Wu Jun's live broadcast has caused a huge storm all over the world, and the whole world is discussing the authenticity of this live broadcast. Because someone ran up to the top of the Pentagon Building for a live broadcast, and a red flag was hung there, which is incredible.

As the person in charge of this incident, Will was not only scolded by the leader, but he was almost suspended.

When he led people to the top of the building, the ghost shadow did not see a single one.

But whether it was the cut wall or the red flag flying upstairs, it proved that Wu Jun was indeed here just now.

The problem is, they didn't catch anyone.

After the incident report was submitted, Will became a joke in everyone's eyes.

Because in everyone's eyes, Will tried to use a "spiritual" phenomenon to cover up his incompetence.

Let a big living person slip away in front of thousands of heavily armed soldiers. Isn't this incompetence?

"How's the monitoring check?"

Will was grayed out by the scolding, and when he returned to the office, he found his assistant as soon as possible.

"I found some problems." The assistant knew that he was in a bad mood, and quickly took the information he found. "Look, this is the video from yesterday afternoon. We found two pims, which appeared in different places at the same time. ."

"This one is definitely not Pim," Will said, pointing to one of the scenes. "Although it looks the same, Pim will habitually hold his fist in his left hand when he walks, but this one is not."

"And this morning," said the assistant, "Eric came at half past six, but afterwards we discovered that he came to work only after the incident."

"In other words, it was Wu Jun who pretended to be these two people!"

"It should be so, but fingerprints and iris..." The assistant hesitated for a moment, and did not continue.

Because if this is true, it would be terrible.

To enter the building, in addition to fingerprints, you have to go through an iris scan.

Even if Wu Jun’s transformation art is very powerful, how did I get it?

"Also," the assistant opened another file. "We found out yesterday that this fake Pim entered your office and put something under the monitor."

Will quickly opened the monitor, and he saw a note under the base as expected.

"Your father Wu Jun, come here for a visit."

Looking at the poorly written eight characters, Will's face turned blue with anger.

This Wu Jun is too mad!

This is simply bullying!

Is this interesting?

"Mr. Will, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do?" Will tore the note to pieces severely and threw it into the trash can. "Immediately hold a press conference and deny the live broadcast, saying... it's a forgery."

"But... but that live broadcast, people all over the world have seen it, and..."

"What if I see it? Do we have to admit it?" Will interrupted his assistant rudely. "If I admit it, the congress masters won't scold me to death?"


"Also contact Miffia and let her start the next step quickly!"

After thinking for a while, Will said again: "Arrange a plane for me, I want to go to China right away, right away!"


After traveling around the world, Wu Jun quickly returned to Wangzishan.

This time I went out to gain a lot, and all kinds of materials were full, enough to cope with this incident.

But as soon as he got home, Sun Ling hurried over.

"It's fine if you come back." Seeing that Wu Jun is safe, Sun Ling was relieved. "You don't know, everyone has been worried these days, for fear of something wrong with you."

"What can you do?"

"You are fine, it doesn't mean that Xizhilin is fine," Sun Ling said, "maybe you don't know yet, you made things too big this time."

"How to say?"

"The Americans are revenge for your provocative behavior..."

"Correct, it's not that I provoked them, but they provoked me first," Wu Jun said, "or they want to rob me."

"I know, can I still not know?" Sun Lin said, "but you know I know, others don't necessarily know. The media all over the world are discussing this matter these days, and there is nothing good for you."

"Haha, the media."

"In any case, international public opinion is one-sided, and it is also very detrimental to us," Sun Ling said. "So the Americans have united many countries and began to test pressure on us."

"It's fast enough."

"Furthermore..." Sun Ling stopped talking, but he still said, "In our internal, everyone's opinions on this matter are not all unified."

Wu Jun frowned: "What do you mean?"

"That is to say, there are still people who think that Xizhilin should cooperate with the world so that it can resolve the crisis brought about by this incident and earn foreign exchange..." Sun Ling did not finish speaking, but changed the conversation. "However, Most people still support you, at least we are completely on your side."

Wu Jun shook his head, this situation was also in his expectation.

But he didn't say anything about it, and he didn't expect to use the power of the country to solve this matter. Xizhilin is fully capable of dealing with any situation.

"You don't care, it doesn't mean that others don't care," Sun Ling said. "Now the Americans have made demands. If Xizhilin does not agree to cooperate, they will impose sanctions on other companies in our country."

"Craftsmanship," Wu Jun said, "This is really their usual style."

"I can't do it, the situation is compelling," Sun Ling continued, "I came to you today just to ask you what you are going to do."

