This move by Huang Shengyuan stunned everyone present except Wu Jun.

Everyone knows that Huang Shengyuan had a son at the age of sixty. He was like a baby. He had never scolded him. He had to find a way to pick the stars in the sky.

And everyone saw it just now, just because Wu Jun frightened Huang Yuncheng a bit, he made someone break Wu Jun's leg if he didn't agree with him.

Such an old man who protects the calf, now he personally stabbed a dagger into his son's chest.

Huang Yuncheng himself did not dare to be confident.

Even if he used to poke a hole in the sky, the old man would never say a word of seriousness.

"Dad...what are you doing?"

At this time, Huang Shengyuan had a sad expression on his face, two lines of old tears crisscrossed, and his whole body was trembling.

"Dad, are you crazy? I'm your son!" Huang Yuncheng's chest was stained red with blood, and he sat on the ground feebly, "Why are you stabbing me, why? Call an ambulance!"

"Yuncheng, listen carefully," Huang Shengyuan's voice was no longer the sonorous, but with a slight tremor, "From childhood to adulthood, no matter what trouble you have caused or who has offended you, I will try my best to favor you. , I never scold you because I think these things are not worth mentioning.

"But don't you remember, since you are sensible, I taught you not to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, not to collude with the enemy and treason!

"But now, look at yourself, what stupid thing did you do?

"You are colluding with foreign enemies for your own personal gain and crueling your compatriots... Heaven is intolerable!

"You said, are you wrong? Are you wrong?"

Huang Yuncheng's complexion became paler, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

Because he felt it, the old man was really angry. For the first time in his life, he was angry with him.

"Sorry Dad, I was wrong, I know I was wrong!" Huang Yuncheng said quickly, "I shouldn't listen to Fang Xiujie's words, and I shouldn't sign any agreement with the Americans, so you quickly find a way to save me, I... …It hurts..."

Huang Shengyuan sighed up to the sky and said loudly: "I Huang Yuncheng's life, doing things upright, but don't want to give birth to such an idiot, I...I knew this before, I shouldn't have let you come into this world at all!"

"Don't dad, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!" Huang Yunhai climbed to the edge of the iron cage with difficulty and shouted to the people outside, "Whoever of you will save me, please! My dad is crazy, he wants to kill me, I really don't want to die!"

There are more than a hundred people outside, like wood, unmoved.

In the eyes of many people, he was just stabbed, and he hadn't been stabbed in the heart. It was simply too cheap for him.

"Get back!" Huang Shengyuan shouted again, "Daddy's face has been lost to you for all the embarrassing things! Daddy's first name has been ruined by you!"

" on earth can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Maybe under Jiuquan, I will forgive you."

Under Jiuquan, what do you mean?

Huang Yuncheng stared at Huang Shengyuan, is the old man going to kill himself in front of him?

"Dad, don't think about it, you stop now, I ask Master Ke Bo to help you live longer for decades, we still have a lot of good lives!"

"Shut up!" At this time, Huang Yuncheng was still so obsessed, Huang Shengyuan trembled with anger, "I really regret letting you come into this world!

"Since...I asked you to come, then I will personally send you back!"

Huang Yuncheng heard despair and horror in his eyes: "You...are you really going to kill me? Are you really so cruel? They say that tiger poison does not eat seeds, do you want to be worse than beasts?"

"You still call me a beast?" Huang Shengyuan was angry, and his voice became more and more high-pitched, "Just now, I should kill you! The purpose of keeping you alive is to let you listen to my teachings and let you die. Got to understand!

"So you can listen to me now. My Huang family is a descendant of Yan and Huang, and I have to stand upright and stand upright. I can only stand to die, not to live on my knees!

"Since you have become a traitor, betrayed your country, and murdered your compatriots, even if you are my only son and the only descendant of my Huang family, today I will personally treat you--

"Just-the ground-the right-the law -"

After speaking, Huang Shengyuan drew out the dagger from Huang Yuncheng's chest and stabbed it deeply again.

This time it only reached the heart, Huang Yuncheng was held in his arms, and after a few struggles, there was no movement.

When Huang Shengyuan stood up again, his whole body looked sluggish.

The pain of losing a son, and it was because he personally ended his son's life, which made his already old body shrunk several times, even his back squeezed.

He tremblingly walked to the edge of the iron cage, and fell to his knees with a thump: "Everyone, I am sorry for someone Huang. It was I who caused you to suffer such a situation. I am guilty and will never be blamed for death!"

Although I am quite dissatisfied with Huang Shengyuan, what else can everyone say at this time?

People even killed Du Miaomiao's own son and apologized. How many people in this world can do such a righteous extermination?

