"Disharmony factors are found, please remove them as soon as possible by the host."

When Wu Jun was talking to Phils, the system prompt also came.

He glanced around for a while, and everyone was angry and arguing constantly, as if to vent all the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart at once.

Several relatives in Song Qian's family even started to move their hands and grab each other's clothes.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry?" Fels noticed Wu Jun's composure and couldn't help asking.

"What's in my urgency?" Wu Jun smiled, "Well, people, who can't be a little emotional, blindly accumulate these bad things, it will be bad for your health after a long time, so it's not bad for them to take the opportunity to vent. ."

"But I'm a little curious," Wu Jun continued, "what is the use of collecting these soul powers?"

Phils sneered in his heart. He thought Wu Jun would be unaffected, what a great person he would be.

It seems that he is wrong.

But it's right to think about it. Not everyone can easily perceive and understand the power of the soul, let alone use it for oneself.

It is no exaggeration to say that a person who can master the power of the soul has surpassed the scope of human beings, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a god.

And he was only one step away.

As long as he absorbs the soul power of all people in Shenghai, he can become a god.

Moreover, no one can stop and interrupt this process, nor can he blow his head with a gun.

While the power of the soul is powerful, it is also magical. Even if his body dies, Mental Energy can continue to survive with the power of the soul.

So in this world, as long as there are humans, or as long as there are creatures with a little thought, he can absorb the power of their souls and live forever.

Who hasn't been jealous yet, and who hasn't been angry?

And what he has to pay is a little time and patience.

For a person who can live forever, time is the cheapest thing.

However, finding someone like Tang Wu this time allowed him to gather strength quickly.

"You won't understand if you tell it," Phils laughed. "This is not a level of power that you can understand."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure," Phils said, "I can see that you are a very powerful person. I guess you can punch through the bridge with one punch."

Wu Jun didn't answer, he really hadn't beaten this one before, I don't know.

"But you are only the power of the body, the power that is visible to the naked eye and belongs to mortals. No matter how powerful it is, it is limited," Fils continued, "and this power has no effect on me. You are now killing me. None of this will stop."

No wonder this guy didn't resist at all when he met Jiang Ziyan, he seemed to have confidence in himself.

"The true power is invisible, shapeless, breathless and silent. For example, now, can you see that there are many, many powers converging toward me?"

Yes, Wu Jun said in his heart.

"Not only can you not see it, you can't even feel it, you don't feel it!" Phils absorbed the strength for a while, feeling better and better, and speaking more high-profile, "So even if I tell you, You don’t understand, and you will never understand."

"Then you can talk about what will happen to these people who have absorbed the power of the soul?"

Phils said: "A body without a soul is no different from Death!"

Wu Jun's brows are turned into an idiot?

This is the case with foreigners who like to make two turns when talking.

He probably counted it just now. There are now 323 people who are contributing soul power to Phils. The number and the scope of the influence are still increasing rapidly.

It seemed that he couldn't delay any longer, and if he waited any longer, the scope of his concentric technique would not be enough.

Moreover, the most severely affected people on the bridge have all begun to take action.

It's okay to let your emotions go, but it's not good to hurt people.

So he said to Phils: "Although I think you are very thoughtful, but I have to say sorry to you, you are a discordant factor in this world, and I want to harmonize you now."

"Harmonize me? What do you mean"

Although Phils had intensively studied Chinese, he still didn't quite understand Wu Jun's meaning.

Isn't harmony an adjective? How can Wu Jun use him as a verb?

"That is to clear you and make the world harmonious." Wu Jun explained.

"I have made it very clear just now, even if you kill me, it's useless," Phils opened his eyes wide and looked at Wu Jun like a fool. "Could it be that your Chinese level is lower than mine." ?"

"Then I have to try it before I know it."

"Okay, not bad," Fels laughed, "Then you can try, I promise you won't make any resistance."

Wu Jun shook his head, feeling that this guy was really a bit funny, or maybe he hadn't seen the world much.

So he said: "So now, I want to eliminate Tang Wu's influence on these people."

"Hehe, I want to see what you can do to eliminate it."

"hot pot."


He thought he had heard it wrong, or Wu Jun was making an international joke with him!

hot pot?

He is the power of the soul level, can it be eliminated with hot pot?

Wu Jun ignored his surprise and released a large amount of celestial energy.



Don't quarrel anymore, in the public, pay attention to demeanor!

The past is over, let it dissipate with the wind!

I really couldn't figure it out. Everyone went to Xizhilin to have a hot pot and sat down and talked calmly and slowly.

Xizhilin's hot pot is the best!

If you don't eat a meal, you can't sleep at night!


With these real thoughts in Wu Jun's heart, slowly spreading under the load of the celestial master's energy, the people who had just been arguing and even taking action suddenly quieted down.

