Ke Bo took the initiative to find Huang Shengyuan and said that there was a way to heal his body and let him have a baby.

For Huang Shengyuan at the time, this sentence was like a golden mountain falling from the sky, and he immediately regarded Ke Bo as a guest of honor.

Two months later, he married his current wife, and got pregnant with a baby.

This made Huang Shengyuan ecstatic in his heart, and he was extremely unreliable, for fear that Ke Bo was playing the set that Lu Buwei sent Zhao Ji, and Mingxiu plank road was dark.

So after Huang Yuncheng was born, he did more than a dozen paternity tests and confirmed that Huang Yuncheng was his seed. Only then did he truly believe that Ke Bo was a capable person.

Since then, Ke Bo has become Huang Shengyuan's worship, as long as it is Ke Bo's request, he will unconditionally meet.

And his business, under the guidance of Ke Bo, is getting bigger and better, and he has become the richest man in this place in Shenghai for more than 20 years.

Not only that, but Ke Bo also helped him heaven-defying to change his life, increasing his lifespan, which made Huang Shengyuan treat him like Deva.

It's just that Ke Bo is very mysterious. Even Huang Shengyuan doesn't see him a few times a year, and what he says is basically a business matter, and there is not much useful information.

When I was about to call Huang Geng to ask, I saw Huang Shengyuan put down the fishing rod in his hand.

"Everyone, come here," someone said loudly, "Birthday is here!"

As soon as the guests heard this, they walked towards one place one after another and gathered in their respective circles.

Huang Geng's circle is basically all members of the Xuan Society, and Wu Jun and Jiang Shangjiang also stood with them.

Soon, Huang Shengyuan, who changed his clothes, walked out with red light, accompanied by Huang Yuncheng.

Huang Yuncheng saw Wu Jun in the crowd at a glance, his eyes flashed cold and his expression changed. It seems that yesterday's situation really scared him.

"Thank you in advance. It's my honor for everyone to appreciate your face today!"

After a period of courtesy, not knowing if it was intentional, Huang Shengyuan first greeted one by one from businessmen, and finally came to Huang Geng and the others.

"Haha, President Huang, long time no see!" Before Huang Geng could reply, he couldn't wait to pull Huang Yuncheng out, "Come on, let me introduce to you, this is my son! Call Uncle Huang!"

"Hello, Uncle Huang." Huang Yuncheng yelled respectfully on the surface, but his eyes were always fixed on Wu Jun.

"Good, not bad."

"That's definitely not bad!" Huang Shengyuan looked so relieved, but he didn't show any mercy. "It's been more than 30 years, President Huang, and President Hu, everyone, On this day, I have waited for more than 30 years!"

Everyone in the Xuan Society smiled bitterly, already knowing what he was going to say.

This makes it clear that you want to slap your face on the spot!

Thirty years ago, everyone said that he could not have children in his life, but his son is now almost 30 years old!

And the nearby guests also pricked their ears.

On the scene of the Xuan Society of Face Slap, I am afraid that only Huang Shengyuan can do such a thing in this world.Sure enough, Huang Shengyuan is not the kind of character that clicks to the top, but continues: "You all said that I can't have a child, and you said so deadly.

"But the result?

"You can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it!"

Huang Geng was also a person who had gone through strong winds and waves. Although he was beaten on the spot, there was still a smile on his face: "The fate of human beings is unpredictable, and we are not gods, so naturally we can't see through the secrets of heaven."

Huang Shengyuan smiled cheerfully: "You people, always like this sentence as an excuse. I can hear calluses in my ears!

"If you have no ability, you have no ability. Don't push everything to God, it's very unkind, don't you say it?"

No one around the guests dared to follow along, some people simply pretended not to hear, and turned their faces aside.

Even if Huang Geng and the others were slapped in the face, they weren't someone they could afford to offend. It would be nice to fall into the trap right now, and it would look good when they asked for something in the future.

Seeing Huang Geng was speechless, Huang Shengyuan's mood improved.

Today he invited these people to come, the first purpose is to make oneself cool, the second purpose is to rectify the name of Master Ke Bo.

In those days, Master Coper was also neglected by these people, so even if Coper didn't instruct him to do so, he still had to help Coper to vent his anger.

"And Mr. Su," Huang Shengyuan continued, "You said I would not live to be sixty-five years old, but I remember it very clearly!"

Su Mingyue was not embarrassed at all. She stepped forward and said: "Fate is fate, everything is definite. Even if you heaven-defying change your fate, it will be stolen."

"Stealing?" Huang Shengyuan's expression sank, and said disdainfully, "So what, it's my ability to steal!"

"All Karma has retribution," Su Mingyue said, "Mr. Huang, there is a price to steal."

"Haha..." Huang Shengyuan laughed, "What's the price? Punish me from The Underworld, or be a dog in my next life?"

"But daddy doesn't care!

"I have wine today and I am drunk now. I will live a good life in this life. It's better than anything else, Mr. Su, do you think I am right?"

Su Mingyue smiled faintly, and said, "Maybe you don't need to wait until the next life."

Today is Huang Shengyuan’s 90th birthday, the day of his rejoicing, Su Mingyue’s words are a bit serious.

This is clearly saying that Huang Shengyuan will not be rewarded in this life!

"Humph," Huang Shengyuan's face sank, and he was in a good mood just now. This time it has changed drastically, "If you can calculate it accurately, then I wouldn't say that I can't live longer than sixty-five years of nonsense!"

After speaking, Huang Shengyuan didn't intend to continue speaking any more, which would affect his mood.

