The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 200: Haunted Land (1)

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Kneel! ?

When Master Liu said that, I was stunned. It wasn't just me. Zhao Jie, Zhao Yuan, and Xiao Wen all looked at each other. I didn't know what happened.

Master Liu asked me to kneel, which certainly had his reason, so I just knelt down straight, and Master Liu continued to say: "It's not kneeling me, it's kneeling your father and mother."

I suddenly felt that I knew what was going on.

When I faced my dad and mom, I saw that my mom had started crying. My dad was okay, but the expression on his face was also very sad.

I'm going to the deserted village, and the danger of this operation, I'm afraid that Master Liu has just told them, so I just knelt down and said nothing.

Master Liu went on to say, "kowtow!"

So I started to bang loudly, and my mother came over to support me without crying: "Okay, Xiaoyong, my father and I knew that there would be this day, but I didn't expect this One day will come so fast, Master Liu takes you away to treat your eyes, but you just have to be careful not to be brave. "

At this point I don't know what to say, my heart is full of sadness.

Seeing my mother crying, Xiaowen also cried next to her, and then came to hug my mother and said: "Mom doesn't cry, brother doesn't cry, there is Wenwen, is the old man going to take the brother away, I'll go Hit him. "

Speaking of Xiaowen, he rushed to Master Liu, but he pulled my mother back and said: "Wenwen, don't make trouble, Master Liu is our benefactor."

Master Liu stood up at this moment, then suddenly bowed to my mom and dad: "Xiaoyong, I took it today, and he may not come back every year, but you can rest assured, I will Treat him like my own son, and wait for him to heal the spirit, and I will let him come back. "

Leave today? I didn't expect it myself. On the way back, Master Liu also told me, but now it's half a month before the New Year's Day. When we leave early, where are we going?

Without waiting for me to speak, Master Liu continued to say: "Xiaoyong, you go to pack things and bring some clothes to change clothes, and then we set off. This time, when we are not prepared enough, we basically have to go No more, do n’t you want to see your father and mother again? "

I gave my dad and mom a few more heads and left, and I knew that from now on, Master Liu would be afraid to take me around and practice me well.

When I knocked over, I went to pack things, and Xiaowen, Zhao Jie, and Zhao Yuan came over to help. When I left the house, I heard my dad sigh and say, "Master Liu, my family Xiaoyong will give it to you. "

When I left home, everyone came out to see me off, saying a lot of words that made me feel a deep affection, especially Zhao Yuan also came up and hugged me.

On this day, Master Liu and I came back in a hurry, and we were in a hurry to go. We didn't even eat a bite. I asked Master Liu why he was so hurried, and he said, "Because there is no chance for it too late."

As for the opportunity, he did not elaborate, only said: "You will know when you get to the place."

On the same day, we hurried back home, and hurried to the county town, then Master Liu and I backed up a few times and walked to a place where we did n’t know what to call. Later, we changed to walking and walked for almost Three hours before we stopped on a mountain bag.

During this period of time, I also felt that this section of the road became more and more familiar. Later, I got the impression that this was the Xingjiahuang Village I visited once as a kid, and it was already late at night.

At that time, I froze and asked Master Liu: "Master Liu, if you don't talk along the way, are you going to take me to the barren village? Didn't you say you come again and again at the beginning of the first month?"

At this time I was a little scared. This is the place where countless people and three Heavenly Masters died. When I was a kid, I did n’t know anything and did n’t know how to be scared. But now I know a lot about deserted villages. Especially the terrible seven-day slaughter, so I also have some resistance in my heart.

Listening to me, I asked Master Liu to say: "Abandoned village" victim "starts from the first day of the first lunar month and lasts for seven days. These seven days will restore everything that happened in that year. The real culprit will also appear, but there is no" criminal " At the time of the opportunity, when we entered the deserted village at most, we only met some lonely spirits and wild ghosts. There would not be any great danger, otherwise I would not dare to take a few of you into the deserted village. "

I was still somewhat resistant, so I shook my head and said, "Master Liu, if we come again tomorrow, we will call Uncle Sima and Brother Zuo ..."

