Wu Jun has never experienced the distress of losing weight, no matter how much he eats, he seems to be so thin.

He consulted the system again and found that Wugenshui, Tianshidan, and even intermediate health charms did not have a very good effect on weight loss.

"How about this?" At last he thought of a way that was not a solution. "You can try to stay here for a while, but I can't guarantee the effect."

Bian Yao nodded, since she has no money now, it would be a good choice to live here.

What Wu Jun meant was that Nie Pu and Jiang Ziyan are also preparing to lose weight anyway, so it's okay to let them be partners together.

He searched the Internet and found that losing weight is a process of testing self-control. If no one is supervised and self-control is not enough, it will be difficult to achieve the goal.

What can lose weight without dieting is pure nonsense.

This is actually a very simple math problem.

The energy you eat every day, minus the energy consumed, the rest becomes fat.

"Would you like to cook less food every day in the future?" Qin Xiaoyu rubbed her fat hands a little, and asked, "I just found out that I am also a little fat recently."

"Life conditions have improved," Lao Niu said with a smile, "Thinking that when I was young, I was lucky to have a full stomach every day.

"Look at it now. There are all kinds of food all over the street. Takeaways are delivered directly to the door. You can save the effort of going downstairs. Can you not get fat one by one?

"Furthermore, the dishes in Shu area are rich in oil and salt, and they like to eat meat and offal, as well as supper, beer, and beef noodles and fatty intestine noodles in the morning, which makes it easier to get fat."

"So you should always eat more vegetables," Wu Jun smiled. "So starting today, we will not eat meat, eat less oil, and do not bake cakes. We will eat vegetables when we are hungry."

Lao Niu: ...Can you open a small stove for me? The old man's body can't stand the toss!

So just like that, Bian Yao stayed.

Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu's plan to travel around the world has also been stranded again.

However, the two girls are still very concerned about weight loss. Who doesn't love beauty?

Seeing that the two of them were in high spirits, Wu Jun simply left them responsible for Bian Yao's weight loss.

"First we have to make a plan!"

The three Jiang Ziyan immediately held a small meeting to make suggestions for the big weight loss plan.

"How to plan?"

"If you want to lose weight, first of all we have to eat less," Jiang Ziyan vowed, "So now we can only eat breakfast and dinner every day, one tomato or one cucumber per person, how about?"

"I'm fine," Nie Pu turned around again and asked Bian Yao, "how about you?"

"I... I should have no problem, right?"

Bian Yao is not sure at all, because since she has memory, it seems that every meal has never been less than this amount.

"Then it's settled," Jiang Ziyan clapped her hands, "Now let's go for a run, who is the last to run to the top of the mountain, today's dinner will be halved!"

Watching the three girls go for a run happily, Wu Jun couldn't help shook his head.

Jiang Ziyan's approach is a bit extreme, I don't know if it can last a few days.

However, he still valued the perseverance of the three girls. It took two hours to run to the top of the mountain, which was faster than them.

Especially Bian Yao, when he came back, he felt that his bones were gone, and he couldn't get up when sitting on the grass at the door.

When it was time for dinner, the three of them went to the backyard to pick vegetables, and then Jiang Ziyan and Bian Yao sat in the vegetable field and ate until dark.

"No, I want to sleep when I'm full," Jiang Ziyan patted her belly, "Or don't take a walk today, it's so dark outside, we will get up early tomorrow morning."

Before dawn the next day, Bian Yao climbed up alone.

Wu Jun thought she was going to go for a run, but the girl washed her face and got into the vegetable field in the backyard.

When Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu got up, she had already eaten a bunch of cucumbers and tomatoes.

"I can't go on like this!" Jiang Ziyan sighed deeply as she stood beside the vegetable field. "We must find a way to make her make up her mind."

"What are you talking about," Nie Lu said, "If you hadn't taken the lead in eating so much, she might not have eaten so much."

"I'm just basic appetite, OK?"

"The basic meal is enough for me to eat for two days..."


In the morning light, Jasmine stood silently by the vegetable field, watching the ripe cucumbers and tomatoes being eaten up, a trace of sadness flashed silently in her eyes.

Now Tan Xiaoyu no longer cooks, no cakes, she can only eat a la carte every day.

As a result, there is no more food to eat now!

Eat some chocolate every day, that's not a solution!

What can I do?

At last it had a clever idea and came up with a brilliant idea.

If you give them some chocolate, can you eat less food?

So this time it generously took a bunch of chocolates and quietly placed them next to Jiang Ziyan and Bian Yao's pillows.


Three days later, the three girls stood on the electronic scale, ready to check and accept the results of the past few days.

"I lost a pound!" Nie Pu was very happy. She did what she said, saying that she would eat less, "Zi Yan, how about you? Go up and have a look."

Jiang Ziyan stood on the electronic scale and rubbed his eyes for a long time.

"It seems to have gained two catties..." She felt very confused, "What is going on, obviously I haven't eaten meat anymore."

Sitting in the cottage, Wu Jun couldn't help sighing, you didn't eat meat, but you happily eat chocolate every night in bed, thinking I don't know?

