The System Shuttle is Full of Blessed Wives

832 Chapter 832, Soilless Cultivation

During this period of time, not only Qin Mingsheng's experimental projects were busy, but Mu Yiren's experimental projects were also busy.

The reason why she does soilless cultivation is also because Boss Qin talked to the two of them about the abolition of the centimeter system, especially when they talked about the treatment that Linhai Village has in the whole country, what will happen to the production teams in other places, etc. .

It was because of this incident that she suddenly had this idea.

Although she is doing research on microbial elements and does not involve much in agricultural biotechnology, she still understands the basic principles. After all, in a professional field, many knowledge points are interlinked.

Because she has no practical experience, she had to spend some more time in the laboratory to sort out and experiment, and finally spent more than ten days, and finally let her figure it out.

"Soilless cultivation means very simple, that is, you can grow vegetables without soil."

Mu Yiren answered her third brother's question with a smile.

"Really? This kind of vegetables are grown in the fields. If there is no land, how can these vegetables grow?"

Although Qin Mingsheng had roughly understood it from the name just now, he still couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard his wife's answer with his own ears.

The main reason is that he grew up in the countryside since he was a child, and he has done a lot of farm work. It can even be said that in the thinking and consciousness of everyone in the village, these vegetables are all grown in the ground.

This is completely a deep-rooted cognition!

If you tell people that you can grow vegetables without soil, they will probably be ridiculed for ignorance and say something stupid.

"Soil is just a medium, not the only necessary condition for the growth of vegetables. As long as the vegetables are kept with sufficient water and nutrients, they can still grow well without the soil. Who stipulates that vegetables must grow in the land. ?”

Mu Yiren gave a rough explanation, then laughed and joked.

"..." Qin Mingsheng was really choked up by his daughter-in-law's rhetorical question, and for a while, even he himself had doubts.

That's right, they know how to farm, but they have been taught by their ancestors from generation to generation, and their descendants have never questioned it, and have learned it hand in hand.

To put it bluntly, they just followed the steps of their predecessors, and they never thought about whether this method of planting is the only way?

No one has even studied other planting methods, so it has been learned from generation to generation.

But even so, no one can say with 100% certainty that there is no other method of planting, it's just that they are stupid and keep spinning in a circle.

"Daughter-in-law, how is your experiment going? Have the vegetables grown? What are they like? Let's go, let's go home now, I want to go and have a look."

After thinking about it, Qin Mingsheng suddenly couldn't wait to see the appearance of the vegetables grown without soil. Are they the same as the vegetables grown in the ground?

In short, he is now very interested in the vegetables grown without soil, as if he was inexplicably excited about doing experiments by himself.

Seeing the third brother who was hurrying to the villa with his son in his arms, and Mu Yiren who was a few steps behind, she couldn't laugh or cry, her third brother was full of thirst for knowledge.

So, the family of four stopped walking and walked home quickly.

After putting the two children in the children's play area in the living room, Mu Yiren took her third brother into her laboratory.

Qin Mingsheng saw at a glance that there were three rows of wooden shelves in the house, and each row contained five glass jars, and each glass jar was actually planted with various vegetables.

The most amazing thing is that there is no soil in the glass jar, only half a jar of clear water, but these vegetables are growing well, the leaves of the vegetables are very lush, green and oily, and they don’t look like they’ve been left behind because they’ve been separated from the land. .

Such vegetables are no worse than those grown in the vegetable field, on the contrary, the branches and leaves are more luxuriant.

Qin Mingsheng walked to the wooden shelf, and couldn't help touching the vegetable leaves, in order to confirm whether what he saw was real.

"It's amazing! Daughter-in-law, how do these vegetables grow?"

Qin Mingsheng has always been eager to learn, and he will directly ask questions about what he doesn't understand until he understands it.

His daughter-in-law had brought her family to grow vegetables at home before. Although she was separated from the land and it was still in the cold season of winter, the vegetables at that time were grown with soil anyway.

Packed in a wooden frame, it can be regarded as a small piece of land.

But now there is no soil at all, only a little water, he really can't imagine how these vegetables grow.

Seeing the curious look of the third brother, Mu Yiren smiled, and explained the concept of soilless cultivation to him.

Soilless cultivation refers to the cultivation method that uses substrate instead of natural soil, or only uses substrate when raising seedlings, and then irrigates with nutrient solution after planting.

Soilless cultivation can artificially create a good rhizosphere environment to replace the soil environment, effectively prevent soil continuous cropping diseases and physiological obstacles caused by soil salt accumulation, and fully meet the needs of crops for mineral nutrition, water, gas and other environmental conditions. The basic material can be recycled, so it has the characteristics of water saving, fertilizer saving, labor saving, high yield and high quality.

The artificially prepared culture solution used in soilless cultivation is the need to supply plant mineral nutrition. In order to make the plants stand upright, quartz sand, vermiculite, peat, sawdust, plastic, etc. can be used as supporting media to maintain the ventilation of the root system. up.

"Also, according to many years of research in later generations, crops such as soybeans, peas, wheat, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., have higher yields in soilless cultivation than in soil cultivation. I have tried 15 common crops this time. Vegetables, sure enough, the seedlings are developing very well, and I believe the production will definitely increase by then."

After listening to his wife's narration, Qin Mingsheng still felt quite fluctuated in his heart. He felt that this world was really amazing. Every change might produce countless results, but he himself knew very little about it.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he is a top student with a smart mind and a lot of knowledge, but he feels that in the face of changes in nature and all scientific phenomena, he is like an ignorant child.

Sure enough, there is no limit to learning, the knowledge he now knows is not enough, he really needs to live and learn when he is old!

"Is this the nutrient solution?"

Suddenly, Qin Mingsheng's gaze was attracted by a small wooden shelf next to the wooden shelf. Seven or eight glass test tubes were placed on the small wooden shelf, and the test tubes contained liquids of three different colors.

This made him think of the nutrient solution mentioned by his wife just now.

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