The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

831 Chapter 831, the beach in the evening

No matter how obsessed Qin Mingsheng is with his research and development projects, he still has to abide by the schedule set out by his wife.

Otherwise, he would have to stay alone in the empty room at night.

This is the lesson he has learned and the experience he has gained personally. At the very beginning, he was indeed a little tireless, and even stayed in the laboratory without sleep or food, and would only leave the laboratory after repeated reminders.

For this reason, his wife made a work and rest schedule. If he could not abide by it, he would sleep alone in the bedroom at night, and the three of them would go to the system ranch to rest.

Once he forgot the time, but that night, his wife really didn't want to take him into the system ranch, which made him very anxious.

There is no way, the system is not controlled by him. If his daughter-in-law didn't bring it in, he would have no choice but to stare blankly.

It is conceivable how miserable he was that night, and that was the first time he realized that his bed was so big.

The soft and sweet daughter-in-law and the well-behaved children who usually lay beside him were gone, leaving only an empty bed beside him.

Since then, he never dared to get excited anymore, and worked honestly according to the schedule every day. When he thought about the alarm clock he set, he immediately left the work in hand, packed up and walked out of the laboratory.

Cook dinner with my daughter-in-law, feed the children together, and then walk with their three mothers on the beach by the sea. The days in summer are relatively long, and occasionally when they take a walk, they can enjoy the afterglow.

The beach in the evening is comfortable and cool, so many villagers and tourists come to the beach for a walk after dinner.

Qin Jiao's tea table is the best viewing area on the whole beach, it can accommodate 20 to 30 people, in order to sit by the beach and watch the evening scenery, many tourists are willing to spend money to buy a cup of tea, sit on the tea table and watch the sunset, Sea breeze blowing.

Naturally, the villagers were reluctant to spend money, so many people brought small benches from home, and each found a place to sit, and the familiar villagers would get together and gossip.

As a result, the beach in the evening became the most lively place in the entire Linhai Village, bar none!

Since then, every evening, the whole beach is full of laughter and laughter, which is very lively.

In the past, when going out for a walk in the evening, everyone would either go to the open space in front of the village committee office to make piles, or chat under the big locust tree near the village entrance.

Today, there is a row of beautiful bungalows by the sea, surrounded by a lot of flowers and plants, flat boardwalks, sea piers, tea stations, children's play areas, canteens, and passenger ships and speedboats moored by the sea. ..

It seems that the seaside has become the most prosperous area of ​​Linhai Village. For the villagers, these things are not boring no matter how they look at them. Although bungalows cannot be built, but going to the seaside every day to have a look can satisfy the eyesight what.

Even just watching, they feel very comfortable in their hearts, so every time they wait and see, they will have a kind of motivation, which will make them imagine that when they earn enough money, their family can also build a house like this Beautiful bungalow.

This is their expectation, their dream, and their goal!

When the sky darkened a little, the high shelf street lamps outside the row of bungalows of the Qin family would be lit up, and the eight tall street lamps just covered the entire beach.

The warm lights poured on the beach, adding a touch of light to those who appreciate the night view of the seaside. Many children saw the tall street lights lit up, and played on the beach even more recklessly.

Chasing each other in the crowd, building houses on the beach and playing with the sand, running to the shallow water beach from time to time, stepping on the water, playing water fights, occasionally, watching the small waves coming, laughing and screaming and running away, following the waves I had a great time playing.

When the adults yelled them to go home, they were still not very happy to go home so early, and kept yelling to play for a while, until the adults got impatient, pulled their ears, kicked their little butts, and pulled their little hands , When cursing and fighting, the children reluctantly followed the adults and went home.

Of course, in addition to children who dare to play in the shallow water, some adult men can't bear the heat of summer and go to the shallow water area for a dog-planing swim.

Ever since the Qin family moved in by the sea and established a resort, the villagers' fear of the sea has gradually faded away. Although there is still some awe in their hearts, they are no longer as resistant and repulsive as they used to be in those years.

What's more, now their entire village lives by this sea. For them, this sea is no longer a monster that devours life, but a treasure land of geomantic omen.

Whether they can make a fortune in the future and build bungalows in every family depends entirely on this sea.

"Daughter-in-law, what have you been up to lately?"

Walking on the seashore, Qin Mingsheng suddenly remembered something. During this period of time, the two of them were working in their own laboratories, and his daughter-in-law was aware of what he was doing.

Because at the beginning he asked her for a lot of books and some scarce small parts, but he still doesn't know what his wife is doing in the laboratory.

It seems that she has never heard of it.

Hearing this, Mu Yiren jokingly said, "You're a very busy person now, I don't have the nerve to bother you, Professor Qin, with such a small matter of mine!"

Qin Mingsheng couldn't laugh or cry at once, "Hey! I can't get over my previous mistakes, right? I've corrected myself. Besides, in terms of qualifications and professional skills, I can't compare to Professor Mu. Don't wash me away. gone."

Mu Yiren said arrogantly, "Hmph, this is to boost your memory!"

"Yes, my wife, I really know I made a mistake, and I will never do it again in the future." Qin Mingsheng apologized with a cry and a smile.

The feeling of staying alone in an empty room is really uncomfortable, it is simply unforgettable for him, and he will never forget it for the rest of his life.

It's more comfortable to fall asleep with my wife in my arms, even the dreams I have are sweet.

"But daughter-in-law, what are you up to?"

Qin Mingsheng did not forget his previous problems, he was still troubled.

The Muyi people smiled, "I'm doing soilless cultivation."

"Oh? It sounds very good. How about soilless cultivation?"

Although it feels very novel, the current Qin Mingsheng has been tempered by his wife's various "surprises" for a long time, and now he has cultivated an appearance that can be calm even if he feels very surprised.

There is only curiosity, and the original sense of surprise has long since disappeared, because he has seen too many amazing things.

Anything made by his daughter-in-law is destined to be very rare, or something that they don't have in this era.

So, what's there to be surprised about?

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