and he had already passed through his internal organs at this time.

After using the eye of the heavenly machine again, Wu Jun discovered that this pit trap was also dug by the group of people before.

But the person who opened the agency seemed to have lost his life without knowing it.

There are several other similar pit traps nearby.

Wu Jun couldn't help but think of this term.

In this way, it is too difficult to trace the culprit.

He estimated that the more than one hundred coolies didn't know anything, they were just a bunch of money to do things.

As for the people who organized them, they must have already been wiped out.

Wu Jun jumped into the sinkhole and searched the person, but found nothing useful.

But he has a feeling that these people are not directed at him.

Because there was no Spirit Power left at the scene, and there was a grudge against him, the only person who wanted to put him to death now seemed to be Feng Qi.

Would Feng Qi think that thousands of tons of falling rocks could kill him?

Certainly not, Fengqi is not a fool.

It seems that Nie Pu's trouble this time is a bit big.

Back down the mountain, Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu hid behind a large stone, their eyebrows were flying, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

It turned out to be a scene with two women. In this case, you can still have such a happy chat.

Seeing him back, the two stopped immediately, and Nie Pu's eyes looked at him a little more brilliant.

Jiang Ziyan only said something to her, which was trivial in her opinion, because she knew Wu Jun didn't like publicity.

She didn't dare to say anything about the boss of the West Forest, or against the big consortium, but even so, Nie Pu felt astonished as Deva.

so amazing!

And now there are too few people so willing to see injustice!

Had it not been for the two being five or six years old, she would have been moved by Wu Jun.

No, in fact, she has already moved her heart, just think that no matter how you look at it, it's impossible between them, right?

"How about it?" Jiang Ziyan asked.

"Nothing useful," Wu Jun replied, "Let's go, go back early."

"How to go back? The car is broken."

"How can I go back? Naturally, I ran back," Wu Jun said, "You carry her on your back."


Jiang Ziyan narrowed her mouth. Under normal circumstances, isn't it the man to go on?

Isn't it a bit gentlemanly?

And look at Nie Pu's longing little eyes, tusk!

No wonder some people say that the eyes are the Changto of the soul, so numb and so direct!

So she touched Wu Jun's shoulder quietly, and whispered: "Maybe she wants a thicker shoulder?"

Wu Jun frowned: "Aren't your shoulders wide enough?"

Jiang Ziyan: [○・`Д´・○]……

Do you mean I am fat?


At this time, there was the sound of a humming propeller in the distant sky, and a helicopter quickly landed on the road not far away.

Two people got off the plane.

One was Li Feng. Seeing that Nie Pu was safe and sound, she felt relieved for a long time.

This time Nie Pu was tied up, no matter whether she participated or not, she has an unshirkable responsibility.

One is that there are traitors among the assistants she manages, and the other is that she gave Zhang Qiao news, which indirectly led to this result.

Now that Zhang Qiao is under control, Nie Pu has more than one signal transmitter on his body, and the person protecting her is not the few on the surface.

Soon after Nie Pu's signal left the camp, these people noticed something was wrong and immediately launched an action.

The person walking in front of Li Feng was a man in a suit. He looked forty years old. His face was thin and his eyes were deep, but his face was not very good, and he was a little pale.

He is Nie Pu's father, Nie Cang.

Before Nie Pu's family was traveling nearby, it was Nie Pu's whim to go to Kanas Lake to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival, so he left the family team and triggered the event tonight.

Nie Cang turned a blind eye to the big rocks, smashed cars, and the bloody corpses, and walked straight to Nie Pu.

I have to say that this person's aura is really too strong, and he feels that his body is covered with knives, and his aura is compelling. Jiang Ziyan has subconsciously retreated half a step.

"Dad..." Nie Pu whispered.

"Well, are you okay?"


"It's fine," Nie Cang nodded, "Get on the plane and go back."

Nie Pu nodded, then turned to look at Wu Jun and Jiang Ziyan, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

But in the end he didn't say anything, he just nodded lightly to them, and then walked towards the plane accompanied by Li Feng.

"You saved my daughter, and I am extremely grateful for that!" Nie Cang said, "but she shouldn't need two for her safety in the future."

Nie Cang said, took out the checkbook and pen from his pocket, and scribbled two checks, both of which were one million dollars.

"I can only use this cliché method to express my gratitude, and please forgive Nie for the abruptness."

Jiang Ziyan was stunned.

It stands to reason that she has been busy for so long tonight, and she originally went for the bonus.

But don't know why, she didn't want to take the money at this time.

It's not that Nie Cang speaks arrogantly. In fact, he is already very cultivated to be able to say this to a little bodyguard.

But it may seem too blunt, Jiang Ziyan will feel awkward.

Maybe it's not used to this way of speaking.

"Take it," Wu Jun smiled. "One, I don't need one."

Jiang Ziyan nodded and accepted a check, but his eyes were looking at the plane, but Nie Pu had already boarded the plane, and it was dark inside and could not see anything.

Wu Jun didn't ask for a check, and Nie Cang didn't say much.

Sometimes it is very impolite to force others to take money.

"Those two, Mr. Nie thank you again," Nie Cang said, "When I send Nie Pu to a safe place, let the helicopter come to pick you up."

Wu Jun smiled and refused: "No, someone will pick us up right away."

"Well, you two take care."

After speaking, Nie Cang turned and left, and soon disappeared into the vast night sky.

"Tsk tsk, rich people are different!" Jiang Ziyan sighed, "flying around."


"You said you are so rich, why don't you get a plane?" Jiang Ziyan asked, "Isn't that much more convenient?"

Wu Jun imagined that Da Hei was sitting in the cockpit and driving the plane, Jasmine was sitting in the co-pilot eating chocolate, he was cooking hot pot in the cabin, Fang Heng was blowing his hair in the mirror next to him, and the plane was swirling in the sky...

The picture is too beautiful, so forget it.

Besides, he will fly with Yujian in the future. What kind of plane will he buy?

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