Back at the hotel, Wu Jun gathered Huang Geng and the others together again, and first looked at the Tianji Eyes used by everyone and checked their latest images.

This is to be on the safe side. Huang Yuncheng will prepare a big game tomorrow. He must first make sure that there are no agents in his own team.

It's just from the video and sound, we can only make a rough selection. God knows if anyone can use Mental Energy to transmit information?

But the result is still good, everyone is normal on the surface.

So he said: "There is some bad news, and your guess is right."

Everyone looked at each other, and they knew exactly what he meant, but some still couldn't help but ask: "Master, what is the situation? Would you please tell us in detail?"

"I don't know the details either." As for the details, I definitely can't disclose them in advance. "I can only advise you, it is best to go home now. Just leave two or three people behind."

He intends to let Huang Geng and Su Mingyue stay. Huang Yuncheng's goal is these people. If all of them are gone, then the other party may not start the plan.

In fact, it's good to say that all of them follow normal behaviors, but if the number of people is too large, Wu Jun is worried that he can't take care of it, and it will be bad if some accidents occur.

These people in the Xuan Society, who said that they were ugly, were magic sticks, but they still contributed somewhat.

Many big companies believe in them, get their guidance, and business goes smoothly.

Now that China is developing its economy all over the world, if every one of them has such a helping hand at the helm, will the risk of investment be reduced a lot?

From the overall point of view, this can be regarded as a contribution to the country and the nation. This is also the reason why the people behind Huang Yuncheng want to get rid of them.

The contest between countries is extremely versatile, far more than just a matter of the negotiating table.

It's just that these things are deliberately hidden, so deep that ordinary people don't know it, let alone talk about it at the negotiating table.

You shame me, I shame you, if you succeed, you will make money, and if you fail, you will think that you are unlucky and try again.

It is said that the Pacific Overlord has set up a research room to study every opponent in the world, and then secretly makes secret tricks.

There are even plans and layouts that last more than ten years, decades, or even more than a hundred years.

So the spy thing is really not only aimed at your military and economics, it is estimated that it is more aimed at ordinary people's life.

But this time Huang Yuncheng was deceived and lured by others, and used his old man's 90th birthday to make a big game, just to kill a large number of rich men and metaphysicians.

"Master, this is not necessary," Zhou Zifang said, shaking his head, "Although we are a group of gods, we are not the ones who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

"Haha, Lao Zhou, you have lived such a long time, and finally said something you hear," Su Mingyue said half-jokingly, "This is reasonable, and who can see things like destiny more thoroughly than us?

"If we are really destined to die, even if we hide in the air-raid shelter, we will not be able to escape this fate, but we will lose our backbone.

"It's better to face it head-on, at least to see Old Man Huang, what tricks he wants to do."

Huang Geng also nodded and said: "Master, we Xuan Xuexue, we will not shrink this time."

Hearing everyone expressing their opinions, Wu Jun didn't say any more. Since everyone had such an awareness, he didn't persuade him.

But in this way, the plan that was just thought out just now has to be slightly adjusted.

"That's OK, since everyone has this heart, let's go together tomorrow," he said, "it's also a bit lively, and it can also help you rectify your name."

"What's your name?"

Wu Jun smiled and said, "Don't ask, you will know it then."


The next morning, the group went to the place where Huang Shengyuan hosted the birthday banquet.

This is a large manor, although it is located in the suburbs, but in terms of the area, it is easy to have a thousand acres.

In addition to an ancient building, there are more fields, mountains, forests and huge ponds planted with crops.

The birthday banquet was held on the grass next to the pond. Wu Jun thought it was fashionable and made a Western-style banquet.

When I arrived at the scene, I saw a lot of round tables, and a large group of chefs were busy around a few temporary outdoor earthen stoves.

Washing and cutting vegetables are shaking. On some tables, all kinds of cold dishes are ready, the fire in the earthen stove is burning, the steamer is steaming, and the aroma of various vegetables and meat has been wafting in the air.

In addition, there is not much decoration, no live bands, not even a stage.

It seems that the old man is still quite retro, this is a banquet banquet.

Wu Jun and the others went late, so when they arrived, there were people in twos and threes all around, chatting together.

Many of them are familiar faces. Of course, this familiar face means that you can often see their photos on the Internet.

When some people saw Huang Geng and the others arrived, they hurriedly surrounded them, like the stars arched over the moon, and quickly "divided up" Huang Geng and the others.

"Look, you are not famous." Jiang Ziyan joked with a smile, "Do you feel lonely now?"

Before Wu Jun could speak, Nie Pu, who came with her, argued for Wu Jun: "It doesn't matter if you are not famous, at least it can be quiet."

"Hey--" Jiang Ziyan exaggeratedly sighed, "I don't want to stay in the female college, so I started to turn my elbows outward."

"What are you talking about, I'm just seeking truth from facts."

"Cough cough," Song Qian clenched his fist to his mouth and coughed slightly, "You two, keep your voice down, don't let the master hear it."

Wu Jun: almost reached my ear and said, can I not hear it?


