The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 878 I'm So Arrogant

The next morning, Su Haoran drove Wu Jun to the place on the invitation.

When he saw a quiet retro garden among countless high-rise buildings, Wu Jun had some new perspectives on Huang Shengyuan.

Let's not talk about the value of this garden. This is a sea of ​​gold, and a pigeon cage is worth tens of millions. So far in some places, developers have not dared to move.

Because I can't afford it.

Being able to make a garden in such a place is not just something wealthy can do.

"Yellow Park."

Two characters are written on the plaque at the gate of the garden.

The font is vigorous and powerful, with strong face and willow bones. It is very similar to the font on the invitation. It seems that Huang Shengyuan himself wrote the inscription.

With such a deep knowledge of calligraphy, Wu Jun felt that Huang Shengyuan should not be the kind of unsuspecting person.

Of course, this is just a simple intuition. Many times knowing people know their faces without knowing their hearts, and some people will hide their scheming deeply.

Let Su Hao wait outside, Wu Jun followed a middle-aged man into the garden, and went upstairs to the pavilions, goldfish swimming in the water, birds and flowers.

The names of famous paintings are hung everywhere in the corridor, which makes people feel that the owner here should be an elegant person.

But in the end, when he arrived at a small courtyard, the scenery in front of Wu Jun's eyes changed suddenly.

I saw a young man in a floral shirt lying comfortably on a beach chair, surrounded by several cool beauties, one feeding him fruit, one squeezing his shoulders, and two beating his legs...

Had it not been for the antique Eight Immortals table beside the fruit table, Wu Jun would have thought he had been on the Hawaiian beach.

Seeing Wu Jun arrived, the young man immediately got up from the beach chair.

"Oh, welcome, welcome, Master is here, Peng Xun is brilliant!"

Wu Jun frowned slightly, didn't he mean Huang Shengyuan, how come he suddenly became a young man.

Tianji Eye?


Name: Huang Yuncheng, male, Chinese Han nationality, 1989...

Remarks: None.

Judging from the name and age, as well as the posture of this person here, it should be Huang Shengyuan's son.

"Excuse me, where is your father?"

"Old man," Huang Shengyuan said nonchalantly, "I'm sorry, master, the old man suddenly has something to do, he can't get out of it!

"So I will receive you today by my little brother. Please forgive me for any offense!"

Wu Jun frowned slightly, and he didn't need to look at his image at all to know that Huang Yuncheng was lying.

Since a person like Huang Shengyuan has given an invitation, he will never miss the appointment easily. It seemed that the person who really wanted to invite him was not Huang Shengyuan, but Huang Yuncheng in front of him.

This can make sense, why his invitation is different from others.

Wu Jun wanted to turn his head and leave, but after looking back, since he was Huang Shengyuan's son, maybe he could know something?

"Young Master Huang," he said without changing his face, "please tell me if you have anything to do with me, you don't need to use your father's name."

"Haha," Huang Yuncheng patted both hands and gave Wu Jun a thumbs up, "I am really an expert, you can see through this little trick of mine, amazing!

"Here, please, let's sit down and speak slowly!"

Wu Jun sat down at the Eight Immortals table, and someone immediately delivered freshly squeezed juice, a large pile of fragrant melon seeds and various snacks.

Huang Yuncheng waved his hand, and several beauties walked out silently, leaving only the two of them talking.

"Master, if I invite you in this way, don't you blame me?"

"Not so much."

"That's good, I know that Master is an open-minded person," Huang Yuncheng said, "Actually, I can't blame me for being abrupt. I'm worried that I'm not famous. Master, you won't see me, so you stole it from my dad. An invitation."Wu Jun smiled politely. No wonder the words on the cover of the invitation card yesterday were a bit different from the words inside, and there was a little charm missing. It seems that the words inside should be copied by someone.

"What can you do with me?"

"It's nothing big," Huang Yuncheng smiled, "I just heard that Master, you are very good. Yesterday you raised your hand and helped people solve a huge problem.

"My little brother, I admire people who are capable, so I want to invite the master to sit down and make friends."

"Really that?" Wu Jun asked, "If you are not willing to be honest, then I will go back."

"Don't! I said!" Huang Yuncheng chuckled, "I really can't hide anything from you!

"Yes, making friends with you is only the first thing, and the second thing is that I want you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

"Master, you must know that my dad only gave birth to me at the age of sixty-one. The family is rich and he was spoiled since childhood. My old man is extremely short-term caregiver," Huang Yuncheng said, "So what about me, my whole body is stinky. It's no different from the rich second-generation villain in the novel, just so arrogant and domineering!"

Wu Jun said that you are very self-aware.

"However, I still have the merits," Huang Yuncheng continued, "I am a person who is more dedicated."

Wu Jun almost didn't squirt out. Just now I saw four beauties beating your back and pinching your legs to feed you fruit. Are you embarrassed to say that you are dedicated?