Huang Shengyuan opened his blood-stained hand again and said to Huang Geng and others: "Mr. Huang, and Mr. Su, you are right. I have stolen decades of life from God, this is the price I have to pay!

"For the past thirty years, I have been living in a dream.

"Now, it's time to wake up from the dream!"

"You don't have to blame yourself too much," Huang Geng said. "You are also deceived by others about this matter."

"That's also my crime. If you commit a crime, you have to bear the consequences." Huang Shengyuan said, "Everyone present, please help me testify. I, Huang Shengyuan, hereby declare that I am willing to donate all my property to the country."

Huang Geng's face changed slightly when he heard it, but before he could dissuade him, Huang Shengyuan slammed his head on the iron cage, and suddenly opened a horrible wound at the center of his eyebrows.

Blood ran down the bridge of his nose, but Huang Shengyuan was relieved and relieved.

"Why are you doing this again?"

Huang Geng sighed, but he knew that the matter was irretrievable at this point.

"The ancestors of the Huang family are here, I'm bringing Shaozi with me, and I'm here to plead with you!"

After speaking, Huang Shengyuan crawled on the ground and gradually lost his life.

Huang Shengyuan's actions made the hearts of everyone sighed, and many people who knew him sighed again and again.

Jiang Ziyan was deeply moved.

Until just now, she had no good feelings for Huang Shengyuan, thinking that he was a stubborn old man with a weird temper, arrogant and unreasonable.

But Huang Shengyuan's actions just now profoundly changed her mind.

"Why don't you stop him?" So she asked Wu Jun quietly, "You should have this ability, right?"

"Yes." Wu Jun also whispered back, "but what can I do if I save him?

"His heart is dead. I saved him this time, but I can't save him a second time.

"It's not as good as it is now, at least it can make him seek benevolence and benevolence."

Jiang Ziyan nodded slightly, her heart was dead, there was indeed no way to save it.

Unless you can go back in time.

But this kind of thing is more difficult than borrowing decades of life from God, right?

"Everyone," Huang Geng said again at this time, "please hold back your grief first, our enemies are still laughing there."

After hearing what he said, everyone suddenly remembered that in another iron cage, there was a Coper who had been watching a show.

"Ke Bo, are you still obsessed with this?" Huang Geng shouted sharply.

"Hurry up and let everyone out," Su Mingyue also said, "If you get lost, you will return, maybe the sky can spare your life!"

"Kebo, you crazy thing, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

"The whole China will be shaken by your stupid behavior today!"

"This is a trick of the Americans. Are you blind? You can't even see this?"


Facing everyone's accusations, Ke Bo snorted coldly.

Huang Yuncheng's death did have an impact on Ke Bo's plan.

He and Huang Shengyuan have been together for so many years, who knows that he still hasn't been able to see this person clearly, so simply and decisively at this critical moment, and so bloody.

Huang Yuncheng is dead, and he can't get a penny of the Huang family's property, which makes his mood and expression not very good.

But things have developed to this point, and nothing else is useless.

The Huang family's money is just a small bonus, which has killed so many metaphysical masters and rich people in China. The benefits he can get from that person are what he really values.

As for the consequences of this incident, what does it have to do with him?

"Noisy!" Ke Bo said disdainfully, "I advise you to calm down, and while there is still some time, maybe you can write a suicide note."

"Ke Bo," Huang Geng took two steps forward, pressing hard to ask, "I'll just ask you a question."

"Let's say, because you are about to die, I might be able to answer you."

"For your own self-interest, you don't hesitate to design to entrap so many people and cause China to shake. Your...conscience is safe?"

"Conscience?" Ke Bo couldn't help but sneered three times. "Are you telling me about conscience now?"

"Back then, I was far above your Huang Geng, regardless of my talent and strategy!

"I tried my best to persuade and promote the establishment of the Metaphysical Society, and I am more willing to do my best for the country and work hard. Do you think I had a conscience at that time?

"But what about the result?

"You people actually said that my mind was not righteous, and kicked me out of the metaphysical society that I founded!

"My conscience is safe, and your conscience is safe?"

Huang Geng and everyone looked at each other. They didn't expect that it was something that happened more than 30 years ago, and Ke Bo was still thinking about it.

But what happened back then was really not what Ke Bo thought was.

Everyone didn't choose him as the president, because he was too extreme in his work, and he didn't drive him away and let him be the vice president.

But now to talk about it, it is no longer useful, Coper's Heart's Demon is too deep.

This is really sad and deplorable.

As a result, when everyone was sighing, Wu Jun laughed.

"Kebo, if you want to do something bad, you can do it well, so why bother to find some grand-sounding excuses."

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