With Wu Jun's words, everyone was quiet again.

And Ke Bo looked at Wu Jun's sight, which was also full of cold light.

"You are a yellow-mouthed kid, what do you know?"

"Really?" Wu Jun said with a smile, "Well, I am also a fortune teller. Anyone who knows me knows that my fortune-telling rules are a bit strange. I only count you 30 days before and in the future.

"The most troublesome thing for me is that I have calculated very accurately. I can tell you everything about your previous things.

"So we can't run away anyway, why don't we let me count it for you?"

Ke Boben didn't want to pay attention to him, but when he heard that everything was clear, he felt a sense of dissatisfaction in his heart.

He is also a fortune teller, and he also knows what fortune telling is about.

Through some methods, it may be possible to infer some past events. It is indeed possible.

But to say that everything is fine, he doesn't believe it, even if a god descends to the world, he probably doesn't have this ability.

And even if this young man can do this, he still can't get rid of the fate of death.

"Well, today I will see if you have such an ability."

"For scolding, behave like this," Wu Jun walked out with a smile, "I won't talk about irrelevant things. Time is limited, so I'll just pick the key points.

"Thirty-three years ago, that is the year you worked hard to promote the urban metaphysical society, you almost died in a car accident, right?"

Ke Bo sneered: "What's this? Many people know about it."

Wu Jun continued: "Your attending physician at the time was a foreigner named Lee, wasn't it?"

Ke Bo's face changed, but he still pretended to be indifferent: "This is not a secret, you continue."

"According to the medical level and your injury at the time, you were actually not saved," Wu Jun said. "It was Lee who saved your life. What was used... the same thing you gave Huang Shengyuan to increase his life. ."

Hearing this, Ke Bo couldn't calm down.

This is the secret between him and Mr. Lee. In this world, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to know.

Why does this young man who looks only in his early twenties know this secret?

In fact, Wu Jun was just a guess, because through the video, he could only see that Lee gave Ke Bo something to eat, and Ke Bo also gave Huang Shengyuan something to eat.

But whether the two are the same, he couldn't tell.

However, judging from Coper's performance, he was right.

In this world, there are not many things that can save people from dying and increase their lives. Except for a few of his own bodies, he knows only Feng Qi's corpse.

Anything related to Fengqi has a very obvious advantage in terms of longevity.

"So from then on, you have become Lee's lackey."

Everyone in Huang Geng heard this, and they couldn't help but change their expressions. This was a hidden secret they didn't know.

If Ke Bo had been bought by someone at that time, and he had become the president of the Profound Society, the consequences...thinking about it would make people feel scared.

"But over the years, you have been using Huang Shengyuan to hide and help him develop, become the richest man in Shenghai, and become a very influential person," Wu Jun continued, "The purpose of you and those behind you is I want to stab China from the inside at a critical time.

"Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use soldiers for a while, tusk, this trick is really ruthless.

"If more than a hundred people here die today, you must be very happy to throw two pieces of dead human flesh to you, so that you can live for a few more decades, right?""You...you are..."

"How did I know, right?" Wu Jun smiled. "Didn't I tell you just now? I'm very accurate in fortune telling. As long as you have done things, don't try to hide from me.

"Well, am I as good as I am?"

"Haha..." Ke Bo laughed suddenly, "Yes, you did have a second time, but what about it?

"Even if you can count me clearly in the past, then if you count it, you are all going to die in my hands today?"

"That's why you didn't listen to me seriously," Wu Jun smiled. "I just said that I can not only count your past, but also your future 30 days, so you think I will I walked into your trap to let you drown me?"

Kobo's heart sank suddenly, but soon became confident again.

The trap he prepared today is foolproof, not only he can manipulate it, but there are others outside to take it.

Even if he is trapped here and cannot go out, as soon as the time comes, people outside will manually open the sluice.

"You don't believe it?" Wu Jun continued, "Then you can try now to see if the remote control in your pocket doesn't work?"

Ke Bo frowned, but now, he is unwilling to wait any longer.

So he reached into his pocket and gently pressed the remote control.


The hum of the motor soon came from above, and the iron cage where Ke Bo and Fang Xiujie were, slowly began to ascending.

"Haha, yellow-mouthed kid, I thought you were really capable, but you were still bluffing!" Ke Bo laughed loudly, "Look, now I'm going out, and you are going to be drowned!"

As he continued to press the remote control, he wanted to open the water gate, but there was no response when he pressed it.

No, it must be a bad signal, press again.

As a result, the connection was pressed a few times, and no water rushed in from the gate.

"Don't press it, your remote control is malfunctioning." Wu Jun smiled.

"Hmph, don't think you can live," Ke Bo said, "What if my remote control fails, as long as I go out, I can open the sluice and drown..."


Before he finished speaking, the ascending iron cage suddenly stopped in the air.

This time, Ke Bo can't calm down. What's the situation? Is it a malfunction?

He quickly checked the remote control, but there was no response after a long time, and the electronic lock on the iron cage could not be opened.

Impossible, he has tried it many times, and it has always been very useful. Why is there a problem suddenly now?

Everyone was flustered just now, but now they saw Ke Bo and his apprentice hung in the air like two monkeys. Some people couldn't help but laugh.

"Ke Bo, Skynet is full of negligence without leaking, don't you understand this truth?"

Ke Bo and Fang Xiujie were sweating in anxiety, what should we do now?

Although there was a backup plan, Ke Bo suddenly lost confidence.

Could it be that this young man, who can really count everything, has long understood all his arrangements?

Impossible, how could there be such a powerful person in this world?


At this moment, behind everyone, there was a sound of an iron door opening. When everyone looked back, they saw a short black face with both hands in their pants pockets and walked in.

