
Wu Jun just hummed softly, and then resumed eating.

"Boss," the waiter said at this time, "I don't need the invitation, do you want me to take it away for you."

Wu Jun nodded casually.

Nie Cang and Song Yin felt strange in their hearts.

Invitations from the richest man are not so easy to receive, especially for people like Huang Shengyuan. Under normal circumstances, only others invite him and beg him.

Those who can let him personally write invitations to worship are very important.

However, Master Wu Jun can certainly afford this invitation, but this kind of extremely indifferent appearance still made the two of them feel faintly admired.

What is light and wind light, this just so.

Shenghai is a place full of rich people and there are countless rich people, and Huang Shengyuan, who can take the lead among the rich and become the richest man, knows how powerful it is.

And such a person’s invitation, even if it’s done with just one voice?

"Master, won't you go?"

"Where are you going?" Wu Jun asked, "I said I would go home tonight."

Nie Cang and Song Yin looked at each other, really not going?

It seems that people who have the ability are really high-spirited.

They were lucky to be able to invite him this time.

As soon as this episode was over, everyone stopped discussing, and was about to continue eating, when the door of the private room was opened again.

This time it was not the waiter, but Su Hao walked in, looking a little tired.

Wu Jun looked at him and asked, "Why did you suddenly come to Shenghai?"

"It's something." Su Hao didn't want to say any more. After greeting everyone in a circle, he sat down naturally, "I just got off the plane, and I haven't had time for dinner, don't you mind?"

"Don't mind," Song Yin said quickly, "Master's friends, we must be extremely welcome!"

"Thank you, that's it, I'll treat you tonight."

"How can this work," Nie Cang said, "You are a guest, how can you make a treat?"

Su Hao still wanted to insist, but seeing Wu Jun shook his head lightly, he didn't say more.

It seems that these people still know that Wu Jun is the boss of West Forest, but this is also right. Shenghai has developed too fast here. He has almost never been here. Apart from a few high-level managers, few people know Wu Jun. Who is Jun.

A hot pot meal was eaten until nine o'clock in the evening, and the host and the host enjoyed themselves. Wu Jun said goodbye to everyone and was about to go home.

"I'll give it to you." Su Hao said.

Wu Jun knew he had something to say, so he nodded.

The two drove out of the city, and Su Hao said on the way: "I came to Shenghai and I received an invitation."

Invitation card again?

"Isn't it a person named Huang Shengyuan invited you?"

"Yes, you know?"Wu Jun shook his head, really.

"What do you please?"

"Houtian, he has his ninetieth birthday," Su Hao said. "Fan Peng has also received an invitation, but he doesn't want to come.

"I didn't want to come, but the manager at Shenghai said that this person is a very powerful person in Shenghai, and they are all high-ranking officials, and they are also very capable.

"This time on the 90th birthday, he invited a lot of people, and it is said that the invitation card he gave me was sent to the Shenghai branch by his son himself, and the specifications were very high.

"Furthermore, according to Manager Zhang, more than 30% of our stores in Shenghai are owned by their family, so Manager Zhang suggested that I should come here and give them a face."

Wu Jun recalled the invitation he received, and he was sure that he was not invited to a birthday banquet. There was a difference in time. He was tomorrow, and Su Hao was Houtian.

It seems that the richest man in Huang doesn't know that he is the boss of Xizhilin. It is estimated that he has heard from him. Today, he helped solve the affairs of Nie Cang and Song Yin's family.

The news of the rich is quite informed, and many rich people also attach great importance to metaphysics, so if you want to get to know it, it has nothing to do with birthday feasts.

But he didn't care, because he didn't plan to go at all.

After being out for so long, it's time to go back and cultivate honestly. He hasn't even watched the upgrade mission this time.

As a result, when he waited outside the city, Wu Jun's cell phone rang, and it turned out that it was Huang Geng who hadn't seen him for a long time.

I haven't contacted him for more than half a year, and when he called at this time, Wu Jun felt that he shouldn't just ask hello.