If this is called single-mindedness, that rooster can be called love!

"So, you want me to be a matchmaker for you?"


"Are you in love with Nie Pu?"

"That's right!" Huang Yuncheng smiled, "As expected of a master, you know everything! You are so amazing, you are simply my idol!"

Wu Jun smiled and said nothing. Although he knew he was great, please don't tell me in front of me.

"Master, you are the benefactor of the Nie family. Isn't this something that will happen as soon as your golden mouth opens?"

Wu Jun was silent.

Huang Yuncheng's remarks sounded nothing wrong, and it was indeed the right person to find him.

However, he always felt that this kid seemed to be blunt, without any scheming, but it always made him feel that something was wrong.

His old man is the richest man in Shenghai. Although Nie Cang is also rich, he is still a grade worse than the richest man?

If Huang Shengyuan comes to propose a marriage and Huang Yuncheng will pretend to be a good baby when that time comes, it will not be hopeless.

But they didn't do it, instead they found him to help.

You must know that even if he was just an ordinary fortune teller, he would not open this mouth easily.


Because he doesn't know Huang Yuncheng at all.

Besides, it was Nie Cang who owed him a favor. As long as he said about it, the favor would basically be paid off.

Ordinary gentlemen, because of Huang Yuncheng's few words, would give up this hard-won favor?

Seeing Wu Jun didn't speak, Huang Yuncheng beckoned to the middle-aged man in the distance, and the man immediately sent a cheque.

"Master, I know the rules, friends belong to friends, trading is expensive, our brothers will settle the accounts," Huang Yuncheng said and pushed the check to Wu Jun. "This is only a 10% deposit, as long as you speak to Nie Cang, Master Now, whether it can be done or not, the remaining 90% will be there soon."

Wu Jun looked at the check, ten million.

Sure enough, he is the son of the richest man, and he is really generous.

One hundred million, just let him say something, this handwriting is rare in the whole world.

But this is even more problematic. It seems that Huang Yuncheng has other purposes.

So he spent half a minute browsing his two-day video, and quickly understood the reason.

Test me?

Wu Jun smiled in his heart, these people are really playful, and they don't know what to say.

He has no grievances or enmity with this person. If Huang Yuncheng took the initiative to look for him this time, the two of them might not have seen each other in their lives. What are they trying to do?

So he pushed the check back and said, "Young Master Huang, if you have nothing else, I will go back."

Huang Yuncheng's expression changed, and he asked in a deep voice, "Are you really unwilling to help?"

Wu Jun ignored him and stood up and walked directly outside. He didn't have time to play such boring games with others.

"You stop for me!" Huang Yuncheng, who was rejected by Wu Jun, showed his arrogant and domineering side in an instant. "Where do you think this is, you can leave if you want to go?"

Wu Jun ignored him and continued to walk outside.

"As long as you get out of this yard, I promise you will definitely regret it!"

"Don't think I don't know your details!"

Wu Jun smiled in his heart, but he couldn't be tempted, but was he ready to threaten him again?

Now these people are using a routine, can't they change some new tricks?

"Come on, leave him with me!"

With a loud roar, Huang Yuncheng rushed five bodyguards from a distance to surround Wu Jun.

"Get him here!"

When several bodyguards heard this, they immediately started to work on Wu Jun.

Wu Jun didn't expect Huang Yuncheng to be so daring, and in broad daylight, he would make people do something if he didn't agree with him.

As he himself said just now, he was so arrogant and domineering that he could be written into a novel.

This kind of person won't let him suffer a bit, and he still doesn't know what it will be like in the future.

So he quietly released a thunderball.

Come on!

The bodyguard who grabbed him suddenly shook and fell to the ground trembling.

As soon as the other people saw it, they hurried back a few steps, preparing to take out some kind of weapon from under their armpits. Wu Jun would definitely not give them this opportunity. The thunder and lightning were released again, and several bodyguards fell to the ground at the same time.

Huang Yuncheng, who had witnessed all this, was stunned. What happened just now?

Why did the bodyguards fall to the ground without touching Wu Jun?

This is a bit beyond his cognition.

After solving the bodyguard, Wu Jun turned and walked back instead.

"You...what do you want to do?" Huang Yuncheng was a little scared, his face pale, "I tell you, if you dare to do something to me, my dad won't let you go!"

Wu Jun smiled and opened the pocket of the Celestial Master's vest and began to draw a sharp knife from it.

Huang Yuncheng was really frightened when he saw that he was using the knife, and he hurriedly backed away, only to trip over a chair to the ground.

"What do you want to do? Don't come here! Help, kill someone!"

As he yelled in panic, the crotch quickly changed color.

Wu Jun frowned. He thought Huang Yuncheng was a ruthless character, but he was scared to pee like this?

"Don't let me see you again."

Wu Jun said, putting away the knife, facing Huang Yuncheng's Tianji Eye, after updating his image, he turned and left this place.

