A remote mountain village in Zhejiang Province.

Surrounded by green hills and shady trees.

In the early morning, the fog is misty, like a fairyland.

The small river in front of the door flows, and the ducks are pecking in the water, and it is full of joy.

A young woman wearing sandals and slippers, with a shawl of hair, is Nie Pu.

Holding a red bucket in her hand, she walked from an old house to the river, as if going to the river to wash clothes.

This is Nie Cang's hometown. He hasn't been back for many years, but he still remembers the plants and trees here.

At this moment, he knew very well in his heart that this was the nightmare he had been having all this time in his dream, and everything in front of him was fake.

But despite this, he was still full of anxiety and fear.

In this dream, he could not move, nor could he make any sound.

I could only watch Nie Pu walk to the river and wash his clothes in the clear water. A fierce monster suddenly rushed out of the calm river, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and dragged Nie Pu down the river.

A lot of red rolls up from the bottom of the water, and Nie Pu's always white arms are struggling in the air on the river surface, as if trying to catch something, and as if waiting for him to save.

But no matter how anxious he was, no matter how painful he was, he couldn't change everything, he could only watch Nie Pu's arm, and eventually he was submerged in the water and never seen again.

If it was just an occasional nightmare, at most Nie Cang felt scared after waking up.

But the strange thing is that during this period of time, as long as he falls asleep, he will enter this dream state.

Everything in the dream is exactly the same, he also sinks into pain and despair time and time again, and then wakes up from the dream.

Later, before he woke up from the nightmare, he faintly heard many familiar voices talking.

"This is the end if you don't keep the marriage contract."

"Even if you don't get eaten by monsters, you will be hit and killed by a car!"


At this time, Nie Pu in his dream had already reached the river and was about to step on the black stone stairs.

Nie Cang wanted to close his eyes and stop looking at the scene that had been repeated for an unknown number of times, but he again found weakly that he couldn't do it.

In this dream, he is a bystander, and an absolute bystander.

Can't escape!

I could only watch Nie Pu being dragged by the monster into the river again, showing a desperate arm on the surface of the water. This was an absolute pain and torment for him.


The familiar sound of breaking the water sounded, and Nie Cang's heart began to bleed.

An ugly mouth of the blood basin, showing hideous and terrifying teeth, bit at Nie Li.

Sorry daughter, dad wants to save you, but dad is really helpless!

Nie Cang cried out in pain in his heart, his heart twisted like a knife.

At this moment, a Daoist shadow suddenly appeared behind Nie Pu, kicking on the nose of the unknown monster.


The monster was kicked and flew upside down, falling into the river and disappearing.

How is this going?

Nie Cang couldn't help but was stunned. Today's dream is actually different from before!Nie Lu was not eaten by the monster, but squatted down on the rock by the river, and continued to wash her clothes, as if nothing happened just now.

And a slender figure, standing beside her, was smiling at him.

"It's you?"

Unconsciously, Nie Cang suddenly spoke, although it was just two simple words, it made him madly surprised.

He couldn't talk before in dreams!

"It seems that this is the nightmare you are having recently," Wu Jun said with a smile, "It is indeed heartbreaking."

"You... how did you get here?"


Yes, the ring!

Nie Cang suddenly realized that Wu Jun had given him a ring before, and he wore it on his finger.

"What the hell is going on?" Wu Jun asked, "Can you tell me from beginning to end?"


Nie Cang settled, even though he knew it was in a dream, he nodded.

He has no other way now, this is his last straw, so even if there is only one billionth of hope, he will not give up!

"I started this dream more than half a month ago."

Nie Cang talked slowly.

At first, he thought it was just an ordinary nightmare and didn't care.

But in the next few days, he would have this same nightmare every day, and in the next few days, he would enter this dream as long as he fell asleep.

"I started to be scared. I believe this is not a coincidence. There will never be such a coincidence in the world," Nie Cang said, "I went to find a few gentlemen, but no one can help me."

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed at the villagers who were surrounded by familiar faces.

"Later I heard what they said, and I suddenly understood." Nie Cang continued, "Nie Pu and Song Qian are indeed baby relatives. Our two families have a very good relationship and have close business cooperation. The two are about the same age. His father and I decided this marriage half-jokingly.

"But as a father, I absolutely respect my daughter's wishes and will not force her to be with Song Qian.

"So I keep telling myself that this is just a dream, everything will pass, everything will be fine.

"Until Nie Pu was kidnapped that day, this was the last straw that crushed me."

"So you really think that if Nie Pu doesn't marry Song Qian, she will die?" Wu Jun asked.

"I can't help it either," Nie Cang said, "You have seen it too. This dream is too weird and too real. Even if I take sleeping pills, it doesn't work, I'm going to be driven crazy!

"Song Qian is a good boy. Although the two have little contact, they will definitely get better in the future, at least better than... lifeless, right?"

Wu Jun shook his head. It is no wonder that Nie Cang uncharacteristically did something that everyone can't understand, but he couldn't give everyone a proper reason.

Because this kind of thing is so weird, no one will believe it.

Looking at Nie Cang's face that seemed to be momentarily old, Wu Jun felt something.

Pity the parents of the world.

"But you shouldn't conceal this kind of thing," Wu Jun said. "You think it is concealed, and it is for the good of everyone and Nie Pu to bear the pressure and pain alone.

"Actually you were wrong.

"I think if you told Nie Pu clearly about this earlier, she would definitely understand you, and would help think of a solution together, maybe it would have been resolved long ago."