Wu Jun did not answer his question immediately.

Using the safety of other companies in China to coerce Xizhilin into submission, the Americans are indeed ruthless.

The so-called influence will affect the whole body. If Xizhilin does not make the right response, then the whole China will be implicated.

If these domestic companies lie down and get shot, will they feel resentful towards Westwood?

Coupled with the encouragement of the people, the verbal criticism is light, and door-to-door fights are possible.

When the time comes, Xizhilin will not be a sturdy enterprise, but a sinner.

As expected, Will's move was cruel and courageous enough.

Seeing Wu Jun not speaking, Sun Ling felt a little anxious.

He knew that the current situation was very unfavorable to Wu Jun, and the best way he could think of was to disband the West Forest.

As for the Celestial Vegetables, there is almost enough for the army anyway.

As long as the root cause is gone, things will naturally go away.

But he couldn't say this. The scale of Xizhilin is as large as it is now. It has more than one million employees, so much effort has been spent.

"Or, I will go back to discuss with the leader?"

"What are you discussing?" Wu Jun smiled, "I don't need the country to worry about this matter, I can do it myself."

"What's the solution?" Sun Ling suddenly had a bad premonition, "Say okay first. If you don't use extreme methods, you don't need it."

"Don't worry, I'm not an extreme person," Wu Jun said, "You really don't worry, you can chat with me here every day, and I guarantee that every step of the plan will not be hidden from you."

"It's not necessary, don't I believe you?" Sun Ling said, "I just can't figure out what other clever tricks you have to resolve this crisis, or would you tell me a little bit?"

"Okay, you'll know it sooner or later anyway," Wu Jun took a sip of tea and moistened his throat. "Have you studied the art of war?"

"A little bit of knowledge."

"Then you should know that among the thirty-six strategies, there is one strategy called Weiwei and Rescue Zhao."

"Yes, most people know this," Sun Ling thought for a while and asked, "What are you going to encircle?"

In fact, what he wants to ask is, what do you have the ability to encircle?

No matter how good Wu Jun is, he can go to the Pentagon Building to make trouble, or even go to the office of the President of the United States to drink tea, but this will not change anything at all.

For a huge country, the role of an individual is really not important. If the president is gone, he can choose a new one. Wu Jun cannot always use this extreme method.

"Where did you think about it, am I like a cold-blooded killer?" Wu Jun smiled, "What is the most feared by the Americans, I will surround it."

"for example?"

"For example, their money." Wu Jun opened a stock trading software on his mobile phone, "Look, this is the stock market, and this is their money."

Sun Ling didn't understand even more, what does this have to do with the stock market?

"I can only tell you so much," Wu Jundao, "because I don't understand more specific, these must be operated by professionals, I am only responsible for providing some information.

"But we only have one purpose, that is, short the world!"


After Wei Han got hundreds of gigabytes of video data from Wu Jun, he immediately organized personnel to sort and screen them.

He didn't know where Wu Jun's video materials came from, but he knew that any video here would have a big impact.

Some belong to important figures in various countries, some are the trade secrets of major global companies, and some are hidden behind-the-scenes transactions.

This is West Forest's hole card, or the strongest counterattack method currently available.

What he and Wu Jun meant was that this time not only did the Americans not dare to have illusions about the West Forest, but also beat him and his allies.

As a company that does not go abroad, how can Xizhilin beat the enemy?

The best way is to manipulate funds and start from the other party's financial market.

As early as Lao Niu told Wu Jun that Will came to him, Wu Jun let him start the layout, and invested hundreds of billions of dollars in the world's major stock exchange markets and futures markets.

As long as Liu Heng is asked to publish these videos to the world as planned, it will inevitably cause a shock in the stock market, and then he will take the opportunity to make money from it.

Of course, this is not necessarily enough, because the right to formulate rules is in the hands of others, so the entire process needs to be monitored by Wu Jun himself and temporarily regulated.

He believes that the problem should not be big.

Although this trick is a bit detrimental, he understands the truth about being kind to the enemy and cruel to himself.

As for the secrets of the leaders of various countries, as well as the information on the military bases of various countries, he does not intend to provide them for the time being.

If these things are not a last resort, it is best not to see the light, otherwise the world will be in chaos and it will not be good for anyone.

Connected to the communication with Liu Heng, he transferred the packaged and organized files, and then took his computer to Wangzishan calmly.

"Master, everything is ready."

Wu Jun nodded and said: "Let's start when you are ready, let's make a lot of money today."

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