After a week of operation, Wu Jun used the eyes of heaven to sweep the global stock futures market on a large scale, and the amount of hundreds of billions of funds was more than a dozen times in a blink of an eye.

And this week has been called the darkest and turbulent week in the world's financial markets.

In the end, Will came to find Wu Jun with a thick and sincere agreement to seek peace.

Everything returned to calm and calm again.

Without external disturbance, Wu Jun can finally start his practice again.

But for this upgrade task, Wu Jun called everyone together to discuss it. Under the premise of not providing Tianshi vegetables to the outside world, and not spending money from the world, everyone can't think of a good idea.

So Wu Jun decided to Ascension own strength first.

He believes that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and one day he will think of a wonderful way.

"Then we have to get ready to go."

Nie Pu and Jiang Ziyan have stayed in Wangzi Mountain for more than half a month. In fact, Nie Pu really wants to regard their journey around the world as the starting point of their journey around the world as the end of their journey around the world.

I don't know why, she feels that if she stays here, even if she doesn't do anything for a day, even if she doesn't even connect to the Internet, she can feel extremely fulfilled and wonderful.

Of course, this is inseparable from a large amount of delicious food every day. She feels that her skin has almost been broken by the newly grown meat.

"I think it takes another two days to prepare." Jiang Ziyan said seriously, "After all, it's traveling the world, right? How can I travel the world if I'm not fully prepared?"

Nie Pu gave her an angry look. For this little girl, she was now completely able to see her through.

"Are you still thinking about the big crabs in the pond behind?"

"Am I that kind of person?" Jiang Ziyan shrank her mouth in disdain, "What's so delicious about eating crabs every day?"

"It's dinner!" Qin Xiaoyu's voice sounded at the kitchen door, "Vance Crab Soup today!"


Jiang Ziyan rushed out like a gust of wind, and she reached the door of the kitchen before she finished her words. She couldn't tell from her agile movements that she was already nearly one hundred and twenty catties, and even Jasmine couldn't keep up with her speed.

Wu Jun, Wei Han and the others couldn't help but smile. This girl is probably the type who can sell herself for a meaty.

Seeing her like this, Nie Pu was also very distressed.

Although she is exercising every day, she can't stand too many delicious foods every day. I won't talk about four meals a day. Since Tan Xiaoyu came back, she still has two delicious cakes every day.

She actually didn't want to eat it in her heart, the fragrant and sweet cake, this is the supreme weapon for growing meat, but it can't resist the temptation of that sweet taste.

"Let's go, go eat," Wu Jun said to Wei Han, "you have all worked hard during this period of time, and I will give you some benefits when you turn around and gather everyone."

Wei Han's team was indispensable for Wu Jun's ability to sweep the world this time, so he decided to teach everyone the basic physical training skills as a reward for everyone.

"Thank you Master."

Wu Jun and Wei Han came to the dining room. They just sat down, and before they had time to take a look at the table full of delicious food, the old cow slowly walked over from the door.

"Master, someone is looking for you outside."


"I don't know, I said I wanted to ask you for help."

Wu Jun thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you let him wait for a while? This is about to eat."

"I've already said it," said the old cow. "He is carrying a salute and a tent. It's okay to live outside for a few days."

Wu Jun: ...what the hell is carrying a salute?

Before I had time to ask carefully, I heard a heavy footstep outside, and soon a huge figure appeared at the entrance of the dining room.

When Wu Jun looked back, three words popped out in his heart, Michelin!

Although this description is a bit unkind, this guy is too fat, his hands, feet and stomach are really like Michelin tires.

No, it should be much wider.

Standing at the entrance of the dining room, almost all the light was blocked by him.

Heavenly Eyes!


Name: Bian Yao, female, Chinese Han nationality, 1996...

Remarks: None.

Wu Jun was still a little surprised. He just looked at it roughly, and he thought it was a man.

This can't be blamed on him, it's really hard to judge gender from this Bian's figure and hairstyle.

"He is the person I mentioned just now," Lao Niu quickly said to the person, "Isn't it for you to wait a while? No matter how urgent things are, we have to wait until we have dinner."

"You eat, I won't disturb you, I'll just wait outside."

Bian Yao said in an annoying voice, but his squinted eyes exuded a kind of light, staring at the fragrant food on the table, and he took a sip of water without concealing it.

At the same time, Wu Jun clearly heard a grunting voice in her stomach.

"You came to me to help you lose weight?" Wu Jun asked.

"Well," Bian Yao nodded vigorously, and replied vaguely, "Yes."

This may be because you are afraid of drooling, so try not to talk too much.

Wu Jun looked around and saw that everyone didn't mean to move their chopsticks.

Nonsense, being stared at by such a person, who can eat comfortably?