But as soon as he turned around, Huang Yuncheng leaned in his ear and muttered for a while.

Huang Shengyuan's complexion obviously began to change. From the unhappiness just now, it became gloomy and terrible, and his gray eyes stared at Wu Jun coldly.

Wu Jun frowned. Is Huang Yuncheng complaining at the scene?

This guy's heart is so small, isn't it just scaring you to pee your pants, as for?

After listening to Huang Yuncheng's words, Huang Shengyuan angrily rushed to Wu Jun: "Boy, what are you that dare to use a knife on my son?"

"Yes," Wu Jun replied with a smile, "so scared that he was peeing his pants."

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Huang Geng looked at Wu Jun.

The people like Huang Geng were surprised and admired.

Yesterday Wu Jun didn't tell them in detail. Today, it seems that something unpleasant happened between him and Huang Yuncheng.

It was Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu, the newborn calves were not afraid of tigers. Hearing Wu Jun said that he scared Huang Yuncheng into peeing on his pants, he couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"You fart!"

In front of so many people, Huang Yuncheng couldn't hold on to his face. Now that his father is backing him, he is naturally very arrogant, pointing to Wu Jun's nose and cursing.

"Young man," Huang Shengyuan stopped Huang Yuncheng to his side, staring at Wu Jun and said, "This is the old man and my house. You can still be so arrogant, who is your grandfather?

"Maybe I know it, maybe I helped me flush the toilet back then."


Before Wu Jun counterattacked, Zhou Zifang next to him snorted coldly.

Although there was a little friction with Wu Jun last time, but because of this, I got a huge chance. Now Wu Jun is highly respected.

"Old man Huang, you have no eyes and you don't know how high the sky is, so don't be embarrassed here."

Huang Shengyuan was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and a hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Listening to Zhou Zifang's tone, could it be that this young man is still an incredible figure?

But looking back, so what?

He has Master Coper, so he still needs to beg for others?

Besides, Wu Jun actually dared to do something to his son, which was even more intolerable to him than directly killing him.

"I don't care who you are," he said sharply, "You kneel and confess your guilt to my son now, swearing that you will never show up in front of my son again in this life, and I may be able to let you go."

"Otherwise?" Wu Jun asked with a smile.

"Otherwise, don't blame the old man for being unreasonable. In the presence of so many people, let people beat you to a disability!"

"Dare you!" Nie Pu blushed and called out first.

Jiang Ziyan also followed her and said, "It's not that he dare not, but he doesn't have this ability."

"Is there any place for you to speak here?" Jiang Shangjiang raised his eyebrows, "but you are right."

People like Huang Geng also looked like they were going to watch a joke, which made other guests feel very strange.

Who is this young man who is so awesome that he dares to confront Huang Shengyuan tit for tat, and there are people who support him.

Standing in the crowd, Nie Cang and Song Qian were like mirrors, and couldn't help feeling that Huang Shengyuan was worthless.

This old man is too protective of the calf. Huang Yuncheng has caused many troubles since he was a child. Even people like them can hear calluses in their ears. It is no surprise.

But no matter what Huang Yunhai did, Huang Shengyuan would protect his calf for no reason, and sooner or later he would suffer.

No, it seems that I have suffered a loss yesterday, and I will continue today, and I have to take him with daddy.

It's really a scam.

"What a crazy tone," Huang Shengyuan sneered, "I am ninety years old today, what else can I not do? How many things can I not do?

"Don't say you are a little-known baby, even if the king daddy provokes my son, I will make him unable to get out of this door today!"

When everyone heard it, their discoloration changed, and this birthday star was really angry.

It seems that the legendary Huang Shengyuan's character is changeable and moody, which is really true.

But this is a bit embarrassing.

Obviously it was a big event, if it really made a fuss and made things hurt, it would be unsightly.

Just when Huang Shengyuan was about to call the security guard, a voice came from behind.

"Huang Gong, don't be angry."

When everyone looked back, they saw an old man in a vintage gown with a middle-aged man, who was striding forward.

The old man is not tall, he is very lean, and his gray hair is tied in a long braid behind his head, which looks a bit like a fairy tale.

When he saw his appearance, Huang Geng and the faces of several veterans of the Xuan Society showed a strange look at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, it was thirty years, everyone almost forgot the existence of this person, and I didn't expect to see him today.

And it seems that he should be the one who helped Huang Shengyuan heaven-defying to change his life.

Regarding the grievance between Huang Geng and Ke Bo, to be precise, it was the grievance between Ke Bo and the Xuan Xuehui. At this time, it reappeared like yesterday and clearly appeared in everyone's minds.

At that time, Ke Bo tried all his thoughts and thoughts to take the position of chairman of the Xuan Society, but on the day when everyone voted, everyone gave their votes to Huang Geng.

For nothing else, it's just because Ke Bo is more extreme and likes to go slant with the sword.

Such a character is indeed not suitable for the post of president.

Since then, Kobo disappeared and never heard anything about him.

Unexpectedly, he and Huang Shengyuan got entangled with each other, and Yizang has been for more than 30 years.

And today he showed up through Huang Shengyuan's 90th birthday and invited everyone from the Xuan Society. You don't need to guess that everyone knows that he might want to humiliate everyone in public and slap everyone in the face like Huang Shengyuan did just now.

Maybe it's more than that.

"Kobo, it was you?"

"Haha, President Huang, long time no see!" Although Ke Bo is not tall, but with condescending eyes, he said to Huang Geng, "You really have been sitting in the position of the president for long enough."

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