Yes, there is something that you can't sit down and talk about, and must use this noisy way to solve it?

And the hot pot in West Forest is really delicious.

Song Qian's father suddenly realized that he was really disrespectful and irrational when he quarreled with Nie Cang just now.

After all, the two are old friends for many years, and their children were married when they were young. It's not worth it to turn your face on such a thing!

Besides, Song Qian is now safe and sound, and Nie Cang was not deliberate, and there is something unspeakable.


Moreover, let alone venting those emotions in your heart, the whole person feels much easier!

So sometimes, when you have emotions, you can find a proper way to vent them. This is the best way to cultivate your character!

"Old Nie," Song Qian's father said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I'm a little bit frizzy, so I shouldn't put all the blame on you."

Nie Cang also calmed down completely at this time.

And the other party apologized first, what else could he say?

Besides, in this matter, he did something wrong, and he shouldn't hide something from his daughter and Song Qian's family.

"It's all old brothers, let's not talk about this," Nie Cang smiled, "Actually, I was wrong first. You love your son, and it is inevitable that you are impatient. I have been a father for more than 20 years, I understand!"

"Then..." Song Qian's father said, "Is it impossible to get engaged today?"

"Don't do it," Nie Cang said, "Let them take care of the children's affairs. As parents, we can just check it a little bit.

"But even though the engagement banquet is over, we still have to eat lunch. Let's go. The weather has started to get cold recently. Let's go to Xizhilin for hot pot!"

"Okay, go for a walk!" Song Qian's father waved his hand. "Everyone is there. Let's eat hot pot in the West Forest at noon!"

"Yes, go for hot pot, how important is it?"

"If it doesn't work, just eat a few more meals, it's so delicious anyway."

While everyone laughed, several police officers nearby were embarrassed.

I don't know what's going on, they were inexplicably irritable just now, and they even screamed at the captain.

In fact, looking back now, although the captain usually asks them to do this and there and run around, it is not easy for him.

What's wrong with these police officers? Which time was it not the captain's help?

In front of leaders, it is said that own players are the best.

"Captain, why don't we go have a hot pot too?"

"What kind of hot pot?" The captain frowned, his tone was stern, "I don't know you're at work? Get to work!"

Several team members glanced at each other, thinking that this is really the captain's bad temper, and it hasn't changed at all.

"But you can think about it tonight," the captain said suddenly, "I'll treat you."

The faces of several police officers beamed with joy.


"Worked, worked!"


Compared with these people, Nie Pu may be the one who blushed the most.

At this moment, I can't wait to tear off my face and hide it in the bag.

What did she say to Jiang Ziyan just now, it made her feel ashamed!

"Sorry Ziyan, I don't know what's going on..."

"It's okay, it's not your intention, I understand."

Jiang Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but fortunately she held it up, she didn't become like other people, and she directly shook the words in her heart.

If you say it, it would be really shameful.

Wu Jun is too inked, so why do you talk so much nonsense to people like Phils, just let him go!

But what did Nie Pu say just now mean that she actually likes Wu Jun a bit?

Hey, this girl caught a pigtail!

"Don't think about it." Looking at Jiang Ziyan's "evil" eyes, Nie Li was like a kid who had done a wrong thing and was caught, panicking, "I don't have any thoughts about him, really... "

"It's not easy to say, what someone said just now, but it's so sour!"

"Then how can you let me go?" Nie Lu said, "Or I would also invite you to eat hot pot in West Forest?"

"Do you think a hot pot can buy me?"

"Then what do you want?"

Jiang Ziyan smirked and said, "Two meals!"


Fels felt the power of the soul from everyone suddenly disappeared, and his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

He did not feel any power fluctuations from Wu Jun, and even Mental Energy did not see him release.

But these people who were affected by Tang Wu's soul field have all become normal!

"You... how did you do it?"

Wu Jun smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you? Hot pot!"

"Really hot pot?"

Phils didn't believe it, but he couldn't think of another reason.

"Then what do you think?" Wu Jun said, "There is a saying in our Shu area, there is nothing that can't be solved by a hot pot. If it doesn't work, eat a few more meals."


"Okay, the scene is under control," Wu Jun clapped his hands and said, "Now it's time to send you on the road."

Phils looked cold after hearing it, and a crazy smile appeared in his eyes.

"Do you think that you won?"

"Then you are too naive, I will let you know now, what is real power!"

As he spoke, a cloud of black air burst out of Phils' body, and instantly turned into a monster with teeth and claws, opening its mouth and mouth to bite Wu Jun's soul force field.

He wants to devour Wu Jun's soul!

As long as Wu Jun has a trace of jealousy and a trace of anger, he cannot escape the fate of being completely swallowed by him!

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