Ten minutes later, in the meeting hall of Jianmen, it was not so much the hall as the living room, which was not so stalwart as before.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's face was a bit unpleasant. The Divine Sword Gate was really suppressed too badly. The Fire Source Nation still has a capital.

"Master, I don't know if you have any way to regain the glory of the Divine Sword Gate?"

"Patriarch, the head is right. The current Divine Sword Sect has the strongest strength of the old head, but it is only in the early stage of integration. This kind of strength is not enough to show."

"There are also disciples. Without a strong background, what can we do even if our strength becomes stronger, it is impossible to **** other people's resources."


All the senior officials of the Excalibur Sect have already been there, and there are many elders who do not trust Yang Fan. Although they have recognized the identity of Yang Fan’s ancestor, it does not mean that Yang Fan can restore the Sword Sect to its previous status. Looks like, because Yang Fan is too young.

Yang Fan was sitting on the main seat, with the portraits of the first 23 heads of the Excalibur Gate in the past hanging behind him, including himself and Sword Thirteen, but it looked a little weird, as if it was a portrait of himself.

On both sides of Yang Fan, there were Sword Twenty-Three and Sword Xiu sitting respectively, and they were the disciples of Jian Invincible. Yang Fan can be said to have the highest seniority in history, and sitting on the main position is perfect.

Yang Fan quietly looked at the many talking elders in the audience, without speaking, his eyes swept one by one. After a short period of observation, Yang Fan found that even though it had fallen, the elders in the Divine Sword Sect were still divided into two factions, still fighting in conflict, suppressing opponents in some matters, and did not care about the revival of the Divine Sword Sect.


Seeing these people getting more and more noisy, Yang Fan's heart became more and more impatient, and he said lightly.

Everyone was quiet for a while, but there were also a few elders with foreign surnames who did not put Yang Fan in their eyes, and still quietly discussed with others.

Seeing this, Yang Fan's brows suddenly frowned and his tone became cold, said.

"That old man with white hair, I said quiet, why do you still say it?"

Everyone followed the sound and found an old man wearing a blue robe and white hair. He was an enshrined elder recruited by Jianmen. She had certain real power in Jianmen, so she was also eligible to come in.

"Senior Yang joked, I just talked very quietly, and it doesn't affect your speech."

The white-haired worship elder raised his head and looked at Yang Fan, showing no respect for Yang Fan at all.

"Hmph, Wang Shan, you have to understand what your identity is. This is the ancestor of the Divine Sword Gate, how do you speak to the ancestor in this tone?"

Jian Twenty-three, sitting on the left, snorted coldly, staring at the worship elder named Wang Shan with an unkind look.

This worship elder named Wang Shan is a foreign elder who joined the Excalibur Gate a thousand years ago, so he has limited access to things, so he doesn’t know much about Yang Fan. He only knows that Yang Fan is the second of the founder of the Excalibur Gate. disciple.

It just seemed that Yang Fan was definitely not the Yang Fan one hundred thousand years ago. It was very likely that he was a fake. At the same time, his purpose of joining Jianmen was not to allow Jianmen to regain its glory.

"Old head, I am strictly speaking, I am not the elder of the Excalibur Sect, but just an offering. It is true that the predecessor is the ancestor of the Excalibur Sect, but it is not my ancestor."

The meaning of Wang Shan's words is obvious, that is, he will not obey Yang Fan's orders.

Hearing this, Yang Fan finally understood that Wang Shan in front of him had other purposes to join the Divine Sword Sect 80%.

"It's kind of interesting. I just came back and I just came back with a killer stick. You just stand up like this, and it saves me looking for it."


Wang Shan didn't understand, but he knew that Yang Fan had become hostile to himself, but that was exactly what he needed.


It was just that before Wang Shan made the next move, Yang Fan faced Wang Shan with his left hand, and lightly grabbed Wang Shan in the palm of his hand and pinched his neck. Everything came so fast that no one noticed.

When Jian Twenty-Three and Jian Xiu saw this, they were all shocked, shocked by Yang Fan's strength and the very spicy methods.


The neck was caught, Wang Shan struggled violently, but it was of no use. The blood pooled on his face and could not circulate, causing his cheeks to become flushed and breathing hard.

"So, I didn't expect you to be a member of the magic sword."

Yang Fan pinched Wang Shan's neck, but secretly probed his soul with divine knowledge. Unexpectedly, after such an investigation, he actually knew the purpose of Wang Shan's visit to the Divine Sword Gate.


All the senior officials of the Divine Sword Sect looked back, but some people didn't believe it, thinking that Yang Fan took the opportunity to suppress Elder Wang Shan as punishment for contradicting himself.

Hearing the words Shendaomen, Wang Shan's pupils shrank abruptly, his expression twitched unnaturally, and then returned to its original state.

"Senior, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't pretend, with your poor cultivation base during the Tribulation Period, in front of this seat, it is nothing at all."

"Patriarch, do you mean that Elder Wangshan has the cultivation base for the tribulation period?"

Sword Twenty-Three took a breath, and he was only in the early stage of merging. If there was a Divine Sword Gate in the Tribulation Period, it would not be so declining.

Wang Shan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"Are you trying to say, how did I know that you were an undercover agent from the Magic Sword Sect?"

Yang Fan said again, Wang Shan nodded subconsciously, but immediately shook his head again.

"Because I probed your memory just now."

Wang Shan's heart trembled, feeling that the big event was not good, and a killing intent emerged in his heart, and the killing intent was condensed into substance, blowing out the flame of the candle that was used to worship the heads of the past.

"You can't keep your breath?"

Yang Fan raised his mouth, jokingly.


Wang Shan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Everything is predecessor's guess, is there any evidence?"

"Do you think that with my strength, I need to tell you the evidence? Even if you are not, just attacking you for disrespect to me just now will kill you."


Without even thinking about it, Wang Shan directly hit Yang Fan with a magic formula, which was very powerful and reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

"Sure enough, it is the strength to cross the catastrophe period! Patriarch be careful."

Jian Twenty-Three was shocked.

Upon seeing this, Yang Fan shook his head and didn't see any movement from him. A blue channel appeared in front of him, and the magic trick disappeared when it hit the blue channel.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as they put their nerves down, they saw Wang Shan, who had already flown away, fly back, his chest pierced, and blood was flowing.

"You... really strong!"

After speaking, Wang Shan died under his own attack.

Everyone was shocked, no one understood what happened just now.

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