Bian Yao also slowly stood up and weighed.

"Five catties fatter..."

Jiang Ziyan:...

Nie Pu:...

Wu Jun:...

This is still an easy fat physique, eating the same amount of food as Jiang Ziyan, but he has gained so much weight.

It seems that we still have to do some cruelty, or Bian Yao will come to him for a visit. Not only can he not lose weight, but he will make a joke if he gains a lot of weight.

Just when he was about to distribute the three girls to the farm to work, Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu had a deep-level discussion again.

"Actually, we were wrong," Jiang Ziyan said in a veteran voice. "It's not enough that we just made a plan. We have to make her aware of the dangers of obesity, so maybe she can make up her mind?"

"What do you do then?"

Jiang Ziyan rolled her eyes and thought about it: "I have a super good solution, wait for it, the effect is absolutely good!"

After talking, she pushed Wu Jun's battery car and went out. After half an hour, she ran back with two big bags.

Looking at the two soft bags, Nie Pu and Bian Yao were also quite curious.

"what is this?"

"Hey, this is a good thing!"

Jiang Ziyan put the bag on the table, and then opened it smashingly. When seeing the contents inside, the expressions of Nie Pu and Bian Yao changed dramatically at the same time.

"Is this... fatty pork?" Nie Pu asked.

"Yes," Jiang Ziyan said, spreading two piles of pork on the table, "This is two hundred catties of fat, Bianyao, come and see, now you have the equivalent of so much fat, you are Don’t you think it’s scary?

"I feel like I'm going to throw up."

Bian Yao:...

Nie Pu stared at her and shook his head. Looking at so much fat, it really had a big impact on her.

When I think of so many greasy things on my body, I feel chills in my heart.

"Zi Yan, your method is too ruthless," Nie Pu felt that the whole person was not good, and his mood was extremely gloomy. "I don't want to eat anymore."

"Don't blame me for being too thin then!" Jiang Ziyan said very proudly, "Bian Yao, do you feel very sick now and don't want to eat any food?"

Bian Yao carefully looked up at the two of them, and said in a very small voice, "It's nothing actually."

Is this nothing?

This is two hundred catties of fat pork. Most people will be shocked just seeing it, not to mention that there is so much meat on her body now, she still feels nothing?

Has the girl's brain become fat?

Bian Yao pointed his finger at a piece of slightly fat pork belly: "This is good for making buckwheat, and braised pork in brown sauce is also good."

Jiang Ziyan:...

"This fat oil is deep-fried, mixed with tempeh and chili, and steamed in the pot, especially for rice!"

Nie Pu:...

"Lard noodles, I haven't eaten it for a long time." Bian Yao said and swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva. "Should I make it for you to eat at night?"

Jiang Ziyan nodded immediately: "Indeed, the lard noodles, sprinkled with a handful of chopped green onions, it is really fragrant!"

Wu Jun: ...These two girls are not saved!

Can the oily residue and tempeh steamed delicious?

This is simply a waste of ingredients!

"I think the oil residue is used to make hot and sour kimchi oil residue soup. It thickens when the pot is cooked, and it is delicious when used to make rice." So he decisively expressed his own opinion.

Nie Pu took a deep look at him, wondering if you would even fall into this big piece of fat?

So after a series of enthusiastic discussions, four people were in the kitchen all afternoon, busy with the two compost meats that Jiang Ziyan bought.

Nie Pu made Su-style braised pork, Bianya made Mei Cai Kou Po, and Wu Jun made twice-cooked pork and oil residue soup. The staple food was lard and shallot noodles.

After a fragrant meal, everyone showed happy expressions at the same time. Even with Jasmine, who had been rather unbalanced in their hearts these days, after eating a large bowl of lard noodles, they also felt unprecedented satisfaction.

"I said," Wu Jun said after eating and drinking.

"Yeah, I definitely can't eat this again tomorrow," Jiang Ziyan said, "but what about the remaining meat?"

Lao Niu happily said: "In fact, old man, I can also make a la carte, such as white sliced ​​pork, pork stewed vermicelli, longan meat, and rock sugar barbecued pork..."


Wu Jun hurriedly interrupted him, this can't be said any more, besides, he guessed that Jiang Ziyan and Nie Pu didn't want to go to bed tonight, and promised to be in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

"Let Jasmine handle the rest of the meat."

Jasmine: ...Why is this king? Even if this king can eat it, he can't bear so much fat!

"Go to bed early today, and you will go to the farm at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning and work with the workers," Wu Jun said, "only work is the best way to lose weight."

"All right."

"So are you Jiang Ziyan," Wu Jun thought for a while, and specifically instructed Jiang Ziyan, "You are not allowed to use Spirit Power be lazy when you go to the farm, and you are not allowed to steal the vegetables from the farm. I will tell you that those are sprayed with pesticides."

"Don't worry, am I that kind of person?"

Wu Junxin said you don't do anything.

Now that your stomach is full, of course what you are talking about. When you are hungry, see if you can control it.

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