The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 872: This Is Your Plan?

Nie Cang suddenly woke up on the sofa in the living room, opened his eyes and looked around blankly.

Was it really a dream just now?

What the young man said to him in the dream, are they true? Can it be achieved?

He gently rubbed the ring on his hand, and the cool feeling made his thinking clearer than ever.

The young man was right. He did not handle this matter well enough. He shouldn't hide anything from Nie Pu, so he made his own decision without authorization. This is unfair to Nie Pu.

So he decided that no matter what the result was, he would make it clear to Nie Pu tonight.

So he walked upstairs gently and knocked on Nie Pu's door.

"Dad, it's so late, is there anything else for you?"

Nie Cang lowered his head and did not find Jiang Ziyan hiding in the bed: "I have something to tell you."

"Then let's go to the living room and talk..."

"No need, just say it here." Nie Cang was afraid that the longer he procrastinated, he would lose the courage to tell the truth. "In fact, this time, it was all because of a dream of Dad..."

After listening to what Nie Cang said, both Nie Pu and Jiang Ziyan's eyes went straight.

Is it because of a nightmare that Nie Pu be engaged or married to someone who has no close relationship and affection?

Although this nightmare is really scary, and it repeats once you fall asleep, it is indeed crazy.

However, dreams are just dreams, not reality!

"Xiao Pu, I'm sorry," Nie Cang said the matter, and suddenly felt the mountain weighed down in his heart and was moved away. "Dad is wrong, I should discuss it with you sooner."

"It's okay dad," Nie Pu smiled, "I know you are also good for me."

"Then..." Nie Cang paused and asked, "How do you decide now?"

"Of course I'm not engaged!" Jiang Ziyan couldn't help it. She lifted the quilt and jumped off the bed. "You said you are such a big man, why are you so confused?

"It's just a dream, don't you care about Nie Pu's lifelong happiness?"

Nie Cang saw that someone suddenly jumped off the bed and his hair was about to explode.

After seeing that it was Jiang Ziyan, he was relieved.

"I know I'm wrong, didn't I come to apologize?" Nie Cang said with a wry smile, "But this is too weird, I really don't know what to do."

"Didn't Wu Jun come to see you?"

"Wu Jun?" Nie Cang frowned slightly, "You mean the young man who was with him that day?"

"Yes," Jiang Ziyan said, "he is very powerful, he is willing to help you, there is nothing that can't be solved in this world!"

Seeing Nie Cang stunned, Jiang Ziyan asked again: "What about the other person? Wouldn't didn't see him?"

Nie Cang said in his heart, he saw him.

The first time he drove him out directly, and the second time he was in a dream."Just now he suddenly walked into my study room, I was a little frightened, and his attitude was indeed a bit bad."

"Then you are over," Jiang Ziyan narrowed her mouth. "That person was stingy. You drove him away. I want him to help you again. It's probably very difficult!"

Nie Cang was anxious when he heard it, and he was overwhelmed with annoyance. Why didn't he think about it at the time?

There are so many bodyguards guarding outside, and there are a lot of various alarm devices around the house, but Wu Jun can easily walk into his study without any movement at all. This is simply not something ordinary people can do!

"Then Zi Yan, what should I do now, do you see if there is room for change?"

"Yes, Ziyan," Nie Pu also said, "I don't think Wu Jun is a prudent person. Do you have his contact information? I personally apologize to him."

"There's more," Nie Cang raised his hand. "When he left just now, he gave me a ring and said it was lent to me. Then I saw him in my dream and told me about it. Lots of words."

Jiang Ziyan wrinkled her nose when she saw his ring.

She just said that Wu Jun was stingy, but she actually thought that Wu Jun was stingy, but to give Nie Cang a vaccination first.

Sometimes, the more rare things are, the more precious they are.

If Wu Jun is described as Bodhisattva's heart-warming rescuer, then everyone thinks that he should help out, and that it should be solved if the matter is solved, but if it can't be solved, then it is his fault.

I am doing this for your own good, Jiang Ziyan said in her heart.

"Well, I'll give it a call and try."

Jiang Ziyan dialed Wu Jun's phone, and Wu Jun was on the roadside outside the community. After receiving the call, he and Song Qian went to Nie Cang's living room again.

Meeting again, Nie Cang's attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

"Master, I was too rude just now, I apologize to you here!"

"No," Wu Jun said, "I'm not such a stingy person."

Nie Cang sighed when he heard that, the more he said he was not stingy, the more stingy he might be!

This is similar to a drunk person who likes to say that he is not drunk.

For a while, he became more and more worried, wondering what Wu Jun would do, whether he was going to hit him on purpose, or was he going to take the opportunity to get more rewards?

After all, this kind of thing can't be solved by ordinary people, and he only has to let Wu Jun slaughter him.

"Master," Nie Cang said simply after he figured this out, "Let's see how much money does it cost?"

Wu Jun frowned. Is this a money problem?

This time things were completely lost, he was enjoying the process of finding out the truth.

Besides, is he short of this money?

Even if Nie Cang put all his fortune in front of him, he couldn't cause any waves in his heart.

No way, his strength is not allowed. Before he knows he is already the richest man in China.

So he waved his hand and said: "If you can pass the barrier smoothly this time, you can do more charity in the future. It's not just a donation, but charity in the true sense. I think you should understand."

"Understood! I understand!"