"How about..." Wu Jun thought for a while, "you can also eat together, we will talk more about it after the meal."

Bian Yao shook her head vigorously again. She is so fat now that she can eat without eating.

"Come and eat together," Jiang Ziyan couldn't bear to watch her endure so hard, and said again, "Actually, you have the strength to lose weight when you are full, right?"

In the end, Bian Yao couldn't stand Jiang Ziyan's invitation, and sat down a little embarrassed. Tan Xiaoyu estimated that she had a big appetite and used a big bowl to help her serve a bowl of rice.

"Then I will only eat one bowl."

"That's right, eat more, let's talk about weight loss slowly."

After Jiang Ziyan heard that she was a girl, she took good care of Bian Yao, fearing that she would be embarrassed to pick up the dishes, and specially helped her pick a lot of meat in the bowl.

She has been talking about gaining weight by Nie Pu these days. Now that she sees Bian Yao's body shape, she feels a lot of comfort in her heart.

However, she extremely underestimated Bian Yao's combat effectiveness. Once she started to eat, even Jasmine's posture would be inferior to her.

This is not a bad metaphor, nor does it mean any discrimination. In fact, even Jasmine was stunned on the spot.

But everyone was sensible, and no one cared how she ate, but pretended not to see it, and talked lightly about other topics.

For example, ask where Bian Yao comes from and what kind of work he is currently doing.

In this relaxed and happy atmosphere, Bian Yao dried up the remaining rice in the pot, and most of the dishes on the table were eaten by her. If it weren’t for the newcomer to be unfamiliar, Wu Jun felt that he would give her another bowl of rice, Tan Xiaoyu Washing the dishes later will be much easier.

According to Bian Yao's intermittent narrative, her hometown is Zhejiang Province and she works in a foreign trade company.

In the past, her figure was not like this, at most, she was slightly fatter than the current Jiang Ziyan, more than one hundred and twenty catties.

But two years ago, she lost her love, and she felt very depressed. She felt she had nothing to love. Then she didn't know who heard it from, and she could forget the past after a big meal.

It is true that a large amount of food does have a soothing effect. She gradually forgot the sad relationship that made her, but this food... but can't stop it anymore.

Seeing Own's weight constantly refreshing, Bian Yao was still anxious, but she couldn't control her mouth. She felt that her soul would be out of her body if she had five meals a day.

If one eats less one meal one day, it's really like scratching your heart with a hundred claws and you can't sleep.

Later, she also thought of many ways to lose weight, took a lot of medicine, and even went to acupuncture and moxibustion.

For people whose daily intake of nutrients is far greater than consumption, these methods can control their weight and not continue to climb, it is already very magical.

"Then how heavy are you now?"

Although it is not very polite to ask this, Wu Jun is now regarded as the "attending physician", and the doctor's question is an academic question.

Bian Yao thought for a while: "157."

"It's not very heavy," Jiang Ziyan said, "I got down with a little effort. My Big Sister was more than one hundred and six at the heaviest time. It's not..."

"Kilograms." Seeing her misunderstanding, Bian Yao whispered the unit behind.

Jiang Ziyan: are amazing!

"I really can't help it," Bian Yao said with a sigh, lowering his head. "If you don't lose weight, the company won't be able to go to work."

"Isn't it possible?" Jiang Ziyan said, "Who would expel people when they grew fat?"

"It's not expelled, it's my own reason. I have to eat snacks as soon as I go to work, and I can't do my work."

Jiang Ziyan:...

"Where is your home?" Wei Han asked, "If your family is with you and works together, it's not difficult to lose weight, right?"

"In the beginning, it was true. My parents and Big Brother helped me control my appetite and kept me locked up at home," Bian Yao said. "But then...then they also ate and became fat... …"

Wei Han: are amazing!

Not only get fat by yourself, but also drive the whole family to get fat together!

"So then I decided to go out alone with very little money," said Bian Yao, "because I heard that if you are outside, you will lose weight if you eat more."

"The result?" Jiang Ziyan asked.

"As a result, you have seen it too," Bian Yao said embarrassedly. "No money is not a problem at all, and I don't know why. My friends have become very enthusiastic during this period. Knowing that I have no money, they all transfer money to me and help. I still spend time, I just know now that I still have so many good friends."

Wu Jun: …Girl, have you made a mistake? These are not real good friends. These are bad friends who hope you will never be thin again!

"Then how did you think of coming here?"

"I don't know, I just bought a ticket at the train station," Bian Yao thought for a while, and added, "Maybe it's because I heard that...there are more delicious things in Shu?"


The old cow, who has not spoken all the time, suddenly sighed with emotion: "It can't be wrong, this is definitely the soul's choice!"

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