The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 876: An Invitation From The Richest Man

Seeing the huge black monster, biting towards him, Wu Jun did not give in at all.


Sorry, it doesn't exist.

This celestial master is so powerful, so rich, and doesn't want to fall in love. Life has a comfortable life, so who else should I be jealous of?

As for the anger, although it can not be said that there is no at all, but now he really has no.

So the monster that Phils released had no effect on him at all.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Wu Jun's soul field had not been damaged at all, Phils was completely stunned this time.

His incomparable confidence in own is derived from his ability to attack and swallow anyone's soul field, allowing people to become a soulless walking dead in a matter of minutes.

And those who were attacked by him didn't even know that they were attacked.

In the past, this can be said to be a hundred-thirty-five-hunting, no one can escape his attack. He has already created hundreds of idiots in this world.

Now his power is stronger, and it stands to reason that the speed should be faster.

But why, Wu Jun can do nothing at all?

Is this person really not even a trace of jealousy in his heart?

Not even a hint of anger?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

As long as it is human, there will be various emotions, jealousy and anger.

In this world, there are only two kinds of people who can avoid his attack.

One is a baby, the other is an idiot.

This is not just talking. In order to verify how good he is, he has challenged many people.

Needless to say, the priest is vulnerable in front of him.

Later, he heard that there are many eminent monks and ascetic monks on Asan's side. Some have been practicing since they were born. After decades of baptism, their hearts are strong enough, pious and pure.

But these people all let him down.

At least the dozen or so he met, no one can completely abandon the deep jealousy and anger, their souls were swallowed clean by him.

So he never put Wu Jun to put in one’s eyes before.

How could a man in his early twenties, young and vigorous, be better than a real ascetic monk?

But the reality is before his eyes, and he can't believe it.

The soul beast he released was frantic on the side of Wu Jun's soul field, flaring his teeth and claws, but he couldn't even touch the side of others!

Fels suddenly thought of a possibility, could it be that Wu Jun is... a robot?

But why does a robot have a soul field?

"Who on earth are you?"

"Then you don't need to care about it," Wu Jun said. "You just need to remember that I am a stingy person."


Phil frowned, what do you mean?

"So you just let the dog bite me, I won't make you feel better."

"Hehe," Fels laughed again without thinking, "Although I can't attack you, you don't want to cause me any harm.

"You have no jealousy, no anger, but it doesn't mean that others don't.

"So as long as there are people in this world, then I can...immortality!"

Wu Jun almost spit on him.

Daddy hasn't thought about immortality, so dare you to think about it?

Really a coaxing, brash guy.

So he released a huge celestial energy.

Search for souls!


All the memories of Phils were extracted, and a black card was formed in Wu Jun's Sea of ​​Knowledge. At the same time, his Mental Energy was quickly wiped out, leaving nothing left.

Before he died, Phils didn't even think about how Wu Jun did this.

Because he didn't feel any energy fluctuations from Wu Jun from beginning to end, but he just lost one after another!

Could it be that in this world, there is a power higher than the power of the soul that he can't even detect?

Of course, these thoughts were fleeting, and all his consciousness completely disappeared in this world, and his body was planted on the bridge and into the cold river water.

"Why did someone fall into the water again?"

Several police officers looked depressed. What day was it? First, two cars broke through the fence, and now another big man stood there gracefully, just like that.

Moreover, the person sank after being planted, and he didn't struggle a bit. It is estimated that it would be too late to go to rescue immediately.

When the diver went down, no one knew where he was washed.

After Fels fell into the river, he has been sitting on the ground, like Tang Wu whose soul is out of his body, slowly recovering.

She didn't know what was going on just now, her mind was full of jealousy and anger, and even her own sanity had been lost. The only thought in her heart was to make everyone pay the price.

Seeing everyone's eyebrows and smiles, a group of harmony, this thought became more intense, as if a ball of fire was burning her heart.


She loves Song Qian so much, but what she got in the end was this ending?

And these people who ruined her and Song Qian were able to smile, clamoring for hot pot?

"Song Qian," she shouted sharply, "you have one last chance! As long as you apologize to me, I will forgive you, and then we will live together like before!"

Song Qian walked over with his head down.

He couldn't accept Tang Wu anymore when things had developed to this point.

In other words, no one can accept it.

"Sorry Tang Wu, I can't promise you."

Tang Wu was distraught with grief and indignation.

Since Song Qian doesn't want her anymore, what's the point of her living in this world?

It's better to jump into this river like Phils, and it's a hundred.

But Wu Jun didn't give her such a chance, the celestial master energy quickly wrapped her up, removing the upgraded part of her soul field bit by bit.

After a few breaths, the black giant was wiped out, leaving an ordinary soul field.

System: "Congratulations to the host, the discordant factor has been removed."

Tang Wu's heart also calmed down completely at this time, staring blankly at the two police officers, putting her in cold handcuffs.

"Why are you actually?"

When Wu Jun passed by, Wu Jun said suddenly.

"What's the meaning?"

"Song Qian actually loves you very much," Wu Jun said, "In order to avoid this baby boy, being with you, he tried everything he could, and he was too worried to eat."

Tang Wu was stunned for a while, is this really the case?

"But you, just because he didn't explain and guarantee to you in the first time, he played and disappeared, hiding aside, letting the own fantasy torture himself," Wu Jun continued, "and since you love him, why Don't believe him?"