Wu Jun nodded, he believed that Nie Cang would do what he said.

It is precisely because he thinks that Nie Cang is not bad, that he is willing to take care of this matter.

"Well, it happens that Song Qian is here. I have a plan. Tomorrow we will act according to the plan."


The next morning, the autumn was still high and the sky was clear.

The engagement ceremony of Nie Lu and Song Qian was arranged on an island at the mouth of the Dajiang River.

After the two convoys merged, they left the city and drove on a bridge over the river.

Just after they got on the bridge, several vehicles of various kinds followed them, and then they drove side by side on the road at a very slow speed, causing the cars behind to honked their horns.

But no matter how manic the drivers behind them, or even someone coming out of the skylight to scold them, these cars seemed to have not heard them, and they were firmly blocked behind.

This left the front and back of Nie Cang and Song Qian's caravan empty, with no other vehicles within a few hundred meters.

Song Qian sat in the co-pilot of the front car, wearing a formal dress with flowers tied to his chest, and his expression calm.

Nie Lu was sitting in the second car, and Nie Cang and Song Qian's parents were in the third car.

Song Qian's parents didn't know that something big happened today, so they looked happy at this time. After all, the marriage between the two families was a bit hasty, but it was a good thing to count.

But the sweat in the palm of Nie Cang's palms kept coming, the air-conditioning in the car was at its lowest, and his white shirt was all soaked. He kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a tissue.

He wanted to calm himself, but found that he couldn't do it.

Because Wu Jun said last night that someone would attack their convoy on this bridge today.

Moreover, in order to bring out the real behind-the-scenes, he insisted not to change the route and time, and let Song Qian and Nie Pu walk in the forefront, acting as bait.

Although they have repeatedly assured that there will be nothing wrong with the two of them, but care is chaotic. As a father, how can Nie Cang really feel completely relieved?

"In-law, are you feeling well?"

"It's okay, I haven't had a good rest these past few days. I got up in the morning and sweated a little bit."

"Then you have to make up for it," Song Qian's father smiled, "I have a 300-year-old ginseng when I look back. Take it for the stew."

Nie Cang was about to respond when he heard a banging crash. The two cars in front of him didn’t know the reason. They twisted and twisted on the road, hit the railings on both sides, and their lights all fell off. Down.


Before Nie Cang and Song Qian's parents had time to get out of the car, Song Qian's car smashed through the railing and plunged into the river.

Nie Pu's car followed closely, and it fell into the ground with a sound.

"Ah... save someone... save someone..."

Nie Cang and Song Qian's parents were panicked, their faces pale, and they were paralyzed by the roadside on the railing.

The bridge deck is at least 30 meters above the water. Can people still live here?

Nie Cang's eyes were blood red.

Why is this happening?

Where is Wu Jun?

Didn't he say that he would definitely protect Nie Pu and Song Qian?

As a result, both of them fell into the river at the same time. Is this his plan?

Are there things that are destined to be unchangeable?

The two teams stopped, but everyone could only look at Jiang Xing sigh.

In the river water at this time, Wu Jun, who was transformed into Song Qian, waved his hand to the driver. The driver immediately took out an oxygen mask to buckle his face, and then swam downstream.

At the same time, in Nie Pu's car, Jiang Ziyan, who had become Nie Pu, also sent the driver out of the cab.

The two drivers are from Xizhilin, so they are reliable in terms of loyalty and will not worry about them leaking secrets.

After the two left, Wu Jun and Jiang Ziyan continued to sit motionless in the co-pilot, waiting for rescue.

Just now Wu Jun felt an attack from Mental Energy. The two drivers suddenly became confused, drove the car into a crash, and finally fell into the river.

However, Wu Jun had been prepared and had already taken protective measures in other vehicles, so only the two of them had an accident.

He wants to use this method to draw out the real people behind the scenes.

Half an hour later, the warning lights flashed on the bridge, and a frogman jumped into the water on his back while listening to a speedboat under the bridge.

Soon after, two cold "corpses" were recovered.

Seeing that Song Qian and Nie Pu had no breath, Nie Cang and Song Qian's parents cried dimly, and the scene almost got out of control.

At this moment, in a white car parked not far away, Tang Wu's face was full of tears.

Song Qian is dead, and Nie Pu is also dead!

A heartbroken person, a rival in love, both died in front of her in this way.

This is what they deserve!

But don't know why, Tang Wu still feels jealous in his heart.

Why should they die together?

This is too cheap that Fox Spirit!

"Alright," a middle-aged man with a beard sitting next to her smiled and said to her, "I have done everything you asked for."

When Lu Hu was talking, he was rejoicing in his heart.

Although there was a slight mistake and a slight discrepancy in the plan, at least two important people died.

In this way, Tang Wu's soul can produce some terrible qualitative change, and then it can be used by him.

This is a good seed player he found after searching for a long time. If he fails this time, then his hard work will be in vain.

"So now, should you fulfill what you promised me?"

"Wait," Tang Wu said, biting his lip, "I want to see Song Qian one last time."

"Hehe, okay, you go."

She smiled and said, the more jealous and resentful Tang Wu is, the more grief and anger, the crazier and regretful, the better for her soul upgrade.

Looking at the back of Tang Wu who strode away, his face couldn't help showing a smile.

Go and see, and then become a terrible Devil, picking up the two weapons of jealousy and resentment, and piercing everyone's heart.

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