Master Liu knocked on my brain and scolded: "You went to catch Liu Xian, why didn't you see you when Ping Meilin was scared, and you're afraid of being like this when you come to a deserted village with me?"

I whispered, "Isn't the guy in the barren village awesome, he killed three Heavenly Masters ..."

When Master Liu interrupted me, I said, "If the three Heavenly Masters were not there to save the hundred villagers here, they wouldn't die. Now they are all ghosts, and we don't have to save anyone, nor do they drag us down, We will be fine. "

I reluctantly "Oh", in fact, I still want to say, it is better to go in more people.

Watching Master Liu lead the way ahead, I couldn't help whispering again: "I was so rash to learn from your uncle."

As soon as my words fell, Master turned around and asked me, "You say it again!"

I was a little afraid of Master Liu since I was a child, and I felt a little hairy in this question, so I shut up and dared not say anything.

After getting out of the earth bag, by the moonlight, I saw the appearance of the deserted village faintly. Under the moonlight, the whole village became more sullen and heavier. The dilapidated buildings, the weird ghosts, my little heart instantly mentioned the throat eye.

Master Liu and I stopped a few hundred meters away from the village, and I took a deep breath and whispered, "Will you try to catch all the lone souls and wild ghosts in the village, so there is no murderous opportunity?" ? "

Master Liu shook his head and said, "You used this trick a few decades ago. It didn't work. The ghost of this village was born of an illusion. If you can't break that illusion, you catch it, but once you leave this In the village, no matter what magic weapon you use, it will return to the village again, and the magic weapon you use to play ghosts is empty, and there are a few key ghosts that can't move. Big guy. In addition, even if you catch the ghosts, do n’t leave the village, and wait for the seven days of the 'criminal opportunity', those ghosts caught will still escape from the village magic weapon one by one. Now. "

"Of course it is impossible to break them up directly, because after they are destroyed, they will be reborn in the illusion!"

There are ghosts who can't catch the dead! ? This time I can be considered eye-opening.

We just stood outside and looked at the village. After a while, we asked Master Liu what we are doing here. Master Liu said, "Do you still have to tell you the story of the barren village that Sima Shiba asked Aoki to tell you?"

I nodded and said remember.

Master Liu asked me again: "So where is the core of this story?"

When I thought about it, I suddenly felt suddenly bright and said: "Two brothers Xing Kai and Xing Jun?"

Master Liu nodded and said: "Yes, the village suddenly went crazy, and the final murderous opportunity appeared because of the wedding of these two brothers. Of course, the main thing is the two female ghosts. The purpose of our visit is very simple. , Mixed into a deserted village, and then merged into this illusion, become a member of this village, and then clarify the ins and outs of the whole thing! We ca n’t just see the story of the “criminal opportunity” before his “cause” we must understand more.

When I heard Master Liu ’s words, I was taken aback, pretending to be a ghost and mixing into the village? Is n’t Master Liu kidding?

I asked with some anxiety: "So if we are like those villagers, what will happen forever?"

Master Liu said with a smile: "Relax, if I am there, if I find out that there is danger, I will promptly cast off the two of us from the illusion."

If Master Liu said this, it would be no problem, so I asked him how to pretend to be a ghost and enter the village. Master Liu looked at me and said, first we have to catch two ghosts, and then pretend to be their mixed life in the village. in.

I was curious: "Don't you say you can't catch it?"

Master Liu scolded: "Did you become stupid when you were with me, wouldn't it be fine if we couldn't catch the village?"

"Yes!" I clapped to meet the sentence.

As for who to catch, Master Liu and I had no idea, so we, like two voyeurs, posted two invisible squats on ourselves and squatted at the entrance of the village.

I proposed to directly arrest the two brothers Xing Kai and Xing Jun, but they were denied by Master Liu at the moment: "These two are the core of the story, we captured him, then the planner behind this story will definitely find out the first time , So if we want to catch, we must catch the most obscure people in the village, no one will notice them, and also participate in the whole story. "

Such people really need to observe carefully to determine the candidate.

Participate in the ghost story as a ghost, then Master Liu and I will witness a strange and terrible tragedy ...

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