Seeing that the man in charge agreed, Zhao's mother couldn't help but feel joy in her heart, and she couldn't help looking at Qin Anle with more loving and satisfied eyes.

This daughter-in-law is really married to the right person, she is from the Wang family. Since she entered the door, things in the family have become smoother. She has always been most worried about her youngest son, but now that the youngest son has such a She really doesn't have to worry about the capable Yue family.

Fortunately, she and Lao Zhao are not prejudiced and pedantic people. At that time, when her son said that he would be engaged to a girl from the Qin family, they were not disturbed by the conditions of the Qin family at that time.

But if the two of them are more snobbish, or more vain, they might not agree to their son marrying the youngest daughter of the Qin family.

Sure enough, the heart is good.

She is really happy and grateful to have an in-law like the Qin family. She doesn't want to do anything, but just hopes that the in-laws can help the younger son's family.

Obviously, her worries are superfluous. She doesn't need to worry about it. The Qin family is very good to her youngest son, and they will remember their young couple when they have any good things.

What she can do is not to hold back her younger son, but to be more kind to her daughter-in-law. Presumably this is what the Qin family hopes.

The next day, at noon.

The Zhao family's parents knew that their daughter-in-law, second elder brother and brother-in-law were coming home today, so they made a special trip back to the family home at noon.

The Qin family is so kind to them, of course the Zhao family should treat each other with courtesy, sincerity and attitude are very important.

Qin Anle knew that her second brother and brother-in-law would come to find her when they arrived in the county, so she asked her aunt at home to prepare lunch in advance.

After the entire group had finished their lunch, they sat down in the living room and started talking about business.

Qin Laoer was worried that the Zhao family was not clear about it, so he told them in detail. At the same time, in order to dispel the concerns of the Zhao family, he also specifically talked about their plan to open a store later, as well as market benefits and so on.

In his heart, of course he hopes that his little sister can open a shop with them. After all, taking money based on people's faces will only make life more humble. He doesn't want his little sister to become that kind of person in the future.

But he also knows that the younger sister is already married and is the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family. Things will go smoothly only if the Zhao family agrees. .

Therefore, Qin's second brother couldn't help but say a little more, and also wanted to let the Zhao family know what they were going to do and that there was a lot to do in the future.

"Actually, the three of us didn't think about joining the franchise at first. We thought about opening a branch store slowly. To be honest, we are not very short of money at this stage, and there is no need to sell our own signs.

But Anle is also our Qin family, Dongliang is not an outsider, and my eldest sister is more family-loving and doesn't want to be too far away from home, so she wants Anle to do business in the county. After all, everyone is a family. "

It has to be said that Qin Lao Er is indeed a smooth person, and he deliberately said such a thing at the end. The Zhao family is not a fool, so they naturally heard the deep meaning in these words.

"Thank you, my in-laws. You have a heart. You can still think about sharing any good things with our Zhao family. We really took advantage of it. Anle discussed this matter with us last night. Since my in-laws think highly of our family, Then we must follow the in-laws to do it."

Mother Zhao agreed with a smile all over her face.

In fact, there is no need for the in-laws and brother-in-law to remind them. Their family will treat An Le well. After all, this is the daughter-in-law married by their Zhao family. Now they have given birth to a fat boy for their youngest son. They are very satisfied with An Le, so how could it be wrong? How is she?

Father Zhao also said, "Look at this franchise, what should we do? We'll do it."

Therefore, Qin's second son discussed the price that had been negotiated before coming here, as well as the corresponding cooperation matters with the Zhao family.

Qin Anxi didn't want to exaggerate the price when her own sister joined her. After some discussion, she finally settled on a compromise price of three hundred yuan.

If this franchise fee is for outsiders, the Qin family will call it at least five or six hundred yuan. After all, it will be a long-term profit in the future.

But facing his own sister, naturally he couldn't compare with outsiders.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Zhao's mother gave Zhang Aiguo 400 yuan directly, and Zhang Aiguo was too scared to accept it.

"You don't need to worry about the store. We are relatively close to each other in the county, and we have a lot of connections that can help us inquire. You don't want to go door-to-door, do you?

Moreover, you may not know that houses facing the streets in the county are in short supply. Even if someone really wants to resell or rent, they must first inform the relatives and friends around them.

So, it's just a waste of time for the two of you to go to the shop blindly like this. If you don't worry, leave this matter to me. When there is news, I will let An Le inform you to come and see the shop. of. "

The Qin family is benevolent, and their Zhao family also knows how to repay their kindness. Just when they heard that they were going to find a shop in the county, Zhao's mother told her what she thought.

This is all the truth, not to support their Zhao family. Their family must know more about the situation in the county than the Qin family.

Hearing this, Qin's second child's eyes lit up, and he immediately thanked, "Auntie, what are you talking about, we are all a family, if you can help, we can't let it go, but it will cause you trouble .”

The Zhao family's parents are both cadres in the county. They must be much more familiar with the situation in the county than the two of them, and they must have a wider network of contacts. If they come forward to inquire about the shop, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

"You're welcome, we're a family, of course we have to help each other." Mother Zhao said with a smile.

So, the matter of franchising was finalized in this way, and both parties were very satisfied with the communication. The next step is to make new products and wait for the finalization of the shop.

With the help of the Zhao family to find a shop, the second and second Qin went back to the village to wait for the news with great peace of mind.

In the past two days, the Muyi people have been leading Liu Xiaocui and Qin Anxi to make new products.

In the past, Liu Xiaocui specialized in cooking sauce, which was a bottled and canned product, so the Muyi people continued to ask Dafang to make bottled and canned food, but the method and taste of the sauce had to be changed.

In the past, they used to make meat and mushroom sauce, but this time Muyi asked Liu Xiaocui to make fish sauce with three different flavors. Anyway, now that my home is by the sea, with a boat and tools, fishing is very convenient.

Since Dafang is allowed to do this kind of bottled and canned food business, he should simply take over all types of this industry and expand slowly in the future.

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