The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 201: Haunted Land (2)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Lingmu Ghost!

Master Liu and I squatted at the entrance of the village for a while, and Master Liu said, "Have you noticed?"

"What did you notice?" I didn't see any special places at all. These ghosts kept twirling around the street. Some of them would stop and talk a few times, and others would have nothing to notice.

Master Liu reminded me: "Their clothes and the things in their hands."

After being reminded by Master Liu, I found that these ghosts were either holding a shovel or a hoe, as if they were going to work on the ground, and there was one more thing, that there was almost no old man on this street, all Are young and middle-aged.

It stands to reason that when there is an accident in Xingjia Village, there will certainly be old people who die, and maybe even more than young people. But why is there no “ghost” like an old man on the whole street? Does it mean that those old people don't become ghosts?

I told Master Liu what I saw, and Master Liu whispered, "Yes, through your analysis we can now find at least two clues."

Although I finished the analysis, the two clues were unclear to me, so I looked at Master Liu, and Master Liu did n’t have any embarrassment. I directly said, "I have been to the deserted village several times these years, but most of them come When I was in the seven days when the "victims" of the barren village appeared, I discovered a secret, that is, the ghosts here are constantly repeating the seven days of the accidents they had, so I guessed that since those seven days They will repeat, then they should repeat it before the incident. "

When I heard this, I seemed to understand something, so I asked Master Liu: "So, these people, no, they are ghosts. They have been repeating their pre-life life, and then died in the seven days of the murderous opportunity. Then they will become ghosts and repeat?" "

Master Liu nodded, but I still asked Master Liu if I didn't understand: "But is this related to my analysis just now?"

Master Liu whispered me a "stupid ball" and then continued: "These ghosts will repeatedly do what they do while they are alive, which means that these ghosts on the street are doing what they do when they are alive. As a matter of fact, they work on the ground. If they are alive, they should go to the ground during the day, right? But now they are all out at night. What does that mean? "

I immediately understood: "Upside down day and night!"

Master Liu nodded and said, "Yes, the day and night in this ghostland should be reversed, so we are now in the daytime world of these ghosts."

I took a closer look at Master Liu, as expected, the children on the street were playing together, the men carried the tools to the ground, and the women took the wash basin to wash clothes in the river ditch at the entrance of the village. Thing.

Now that we are ready to mix in with these ghosts, it is still necessary to figure out their "rest time".

After I understood this point, I asked Master Liu what was the second point. Master Liu said, "It's strange that there are no elderly people here, but the reason is that we don't know yet. When we figure out why there are no elderly people, maybe this will be what we find A breakthrough in the truth of the incident. "

At this moment, I was curious to ask Master Liu: "Don't you already know the murderous opportunity of the deserted village, why do we have to work hard to get these?"

Master Liu sighed and said, "Yes, at the end of the murderous opportunity, a ghost king will appear to control everyone to kill each other, and say that these are all man-made" injustices ", but what kind of" injustices "," injustices " 'How did it happen, we know nothing. "

I probably understand what Master Liu means. Our main task this time is to try to find the real reason for the formation of Xingjiahuang Village, and this may be a shortcut to eradicate the ghosts of the abandoned village. I finally understand why Master Liu gave Jin Fu to Master Tian Well, he had planned all this long ago.

Speaking of the ghost king, I naturally remembered the ghost king I invited. I don't know if he met this ghost king in the deserted village, which one would be stronger? Of course, if you come to me, you can't beat the ghost king of Aramura directly here.

After a few simple words, Master Liu took me around the side of the village, and then we entered the village from a hutong, and soon we found two children playing with mud in the hutong

Master Liu said, "Well, it's them. We'll pretend to them."

Master Liu said nothing, squeezed two tricks, and then walked to the two children, and then grabbed the heads of the two children, and the two children instantly turned into a white mist and reached Liu Master ’s hands.

Then Master Liu didn't prepare time for me, so he shot the white fog directly at my back. Master Liu wanted the ghost to get on my body. I was stunned. Did it hurt me, or did I unconsciously fall into the illusion of a deserted village?

Just when I was at a loss, Master Liu ’s voice came: “This ghost was hit by me into your body. Your body can still be controlled by yourself, and you will know what it thinks, it knows. You will also know the matter, read the meditation mantra and press it down completely. "

I instantly understood that this method of hitting the upper body of ghosts is similar to the principle of the goddess "walking over the yin", which is to let the upper body of the ghost understand the things of the ghost before his life. However, the goddess will also give the words of relatives to the dead or think What they said tells their loved ones, but the goddess "goes overcast", the upper body is not the real ghost, but the life soul wandering in the world!