On the way, he quickly flipped through the images of Huang Yuncheng's future, frowning deeper and deeper.

He thought he shouldn't come before, but now it seems that he really came right.

Huang Geng and the others guessed right, Huang Yuncheng, a birdman, was so daring to do this kind of rebellious thing with daddy behind his back.

No, maybe even Huang Shengyuan has a part. Who can explain the matter of the two fathers and sons clearly?

But anyway, since he knew it, he definitely couldn't stand by.

Back in the car outside, Su Hao saw that his face was not good, so he asked, "Master, how is it?"

"Go back to the hotel," Wu Jun said, "this time things are getting more and more interesting."

Then he sent a text message to Jiang Shangjiang, asking him to come to Shenghai now.Although it was a duty, he happened to run into it this time and it could be resolved, but who can guarantee that it won't happen the second or third time?

Let Jiang Shangjiang come, understand the whole story, and then report it to attract the attention of the above. This is the long-term solution.


After Wu Jun left, Huang Yuncheng got up from the ground and viciously smashed the Eight Immortals table in front of him.

"Bah-what kind of shit, you dare to threaten me with a knife?"

"If you don't break your whole family into pieces, daddy won't have the surname Huang!"

When he was yelling, a middle-aged man walked out of the room with a clear breeze and bones.

"Young Master Huang, don't be angry!"

"Can you not get angry?" Huang Yuncheng exclaimed, "Daddy is so long, I haven't dared to do this to me! Master Fang, you can help me find a way, I want this guy to die!"

"Hehe, Huang Shao, why are you so anxious," Fang Xiujie said with a smile.

"Fear him or not! Daddy wants him to die!"

"Shao Huang, listen to me first," Fang Xiujie said. "It's not a matter of catching his life, but our plan is about to be implemented, and we can't make any extravagances."

With these words, Huang Yuncheng stopped screaming and changed his pants in public with angrily.

Several beauties waited on them again, and then they gradually extinguished their anger.

"Master Fang, I don't understand, what do you have to test this guy for? Isn't it just a fortune teller? Although he has a little skill, he is a little ant compared to those of Huang Geng, right?"

"Well, in fact, I'm just afraid of accidents," Fang Xiujie said. "You also know that sometimes, the more inconspicuous people are, the more variable they become."

"Then what's the result? I've been tempted as you ordered, what's the result?"

"It's okay," Fang Xiujie said unpredictably, "Although this person has a little skill, as you said, he is still far behind Huang Geng. If he can be as good as Huang Geng, today Won't be here anymore."

"That's right, I have seen Huang Geng's old man's ability. He really has a good hand," Huang Yuncheng laughed again, "but compared to Master Fang, their level is still far Far from enough."

"Haha, Huang Shaomiao praised it." Fang Xiujie said, "Under this world, if you want to talk about metaphysics, you should be my Master."

"That's natural. Master Ke Bo is a fairy-like character. How can these clowns compare?"

The two flattered each other a few more words, and Fang Xiujie asked again: "Then Huang Shao, what are you going to do? Do you stand on the sidelines or join hands with us?"

"Join hands, definitely join hands!" Huang Yuncheng said, "but you promised my terms..."

"Absolutely fulfilled!"

"Well, but now, I have to add one more condition." Huang Yuncheng said.

"Shao Huang, please say."

"That guy just now, you have to help me out, and I want him to pay for today's affairs!"

"This is a small matter, I promise you."

"Okay," Huang Yuncheng clapped his hands and said, "Then it's settled! My old man always scolds me for uselessness. This time I will show him. As long as three years, I can surpass him by 30 years. Business!"

"Well, with Huang Shao's heroic talent, this little thing is of course not a problem. Since it's settled, I will go back and prepare."


Out of the gardens of Huang Yuncheng, Fang Xiujie sat in a black car.

"How's it going?"

The driver who was driving immediately gave him a piece of paper with many words densely written on it.

After reading it, Fang Xiujie crumpled the paper into a ball and held it in his hand, and soon a large amount of white smoke emerged from his fingers, burning the ball of paper into a ball of ashes.

"Unexpectedly, this man's abilities are really not small." Fang Xiujie seemed to mutter to herself, "The big boss of Westwood is still a very powerful fortune teller, and even Huang Geng has to respect him a bit. People."

The driver said in a hoarse voice: "Will I take someone to solve him first?"

"Don't act rashly," Fang Xiujie shook his head. "Today, he showed his hand in front of me. A few meters away, he put a few bodyguards on the ground. I haven't been awake yet, and I haven't been able to see him using What's the trick?"

The driver nodded his head when he heard it. A technique that even Master Fang couldn't see was definitely a bit powerful.

"But it's also just right. If it wasn't for this accidental encounter, I would really make him a slippery fish," Fang Xiujie said, "Now go to the Master and prepare to welcome his old man to leave the customs!"

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