"This is solved, I don't know when you will stand up by yourself?"

Just when everyone thought the matter was here, Yang Fan's voice sounded again, holding the hot tea, taking a breath, and then taking a sip, looking at everyone one by one.

"What, there are undercover agents?"

Jian Xiu was shocked. It had been years before he became the head of the 25th generation of Divine Sword Sect. Unexpectedly, there were suddenly two undercover agents among the high-level officials, and they really hit him with two big mouths.

"Aren't you going to stand up yet?"

Ten breaths of time passed, the person still did not stand up, Yang Fan frowned slightly, that person Yang Fan knew the specific information, and saying so now was just to give him a chance to survive.

"The last three breaths, or die."

Yang Fan made an ultimatum and stretched out three fingers.

It's just that no one came forward, all the high-levels looked at each other, and in private they were vigilant to each other to prevent that person from jumping over the wall and suddenly attacking them.

"One breath."

Yang Fan's voice spread throughout the lobby, and everyone felt the killing intent in the air.

"Two breaths."

With only one finger still standing upright, everyone's hearts were raised to the extreme.

"Three breaths!"

Yang Fan's tone became cold, and when he was about to do something, a person suddenly stood up, and everyone was surprised when they saw it.

What stood out was the only woman among the many elders. She was in her 30s and 40s, mature and charming, and exuded a seductive fragrance. Many elders at the top of the Excalibur Gate were a little ambiguous about this female elder, what did they have in private? The relationship is even more unclear.

"I thought you wouldn't come out."

The corners of Yang Fan's mouth rose.

"I have seen Immortal Yang!"

The woman knelt directly on the ground, not daring to look up, let alone looking at Yang Fan.

"Tell me about your identity."

"The servants are from the temple, and they were sent by the Holy Master to monitor the development of the Divine Sword Gate. Once there is a momentum for development, I will report to the Divine Sword Gate."

"Aren't you from the temple? Why do you want to inform the Divine Blade Gate?"

Yang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that there was some hidden secret in it.

"The immortals don't know. Seventy to eighty thousand years ago, the old palace master secretly launched a plan to destroy the Divine Sword Gate and make friends with it, but it was not perfectly executed, which led to the survival of the Five Great Nations and the Divine Sword Gate. After that, the forces of the Wuyuan Continent united and sealed the power of the temple overseas. However, before that, the old temple master reached an agreement with a disciple of the Divine Sword Gate at the time to secretly support the Sword Sword Gate. With the current magic knife gate."

Jian Twenty-Three, Jian Xiu, and many elders were shocked, and the doubts in their hearts suddenly realized.

"That's the case. No wonder every time the Divine Sword Gate develops, it encounters inexplicable resistance. It turns out that there is a Divine Sword Gate intervening behind it."

Jian Xiu and Jian Twenty-Three laughed bitterly. They had been the head of the house for so long, but they had not discovered the truth behind this incident.

"Damn the **** sword gate, my **** sword gate is already like this, don't let it go."

"The sacred sword door should be destroyed, Patriarch, please do it!"

An elder with a face of 50 or 60 years old, Tong Yan Hefa knelt to the ground to Yang Fan, knocked his head heavily, said.

"Also ask the Patriarch to take action to destroy the Sword Gate!"

For a time, except for Jian Xiu and Jian Twenty-three, all the elders knelt down together. These people were loyal to the Divine Sword Sect. Even if they were not, they would choose to be loyal because of Yang Fan.

"You all get up."

Yang Fan Xu raised his hand and raised these elders.

"Sacred Sword Gate I will not be destroyed."


Everyone felt that their minds exploded, and some couldn't believe it. They didn't understand that with Yang Fan's strength, as long as he was willing, it would not be difficult to conquer the entire Five Source Continent, why not destroy the Sacred Sword Gate.

"Master, what are you?"

Sword Twenty-Three opened his mouth and looked in a daze.

"The current Divine Sword Sect needs some experience. If the Divine Sword Sect is destroyed, I am afraid that you will only develop comfortably. This is not good. I can protect you for a while, but I cannot protect your entire life. In the end, the Divine Sword Sect still needs to rely on. When I grow up, I believe that Master, who is here, will support me in doing this."

Jianxiu opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. Yang Fan was right, and he couldn't refute it.

"To tell you the truth, after I came back from Xianyu 100,000 years ago, I also made some back-ups, but they didn't make much difference. But I can increase your background. It will take a while for me to leave. During this period, there will be martial arts, pill, etc. What you have to do now is to select some talented and loyal disciples to serve as the foundation of the future rise of the Sword Sect and cultivate with all your strength."

Yang Fan’s words made these people very happy. After tens of thousands of years of suppression, the powerful techniques and medicines of the Divine Sword Sect, as well as Yang Fan’s elixirs, are almost gone. If Yang Fan sits idly by, I’m afraid it will be given to the Divine Sword Sect. For tens of thousands of years, there is still not much promise.

"Also, send some people to the headquarters of the Huoyuan Kingdom Alchemist Union. In the past, their ancestors reached an agreement with me. They have not fulfilled their promises. They have been warned by me. Then they will try their best to help the Divine Sword Gate awaken. Ask for any requests."

"Follow the decree of the patriarch!"

Everyone saluted.

Just at this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came, which made Jian Xiu's face very unsightly as the head.

Soon, an inner disciple with a sweat on his forehead came running out of breath.

"Head, elders, the big thing is not good."

"In a panic, in what manner, what's the matter?"

Jian Xiu said solemnly.

After so many high-level elders, the inner disciple swallowed his saliva and knelt directly on the ground, said.

"It's the young master of Tianwuzong who has come, threatening to marry popular songs today."

"Hmph, how can Tiger Girl marry a dog, the mere Tian Wuzong dare to be wild in front of my Divine Sword Gate, really looking for death!!!"

Sword Twenty-Three, who has always been hot-tempered, shouted angrily.

"Head, this time the Young Master of Wu Zong also brought Elder Tong Zheng from the Sacred Sword Sect."

The inner disciple reminded in a low voice, and the sound of Sword Twenty-Three stopped instantly.

"Twenty-three, Hong Chen Ge is your daughter?"

"Return to Patriarch, that's it."

"Then what power is Wuzong in this day, and who is Tong Zheng?"

"The ancestor did not know that Wuzong was only a third-rate force. Their sect claimed that Danshan was nothing more than a six-layer ant in the infantile stage. His son fell in love with my daughter decades ago. I came to propose marriage, but I sternly refused, and there was a contradiction afterwards. But this Tong Zheng has a great background. His ancestor is the revival of the Shendaomen Tong Chengyu, and is now the core elder of the Shenjianmen, and Zhang Danshan Tong Zheng's son-in-law again."

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