Tang Wu didn't know how to answer. Wu Jun was right. When she learned the news, she felt that the sky was about to fall.

I went to see Song Qian in a hurry, but Song Qian didn't say anything. She thought Song Qian had changed his mind.

"But these are nothing. As long as a little time, Song Qian will prove his intentions," Wu Jun said, "but the facts have proved that he did.

"But you didn't give him this opportunity.

"Your jealousy made you lose your mind. When you decided to listen to Phils and agree to her action against Nie Pu, you willingly fell into his trap."

"Trap?" Tang Wu widened his eyes, "What trap?"

"Nie Pu's father forced Nie Pu and Song Qian to be engaged because of Phils' secret manipulation. Phils' purpose is to drive you into madness and then be used by him."

Was it so?

Tang Wu, who knew the truth, regretted this incident for the first time.

"But if you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price," Wu Jun said at last, "I will send you another word in the end."


"There is nothing that can't be solved by a hot pot meal."

Tang Wu was taken into the car by the police officer and after thinking for a long time, he finally figured out the meaning of Wu Jun's last words.

Yes, no matter what you encounter, don't jump to conclusions in a hurry and have a hot pot first.

It doesn’t have to be a hot pot. In short, just sit down and communicate calmly. Maybe it’s a different result?

Unfortunately, she understood it too late.


In a hot pot restaurant in Xizhilin, Wu Jun, Jiang Ziyan, father and daughter Nie Pu, and Song Qian's family of three sit in a private room.

When the waiter brought the bottom of the pot up, Wu Jun frowned.

Mandarin duck pot?

This is really a strategic mistake. I had known that he would not mix with these two girls.

"You're really amazing," Nie Pu said while eating a piece of tomato, "you can actually get a private room."

Wu Jun smiled and didn't say a word. How can he say that West Forest is also his own business, and he still has this privilege."Thank you, you are really helpful this time," Nie Pu held up a can of Coke, "I respect you!"

"You are welcome."

"Come on, Master," Nie Cang raised the cup after Nie Pujing said, "I won't say too much if you are grateful. From now on, Master, you will be the savior of our family. If you have any needs, just talk about it. NS!"

"It's serious, it's just a matter of effort, you don't need to mind, really."

"The master is broad-minded, not arrogant, it is really admirable," Song Qian's father laughed, "Master, you can play in Shenghai for a few more days, let Nie Pu and Song Qian walk around with you."

"No need for this," Wu Jun said, "I'm going back to Xilin City tonight."

"Are you leaving tonight?" Nie Pu looked very surprised, it was too fast, "Is there a plane so late...?"

"Cough cough..." Jiang Ziyan coughed slightly and said, "He can run back without a plane, and I don't want you to work hard. Why does it hurt?"

Nie Puqiao blushed slightly, and quickly bowed his head to eat.

This topic couldn't continue. She was afraid that Jiang Ziyan would miss her mouth and shake out some of the things she said during the day in front of so many people. That would be too embarrassing.

"What about you?" Wu Jun asked Jiang Ziyan, "Where are you going next?"

"I have discussed it with Nie Pu," Jiang Ziyan put a piece of beef into her mouth and said vaguely, "Next, the two of us are going to travel around the world."

"Travel around the world?" Nie Cang's heart trembled after hearing this. "Girl, you must be talking about it, right?"

"No," Nie Pu said, wrinkling his nose, "We have decided, we won't come back if we don't visit all the attractions in the world, big and small!"

Nie Cang felt distressed, how old is Nie Pu this year, and he will be thirty after running outside for a few years!

Even if you find a boyfriend, most of them are foreigners. Foreigners are not reliable!

If I knew this was the case, it would be better to force her to be engaged to Song Qian!

"If you travel around the world, will your money be enough?" Wu Jun looked at Jiang Ziyan, "But it doesn't matter, just for your size, you won't be hungry for a while."

Jiang Ziyan: ...If you can't find a girlfriend if you talk like this, let me tell you!

"Haha, it's okay," Nie Cang said with a smile, "I will pay the money. Zi Yan and Xiao Pu are like sisters, and in my opinion are the same as their daughters."

"Thank you Nie Uncle."

Jiang Ziyan wrinkled her nose at Wu Jun with a smile. Although she would definitely not ask for Nie Cang's money, she was also happy.

Just when the people at the table were eating happily, a waiter walked in and handed Wu Jun an invitation.

It's not the kind bought in the store, but a piece of red paper folded in half. The characters on it are all large characters written with a brush, and the font is strong and slender, which looks quite charming.

"Who sent it?"

The waiter replied: "Someone at the door just pointed out that he would give it to you, without leaving his name and phone number."

Wu Jun opened it and looked at it, then put it aside and ignored it.

"Master, take the liberty to ask," who knows Nie Cang said, "Did someone invite you to be a guest?"

"Yes, but I'm not free, so I won't go."

"Is the person calling you Huang Shengyuan?" Song Qian's father also asked.

"How do you know?" Wu Jun asked curiously.

"It seems that it is him," Nie Cang said, "In Shenghai, he is the only one who invites people to be guests in this way."

"Oh, who is he?"

Nie Cang said sternly: "Although this person is not well-known, many people know that he is the real richest man in Shenghai."

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