"How can she solve it?" Nie Cang didn't believe it. "She is a kid who doesn't understand anything. These things are so terrible, how can I let her take care of them?

"She only wants Wu You's carefree life."

Wu Jun shook his head again. In the eyes of his parents, will children always be children?

He still can't understand this way of thinking.

But he could understand Nie Pu and believed that she would be willing to share this terrible thing with Nie Cang.

"Because she has friends."

"Friend?" Nie Cang asked in a daze, "Are you talking about you? Can you really help us solve it?"

"Her friends are not just me." Wu Jun said, "However, if there is anyone in this world who can help you, then I am at least one of them, and the most powerful one."

Just as Nie Cang wanted to say something more, the villagers surrounding him suddenly pointed at Wu Jun and cursed.

"Don't believe him, he is a liar!"

"Get out, our Niejia Village does not welcome outsiders!"

"Nie Lu must marry Song Qian, otherwise he will die immediately!"


Being pointed out by Qianfu, Wu Jun smiled indifferently, and said lightly: "Get out!"

Nie Cang posted in surprise that those familiar faces and figures had actually disappeared from the surroundings!

He can no longer hear the sounds that upset him.

This is really amazing!

Is this still dreaming?

he does not know.

He worried that this was also a dream, and after leaving, that nightmare would come back again, shattering his last hope.

"Do you have any enemies, or business competitors?" Wu Jun asked.

Just now he sensed that this dream is controlled by a trace of Mental Energy, but it is not Fengqi's Mental Energy, but a strange and resentful Mental Energy.

So he was a little suspicious that someone wanted to use this method to attack Nie Cang.

Human willpower is a wonderful thing.

It can be seen from Nie Cang's images that his willpower is very strong and firm.

Since the death of Nie Pu's mother, he has been devoted to business, and he has not even gone out to find a woman.

Such people are often terrible, so the opponent may not be completely sure. This time is also a temptation, or the first step.

As long as Nie Cang compromises, it is equivalent to destroying Nie Cang's firm will, and it will be easy to control him with his dreams in the future.

But Nie Cang thought for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"There must be business opponents, but they are not to such an extent," Nie Cang returned. "As for the enemy, I should be a bit straighter, but I still pay attention to proportion. Enmity with others."

If there is no enemy, then this matter is a bit intriguing.

Wu Jun remembered the car accident tomorrow.

It can also be seen that this car accident was not a simple accident, but the drivers at the scene, who were confused at the same time, and should have been attacked by Mental Energy.

But if Nie Pu and Song Qian were on the bridge at the same time, it means that Nie Cang has compromised and insisted on their marriage. Why did the other party create such a disaster?

And in this disaster, Nie Cang died.

Was his death an accident, or was it deliberate?

If it is a deliberate arrangement, why not directly deal with Nie Cang and spend so much effort to implant his dream?

A person who can use Mental Energy to attack, wants to make Nie Cang something, don't be too simple.Everything is like a layer of mist. How to break this layer of mist?

Wu Jun thought for a while, and finally found a direction.


No matter what you do, there will be a purpose.

What is the purpose of this man who implanted dreams into Nie Cang and caused misfortunes?

Nie Cang?

Nie Pu?

Song Qian?

No, these are too restrictive.

Wu Jun felt that perhaps he should jump out of this range and think about a larger and broader perspective.

Whether it’s a dream, a car accident, or a certain person, it’s actually not an end, but just a necessary means to achieve an end?

Since it is a means, it will serve the purpose closely, so there must be something in common, or intersection, between them.

Nie Cang, Nie Pu, Song Qian... What do these people have in common?

A name that had been ignored before, faintly emerged in Wu Jun's mind.

Tang Wu.

Song Qian's girlfriend.

She and Song Qian are boy and girl friends, and Nie Pu is a rival in love. It is also very likely that she will retaliate against the two because of love and hatred, and cause misfortune on the bridge.

But Wu Jun was not sure.

Because on the surface, she and Song Qian get along very well, and they have already talked about marriage, so she is the real victim!


Wu Jun remembered the gold shop robbery in Xilin City, where the people who committed the crime were actually victims of being exploited.

"I see," Wu Jun said to Nie Cang, "that's it for today."

"You..." Nie Cang asked, "Then what should I do next?"

"It depends on your own decision," Wu Jun smiled. "You may be able to talk to your daughter first."

After Wu Jun's Mental Energy left his dream, he said to Song Qian in the driver's seat: "I have some questions for you, and you have to answer me truthfully."

Song Qian nodded sincerely, and now he regards Wu Jun as a life-saving straw, he will not conceal anything, and there is nothing to conceal.

"Master, just ask if you have anything."

Wu Jun turned his head and looked into his eyes: "What kind of person is your girlfriend Tang Wu?"

"Pretty, gentle, considerate... treats me well and caring," Song Qian replied without even thinking about it, "I know she is the woman who loves me the most in the world, and loves me more than my mother!

"So in this life, I don't want her to marry!"

"Are there any shortcomings?" Wu Jun asked, "I'm talking about character shortcomings."

"Character shortcomings?" Song Qian frowned, thinking for a long time, "If she has to say anything, she just likes to be jealous. As long as I talk a few more words with other girls, she will be angry."

Song Qian smiled and continued: "But I don't think this is a shortcoming to me, and I am not the kind of person who likes to get rid of flowers, and I am sincere to her..."

Listening to Song Qian's words, Wu Jun suddenly felt a little worried.

Love to the extreme is hate.

The deeper the love, the stronger the hatred.

You may be in trouble this time.

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