After the call was connected, the two of them spoke a little politely, and Huang Geng asked, "Master, have you received an invitation from Shenghai?"

Sure enough, it was another invitation. It seemed that Huang Geng was also invited by Huang Shengyuan.

"Your Houtian is going to have a wedding wine too?"

"Yes." Huang Geng said, "It's not just me, Lao Zhang, Su Mingyue, Sheng Hai's Lao Hu, almost all the main members of our Xuan Society have come, and even Zhou Zifang, who is at the Closed Door Training at home, is called this time. coming."

Wu Jun felt that he had underestimated this person just now, and it was not a bit of ability to invite all the members of the Xuan Xue Xue.

When Mi Chongxiu did not pass away, did he have this face?

Not necessarily. Don't look at the Xuan Xuexue who speaks very well in front of him, but in front of ordinary people, who is not a high-spirited master?

"According to the news I got," Huang Geng continued, "Huang Shengyuan is not just us old antiques this time, but almost all the richest people across the country are in the scope of his invitation this time. Although they may not always come, even half of them. It's also incredible.

"That's why I asked if you received the invitation. I think he should not miss you."

Wu Jun smiled in his heart and said, "I received the invitation, but it was not Houtian who went to have a wedding drink, but we would meet alone tomorrow."

"How could this be?" Huang Geng said, "This doesn't fit the old man's style."

"How to say?" Wu Jun was actually aroused by his words.

"Some things are hard to tell on the phone," Huang Geng said, "Well, where are you, I'll come to you, this time there are some things, I want to rely on you."

"Then I will come to you."

Wu Jun hung up the phone and asked Su Hao to drive to the hotel where Huang Geng was staying.

If nothing else, I should not be able to go back today.

It would certainly not be a trivial matter for Huang Geng to speak for help.


After arriving at the hotel, Wu Jun found that Huang Geng's room was full of people.

Huang Zun, Zhang Lao, Su Mingyue, Zhou Zifang, these are all known, and there are seven or eight who don't know, they are all seniors with deep qualifications in the Xuan Society.

After some courtesy, Huang Geng talked about the purpose of inviting Wu Jun to come.

About 30 years ago, Huang Shengyuan was in his fifties and he was not as rich as he is now. He believed in metaphysics, so he had a good relationship with many people in the society.

At that time, the Profound Society was still in its rudimentary form, and even the official license documents were not obtained. After all, the age was different, and some things were not publicly recognized at that time.

Huang Shengyuan is a very generous person. He is generous and respectful of the "gentlemen".

It's just that this person is in poor health. He is more than 50 years old and has no children.

"I remember at that time, he asked all of us to help watch," Huang Geng recalled, "I think everyone here should have been invited by him more than once. Please help us think of a way to let him have a descendant."

Everyone nodded in unison.

"But the result... is not very ideal," Huang Geng said, "From the fate point of view, Huang Shengyuan is destined to have no offspring. From his physical condition, it is even more impossible."

"Yes," Su Mingyue said at this time, "not only was he killed and childless, but I think his fortune was also in old age. After the age of sixty, his wealth was scattered, disease ridden, and extremely desolate, sixty-three years old. It is his limit."

"It's just..." Huang Geng smiled bitterly, "It seems that all of us are wrong."

Wu Jun frowned slightly.

He doesn't know how many talents Huang Geng and Su Mingyue have, he still knows in his heart.

To say that a person's life fortune is very accurate, that is not necessarily, but it is definitely not so much worse.

"You mean, someone will help him change his life?"

"It's more than just a change of fate," Su Mingyue said, "This is simply heaven-defying change of fate. It not only allowed him to have a son when he was 60 years old, but also allowed his business to grow bigger and bigger, and now he has become Shenghai. The richest man.

"Furthermore, his fate has been lengthened. According to my algorithm at the time, he lived for at least twenty years."

Wu Jun thought for a while, and said, "It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

He can cure infertility, as well as rootless water, celestial pill, and health talisman. As for business, it took more than 20 years to become the richest man in Shenghai. It does not seem to be something to be proud of.