"I said you are too procrastinated, why have you been doing it for so long?"

"Fan...Mr. Fan?"

Someone quickly recognized him and was surprised.

"It turns out that Mr. Fan is here!"

Ke Bo also recognized Fan Peng, his face was unbelievable.

Actually is not how surprised Fan Peng is, but since Fan Peng opened the door and walked in, it means that the people he arranged outside are no longer on the scene?

No, it's impossible, Coper told himself time and time again.

Even if the people he arranged were subdued by Fan Peng, how about Americans?

For this plan, the Americans sent several elites to wait around. If something goes wrong, they will definitely come to deal with it.

Those people are very powerful, and Van Peng can't be an opponent.

"Don't dream about it," Fan Peng said. "The foreigners outside have all been arrested, and now even their home in Shenghai has been taken."

"Liar, you lied!" Ke Bo really couldn't calm down, "The Americans are so powerful, you can't catch them! And the time we agreed upon hasn't arrived at all, they can't do it!"

"Still deceiving yourself," Wu Jun couldn't help but shook his head, "Do you think we have been with you for so long in the show, and we talked so much nonsense here with you, is it because we like you?"

Coper: "...Then why are you?"

"Of course it's to delay time. You can't even guess this. You are still a master?" Jiang Ziyan could ridicule at first sight, naturally she was not merciful at all, "Don't drag you here, your dear father Will they jump out on their own? If they don't jump out, where do we go to arrest people?"

Ke Bai's face was pale, he looked at Wu Jun, then at Huang Geng and everyone else, only to see that these people looked at him like a fool, and they obviously knew these things well.

This... Did he fall into the trap from the beginning? He was calculated by these people together?

"Let me tell you," Fan Peng said, "The time you agreed upon did not arrive, but your daddy didn't want you to survive. They planned to drown you here together."

"Impossible!" Hearing these words, Ke Bo couldn't accept it. "They are the most credible. It is impossible to do such a thing, absolutely impossible!"

Seeing him was like crazy, everyone shook their heads together.

How clean is Ke Bo's mind?

This is a typical kind of being sold and called a father, and it is hopeless.

"Master," Fan Peng came to Wu Jun and asked, "What should I do now? Do you want someone to come in and arrest both of them?"

"No," Wu Jun said, shaking his head. "If you do any unrighteousness, you will kill yourself. You prepared this cage yourself, so let him enjoy his old age here."

Jiang Ziyan said coldly: "This is probably called digging one's own grave, it deserves it! This kind of person should die!"

"Haha, you want to trap us to death, don't forget to think about it," Ke Bo is still stiff, "Mr. Lee will definitely send someone to save us!"

Mr. Lee has belched long ago!

But Wu Jun didn't tell him about this. Anything that can't be done is absolutely impossible, right? There must be a glimmer of hope for others.

He walked to Huang Shengyuan's cage and yanked the iron cage open so that his body was also carried out.

Although the things that Old Man Huang has done are not easy to evaluate, he is fundamentally a loyal person and should be allowed to enter the soil for peace.

As for his son Huang Yuncheng, no one cares about him.

Treason and treason, entrap the compatriots, and recognize the thief as the father, it is not a pity for such a person to die.

"Everyone," Huang Geng said to everyone again before going out, "I was frightened for dragging everyone down today. Here I will accompany you first.""It's okay, it's just a false alarm."

"Chairman Huang has a foresight, and he does not need to blame himself for the people!"


"Thank you for your understanding," Huang Geng said, "but what happened here today, I hope you can speak carefully after you go out."

"This is natural!"

"Chairman Huang rest assured, what should be said and what should not be said, we all know in our hearts!"

Huang Geng nodded, he also believed that these people would not talk nonsense everywhere, it would be of no benefit to them.

"Let me say a few words too."

At this time Jiang Shangjiang also stood up, he knew, why Wu Jun asked him to come today.

"I believe everyone understands what happened today," Jiang Shangjiang said. "In the past two years, China has been singing and dancing, but it has been suppressed by the outside world.

"I can't say what I want everyone to do, but I think that as Chinese people, as descendants of Yan and Huang, at least we can do our own duties.

"In the words of Duke Huang, I would rather stand to die than kneel to live!

"Everyone, I hope everyone can stay true to their hearts and don't repeat the mistakes of Ke Bo!"

"Elder Jiang is right. We don't have any trouble at ordinary times," someone said. "But when it comes to this kind of problem, I hope everyone can agree to the outside world."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, we are not stupid."


"That's good, then let's go out now, I'm so bored after staying here for a long time."

Talking that everyone walked out happily all the way, leaving only the cold body of Ke Bo and his apprentice and Huang Yuncheng.

"Master, what shall we do!"

Fang Xiujie was frightened all over, locked in this dark place, they are going to starve to death!

"Don't be afraid, the Americans will come to save us, they will definitely come!"

"You don't know, Mr. Lee is very good, and he is very trustworthy. He will not let go of the things he promised."

Fang Xiujie is about to cry. When is this, what does your old man believe in Mr. Lee?

So old people, maybe he is already dead?

"Why don't I look at the remote control again? Maybe it's all right?"

As he spoke, Ke Bo quickly took out the remote control and pressed it a few times without any response. Finally, when he pressed the button to open the water gate, he suddenly heard a creak.


A dozen gates suddenly opened on the wall, and water that was thicker than a thigh rushed in instantly.

Fang Xiujie:...

Mr. Lee can't release water, Master, don't release the water yourself!

"No, Mr. Lee will definitely send someone to save us. They are the most trustworthy people in the world!"

Fang Xiujie: "Master, everyone's neck is drowned, can you stop reading it?"

"He will definitely come, and the Americans will not break their promise... Gululu..."

"Definitely...grumbling...will come..."

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