The System Let Me Go Fortune Telling

Chapter 881 Life Extension

The appearance of Ke Bo calmed down Huang Shengyuan, who had just been angry just now. It seems that the person who just clamored to break Wu Jun's legs was not him at all.

And from what Ke Bo said to Huang Geng, it is not difficult to hear the strong smell of gunpowder.

It seems that I didn't come here in vain today, and I was able to see the Eight Trigrams about Huang Geng. This opportunity is even more rare than a pie in the sky.

So everyone couldn't help but walked half a step forward at the same time.

At the same time, Wu Jun also used the Eye of Heaven on him.

Name: Ke Bai, male, Chinese Han...

Remarks: None.

But he didn't look at too many images of Ke Bo. He already knew what he and Huang Yuncheng were preparing today.

The reason why he didn't take him down now was because Wu Jun was still waiting for someone.

Huang Shengyuan is unable to bear children and will not live to be sixty-five years old. It may be a fact. People like Huang Geng and Su Mingyue are right.

But they can't do anything about it, they can only watch the fate happen.

From the video of Huang Shengyuan just now, we can see that in order to change his life, Ke Bo gave him some ancestral secret recipe, which gave him the ability to have children.

Later, in order to increase the life span of Huang Shengyuan, another formation was built.

He can still accept that taking medicine can give birth to children. After all, the Heavenly Master Pill also has this effect.

But to say that formation can increase people's life, he categorically doesn't believe this.

The Jiang family's antiquity formation that has been guarded for thousands of years has no such effect.

And if Ke Bo really has this ability, with his character, will he disappear for more than 30 years?

Even if it is not known to the world, there will never be a hint of wind.

So Wu Jun guessed that this big formation was not a wicked way, nor was it a Rivers and Lakes thaumaturgy, but a scam.

It is very likely that it was some kind of medicine that really made Huang Shengyuan live to the present.

But this kind of drug is very rare, and Kobo is only that, even someone else gave him, so he can't give other people his life, so he has not appeared on Rivers and Lakes.

So he felt that there might be people behind Ke Bo, but Ke Bo's plan today was very successful, and these people did not appear in the video.

Therefore, finding ways to draw these people out, tracing the roots, and eradicating future troubles is his main goal today.

"Ke Bo," Huang Geng was unmoved in the face of the provocation, "you haven't seen you for so many years, your character is still so frizzy."

"Yes, I am really a bit frizzy," Ke Bai smiled, "but frizz is frizzy, but what you can't do, I did it."

Huang Geng smiled: "Congratulations then."

"Don't say such superficial remarks for you and me," Ke Bo waved his hand indifferently. "It's just a trivial matter that gives people more than 20 years of life."

Trivial matter?

When the crowd heard his rants, they felt that this person was pretending too much.

Some people smiled and shook their heads, thinking that he was the Wang Po selling melons.

If life is so easy, doctors will be laid off.

Such self-promotion and boasting were just to attract everyone's attention, and they all went to him to increase his life and give him money.

But there was a glimmer of light flashing in the eyes of some people. As the saying goes, people like them would rather be trusted if they are not. Especially for people like them, rich and powerful, Life is as comfortable as being in paradise.

If you can spend some money, who doesn't want to live another five hundred years?

Seeing the changes in the faces and eyes of everyone, Ke Bo was faintly proud.

His goal today is to bring everyone present to the "formation" that will increase the life of Huang Shengyuan.

But he can't talk about this kind of thing himself, it's better for someone to take the initiative to bring it up, and it can't be him or Huang Shengyuan's.

That's why he deliberately provoke Huang Geng when he came up just now, attracting everyone's attention. He believes that there will always be someone who can't help but ask, and then he can take advantage of the trend and let these people follow him.

To be on the safe side, he also arranged two childcares in the crowd.

But before the nurse could speak, Su Mingyue stood up decisively under Wu Jun's gaze.

"Kebo, don't use your shameless crooked ways to deceive people."

Half of Wu Jun asked him to say this, and half of it was his sincere words.

After decades of studying metaphysics, Su Mingyue didn't believe that Ke Bo could increase people's life.

"Su Mingyue?"

Ke Bo glanced at him meaningfully, secretly applauded, and indeed Su Mingyue was still the same temperament back then, and there was no room for sand in his eyes.

When he wanted to run for chairman, Su Mingyue was the objector.

But just so, the stronger Su Mingyue's reaction, the more likely it is that everyone will fall into his trap.

"In front of me, you are just a yellow-mouthed kid," Ke Bo said proudly, "what right do you have to judge me?"

"Hmph, even if you are older than me, that doesn't mean anything," Su Mingyue said, "Everyone has his destiny, and heaven-defying changes his destiny, it is either a scam or a witchcraft, which is intolerable by heaven!"

"Su Mingyue!" Huang Shengyuan on one side couldn't bear it. He pointed to Su Mingyue's nose and shouted, "I asked you to come, because I think you have some talent.

"But if you disrespect Master Coper in this way, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

"When I turn my face, I turn my face," Su Mingyue also got up with a temper, and waved a big hand, "Is it true that I like to come here?"