He and Su Hao Ran only spent two or three years, and they both became the richest man in China.

However, as soon as these words were said, Huang Geng's several people were taken aback.

Indeed, for Wu Jun, this matter is very easy, very easy, even just a few words.

But for them, heaven-defying change of fate is a big deal.

I won’t even talk about the loss of my own life. Just to increase the life of people, few people in the room dared to slap their chests to guarantee, and they couldn’t even make promises on their lips.

Why, because it's so difficult.

How can someone who can do these at the same time be an unknown person?

But no one has heard of who actually changed Huang Shengyuan's life.

"So we suspect that this person who changed his life..."

"It must be an evil way!" Zhou Zi said quickly and directly on behalf of Huang Geng.

"It can't be said absolutely," Huang Geng said. "It's also possible that there are outsiders in this world who can help him?"

Su Mingyue shook her head and said, "I don't think I'm an outsider."

"Why?" Wu Jun asked.

"No matter how low-key the world is, as long as he takes action, it is impossible not to leave clues, and such a character will not deliberately eliminate these traces, because they all like to pay attention to fate.

"All traces have been removed, so what fate is there?"Wu Jun nodded, which is not bad.

And he didn't think that there really are such masters who don't ask anything about the world.

No matter what, what good is there to learn a skill?

Even if Xiu Xian asked, he had to practice in Hongchen first.

"And this person who changed Huang Shengyuan's life is more like deliberately hiding himself, being too cautious, and showing no trace," Su Mingyue continued, "if it's not an evil way, does he need it?"

Huang Geng nodded: "Although the words are reasonable, we should not jump to conclusions until the investigation is clear."

"Why don't you count yourself?" Wu Jun asked suddenly.

"Forget it, it must have been calculated," Huang Geng thought for a while, and finally said it. "Moreover, the results we calculated are not very good."

"what's up?"

"Our results are almost the same," Zhou Zifang said. "This time we have a catastrophe, ranging from severe injuries to severe deaths.

"But we can't see clearly, we don't know where the catastrophe came from. This is a strange thing that hasn't happened in many years.

"So... we invited you here."

Seeing everyone's expectations, Wu Jun also didn't know what to say.

They are all a group of experts who can pinch and count, but when they are about to suffer a catastrophe, they can't even come out?

This is really the case that doctors do not heal themselves, and people do not save themselves.

"Then it's not easy, do you count each other?"

Huang Geng:...


I can’t even count myself, how can others?

The master must be joking, he must be, he can't even understand such a simple truth.

Seeing the awkward smiles on everyone's faces, Wu Jun knew that he had said something against common sense.

But this is nothing, he is not a genuine fortune teller, it is normal that he doesn't understand these principles.

"This time Huang Shengyuan invited us in the name of his 90th birthday. He must have a plan," Huang Geng said. "If you just want to take the opportunity to slap us in the face, that's nothing.

"But there are a lot of rich people invited this time. If Huang Shengyuan and the person behind him have any bad thoughts, then these people will be in danger.

"Once they have an accident, not to mention the chaos of the world, the impact will never be small, causing economic turmoil and a decline in national luck.

"So this time we are here, one is for our own personal affairs, and the second is to take precautions to prevent such things from happening.

"But we are worried about the lack of ability, so we ask the master to take action."

It's a matter of national luck, but the responsibility is a bit heavy.

But Wu Jun felt that he was duty-bound.

Even if he is now upgraded to the Supreme Heavenly Master, and his mental consciousness ascending has reached the height of the Universe level, as long as his feet are still standing on this land, then he is a Chinese.

This point will never change even in the past 10,000 years or hundreds of millions of years.

"Okay," he said, "it just so happens that I have an invitation. I will go to meet the richest man tomorrow."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard it, and they cupped fist: "Master Gao Yi!"

"This is a matter of course," Wu Jun smiled and walked away. "Don't forget, I am also from China."

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