Jiang Ziyan was called by Wu Jun, and with multiple helpers, he would be a little more relaxed then.

As for why Nie Lu and Song Qian are here, because Nie Cang and Song Yin, as well-known local entrepreneurs in Shenghai, they also received an invitation from Huang Shengyuan.

Knowing that Jiang Ziyan was coming, a few young people got together.

Of course, Wu Jun not only arranged Jiang Ziyan as a helper, but also called Fan Peng over. Anyway, he was also among Huang Shengyuan's invitation.

However, Van Peng's plane was delayed, and it is still at an altitude of several kilometers.

"Master Witch, you finally came."

At this time, Jiang Shangjiang got rid of some people and strode over.

Seeing grandpa coming, Jiang Ziyan just wanted to drive away. After all, she was kicked out of the house by her family, and it is not suitable to meet grandpa now.

"Stop!" Jiang Shangjiang cried sternly, "It's not big or small, did you run away when you saw Grandpa turned his head?"

Jiang Ziyan had to lower her head and walked back, but there was a little bit of unrest on her face.

You drove me out of the house, and what do you care about me so much?

"What are you doing in a daze, call grandpa!"

Jiang Ziyan: "Grandpa."

"Look at you, how did you live outside?" After looking at Jiang Ziyan a few times, Jiang Shangjiang's brows wrinkled into the word Sichuan.

Wu Jun:...

Nie Pu:...

Do your Jiang family’s eyes have their own beauty filters, or the ones exclusively for beauty anchors?

With Jiang Ziyan's small round face, you are ashamed to say that she is thin?

He was a bit fatter than when he first met. This man really doesn't speak his conscience.

However, Nie Pu and Song Qian were surprised.

Jiang Shangjiang, how could they not know that Jiang Ziyan, the head of Jiangnan Jiang's family, is actually her granddaughter!

Nie Pu gave Jiang Ziyan an angry look, and wondered what the girl was thinking about. With such a rich family, she actually ran out to be a bodyguard.

Fortunately, I met her. If I meet some people with unpredictable hearts...Forget it, those with unpredictable hearts can only admit that they are unlucky when they meet her. This girl showed her hand in front of her yesterday and hit the wall with a fist. Collapsed.

"Go home with me today!"

"I'm not going back." Jiang Ziyan said stubbornly.

"Not going back? Why not going back?"

Jiang Shangjiang asked angrily, thinking that I drove you out of the house because I made you stay in Wu Jun's house for a long time. As a result, this girl ran around traveling and gave him some bodyguard. It was really a waste of him. Take a lot of pains.

"I'm going to travel the world."

Jiang Shangjiang:...

"Traveling around the world?" Jiang Shangjiang's beard almost turned up, "You... do you have the money to travel?"

Jiang Ziyan: ...Don't be so heartbroken when you speak...Grandpa, why do you and Wu Jun care about the same things? Shouldn't you be more concerned about whether I will be in danger outside?

"Okay," Wu Jun saw them talking, and there was no end. Today is not for them to deal with housework. "Take me to see today's birthday star first."

"Okay," Jiang Shangjiang said to Jiang Ziyan again, "Don't run away when you look back, Master, please."

Nie Pu and Song Qian were even more surprised to see that Jiang Shangjiang was respectful to Wu Jun, because everyone knew that Jiang Shangjiang was a master of everything.

Wu Jun followed Jiang Shangjiang towards the nearby pond, and he saw an old man with all white beard and hair sitting on a stone platform protruding into the water fishing.

"That's Huang Shengyuan," Jiang Shangjiang introduced, "When I was young, I had a few dealings with me, but I haven't been in contact for more than 20 years. I didn't expect him to remember me."

"So you also received the invitation?"

"I received it, but it wasn't for me. I also like to keep a low profile. People who haven't been out for decades, few people can know and remember me," Jiang Shangjiang said mockingly, "The invitation is for Zi Yan's dad. of."

Wu Jun said that you were overconfident. Just now, Nie Pu and Song Qian recognized you at a glance!

"But this guy has a weird temper," Jiang Shangjiang continued, "You can see that there are so many guests here, but he is fishing there by himself, and he doesn't know any politeness."

Perhaps only Jiang Shangjiang can directly criticize Huang Shengyuan for his lack of politeness.

But he was right, this old man is indeed a bit of his own way.

Heavenly Eyes!


Name: Huang Shengyuan, male, Chinese Han...

Remarks: None.

After obtaining the image of Huang Shengyuan, Wu Jun and Jiang Shangjiang walked over to chat while looking through the sea of ​​knowledge.

Huang Geng said before that when Huang Shengyuan was in his fifties, he was actually a small boss.

However, this person is bold and likes to make friends with metaphysical people, so the business is going well.

The only regret is that people are almost in their sixties and have no children under their knees.

A group of people were found, and no one could help him solve this problem. Huang Shengyuan originally thought that he was going to die alone, and no one would give it to him.

Unexpectedly, one day, a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

This person is called Ke Bo.

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