Huang Shengyuan turned blue with anger and almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

"Huang Gong, don't be familiar with this kind of person," Ke Bo immediately persuaded him when he saw it.

"The frog at the bottom of the well knows the sky is vast?"

"Good, good," Su Mingyue said when he saw the play and was almost done, "Ke Bo, you call yourself a Honghu, that is to let us see and see, do you really have that ability?"

"Su Mingyue, this is what a strong person is difficult for you," Ke Bai smiled, "You know that this is my Secret Technique, and you want me to perform it in front of so many people, you say, do you want to learn from the teacher? Art?

"In fact, don't have to be so troublesome. You kneel down and knock me three heads now. I'll teach you right away. Never hide your personalities!"

Su Mingyue's face turned dark, this old thing really knows how to pretend!

Daddy has deliberately given you a chance to show off, and even take advantage of it here.

I really wanted to rush to punch him twice.

"Master Coper," the childcare mingled in the crowd at this moment called out, "Mr. Su's words are also reasonable, just show your hand and let us open our eyes!"

"Yes, Master Kobo, since it is a Secret Technique, it is naturally not easy. If others want to learn secretly, how can it be so easy?"

Some guests also showed expectant eyes. As long as Keboken showed his hand, everyone could tell whether it was true or not.

If it is a deceitful trick, treat it as a joke.

If it is true, then some say it.

So everyone followed and persuaded him to ask Ke Bo not to hide himself, so that everyone could open their eyes.

Ke Bo's face was embarrassed, but he was secretly complacent, Su Mingyue, a fool, did not know that Su Mingyue helped him make a wedding dress. He was indeed a young man, which really made him worry.

In the face of everyone's enthusiasm, Ke Bo pretended to be reserved for a while, and finally said: "Well, since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will show you something today.

"Actually, I used a formation to help Huang Gongzengshou. I can take you to take a look."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at each other.

This kind of thing that is only in the legend, does it really exist in reality?

Huang Shengyuan also has a trace of anxiety in his heart. The formation is real, and it is hidden underground in this manor.

But if Ke Bo showed this formation to everyone, wouldn't he expose it?

How did Ke Bo plan this? How could he not breathe in advance?

But when I look back, he has lived for more than 20 years because of the gift of Coper. Now that he wants to show the formation to everyone, he can't say no.

In fact, even if he opposed it, it was useless.

In order to ensure the success of the plan, Ke Bo asked his only apprentice Fang Xiujie to get acquainted with Huang Yuncheng a long time ago.

Huang Yuncheng has no brains. Fang Xiujie pointed him a few words to get him some benefits. Huang Yuncheng basically regarded him as Deva and obeyed his words.

So even if Huang Shengyuan objected, Huang Yuncheng would try to open the door to formation and bring everyone in.

But now it seems that this arrangement is unnecessary.

"Master Coper, where is this formation?"

"It's in this manor," Ke Bo turned to Huang Shengyuan and said, "Huang Gong, the so-called solitary pleasure is not as good as the public pleasure. This formation has been following you for more than 20 years. Let everyone take a look today."

The meaning of Kobo's words couldn't be more obvious.

Huang Shengyuan has received the benefits for more than 20 years and should be satisfied, so don't hide it now, show it to everyone, and let more people give him money.

In fact, when Huang Shengyuan was born in Huang Yuncheng a long time ago, when the biggest wish of life was lost, he had already looked away.

After living for more than 20 years, it was really a waste of picking it up.

"Okay," he said, "but the old man also has a request. After everyone has read it, if you need it, you can ask Master Coper for help.

"If you don't need it, please keep your mouth shut and don't make the city full of wind and rain."

"That is for sure."

"Huang Gong, don't worry, I think those who can be here today are very clear-headed and won't do foolish things."

Huang Shengyuan looked at Huang Geng's group again.

"Don't worry," Huang Geng said calmly, "I can express my opinion on behalf of everyone in the Xuan Society."

Huang Shengyuan nodded and said, "Although you have no abilities, I still believe in your personality."

Then he said to Wu Jun: "This person doesn't have to go."

Wu Jun frowned, this old man was really stingy.

"Let him be with him," Jiang Shangjiang said at this time, "I will protect him."

"I also take a guarantee." Huang Geng said.

People who knew Jiang Shangjiang were curious again.

Jiang Shangjiang and Huang Geng both pledged at the same time. This young man really had a background. No wonder he dared to compete with Huang Shengyuan.

It's just that Ke Bo appeared too timely just now and interrupted the good show.

In the pity of some people, everyone followed in the footsteps of Huang Shengyuan and Ke Bo to the edge of the pond.

Huang Shengyuan took a key from Huang Yuncheng, opened a box with his own hands, and then pressed the switch inside.

With a rumbling sound, small waves appeared on the surface of the originally quiet pond, and a long passage rose from the bottom of the water to the small island in the center of the big pond.

This surprised many people present. Although this mechanism is very common on TV, in reality, no one is so neat in life.

It seems that Huang Shengyuan really spent hard work and money for this formation.

After the passage was completely stabilized, Huang Shengyuan said to everyone: "Everyone, please follow me."

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