As for Master Liu and me now, it ’s different. It ’s a real ghost, so the degree of resistance is greater. Without strong concentration, I ’m afraid I ca n’t understand their thoughts, and they will be spied into their privacy. And control your own body.

At the same time, I finally understand why Master Liu found two children, because the children's consciousness is much weaker than that of adult ghosts, and we have better control.

Soon, according to what Master Liu said, I stabilized my thoughts and firmly controlled my body.

Then there was a picture in my head, daddy, mother, cooking, eating, playing ...

Of course, the daddy and old lady in the picture are not mine, but the ghost in my body.

Master Liu ’s voice rang around me again: “Remember your current identity.” While talking, Master Liu pinched another shot on my body, and then continued: “This hand skill is called covering eyes, but covering. It is not the human eye, but the ghost eyes. Now all ghosts look at you, they will look like the ghost in your body. "

I nodded to understand.

At this time, I was already a member of the deserted village. My name was Xuan Baojia, and it was given to me by my dad, hoping that I would have a good time. I knew that "A" was the first, which is a good meaning.

At this time, Master Liu next to me was no longer like Master Liu. He became a child. His name was Xing Baoyi. He was a child of my uncle's family, but he was two years older than me.

My father's name is Xing Tiankui, Mr. Yin Yang in the village ...

Knowing this, I couldn't help but froze, Mr. Yin Yang? Could it be the old Yin and Yang who were the first to enter the ghost realm in Xing Kai and Xing Jun's family? But I heard the story told by Zuo Qingmu that the old Yin Yang should be an old man about the same age as Xing Kai and Xing Jun's father. Why did he have such a small son? Is it an old man?

While I was thinking wildly, Xing Baoyi next to me, no, it was Master Liu who suddenly said, "Oops!"

I asked how, and Master Liu said: "The ghostland we are entering now is not fifteen days before the murderous opportunity, but fifteen years before!"

fifteen years! ?

I was ignorant at that time. Do Master Liu and I want to "undercover" here for fifteen years? I'm not doing it!

Just when I was stunned, Master Liu said: "Let's wait a day to see the situation. If we really have to wait for fifteen years, then we will quit the deserted village early in the morning, and then we will discuss from the long.

I can only nod my head and agree, then enter the role again.

Master Liu and I pretended to be ghosts in the alley for a long time, and the family asked us to go home for dinner. Master Liu and I had to separate. When we separated, Master Liu said to me, "Just act by chance."

Back at the so-called home, I saw my dad and mom in the ghost realm. They were not old and looked like they were in their thirties. Sure enough, as Master Liu expected, we were ten Five years in the ghostland.

At this time, I was also a little worried, afraid that my dad and old lady would find this "I" strange.

Fortunately, they did n’t find out, they just asked me to eat, the food was very simple, the nests, corn paste, and fried vegetables that I do n’t know what they were called. It's a dish with no oil, it's boiled with water.

Seeing "I" there is nothing to eat, the dad asked "Me": "Yeah, are you still picky? If you don't eat, you won't even eat this."

Fifteen years before the murderous opportunity, it should have not been liberated at that time. The villagers could have stuttering, so this "father" is right.

I just ate it directly, but I couldn't taste the taste. It seems that not all the feelings can be created in a ghostland.

After eating, "I" said to go to Xing Baoyi to play, and my dad agreed, but still told me not to go far, because there are bandits recently, I am afraid I will be arrested.

Before the liberation, there were years of war throughout the country, and many gangsters were on the hills, so it is normal for there to be bandits.

When I went out, Xing Baoyi (Master Liu) met again in the Hutong just now and exchanged some information. Master Liu suggested that we go around the village and learn about the village in the fifteen years before the murderous opportunity. what does it look like.

Soon we were at the entrance of the village. A lot of people from the village greeted us along the way. We also greeted each other one by one. Now, most of these young ghosts are old men who died 15 years later, and our children ghosts, It is the elite and fifteen years later. As for the children who died 15 years later, their ghosts have not yet appeared, and they should be sealed somewhere in the ghost realm.

Just when we arrived at the entrance of the village, we suddenly heard the sound of bells. When we looked in the direction of the bells, we found a bunch of sheep walking towards us under the drive of an old man.


Suddenly I remembered something and asked Master Liu: "Master Liu, in the seven days of murder, did the animals killed by these people on the first day have no sheep? I remember Brother Zuo said there were cows and pigs, but no sheep was mentioned! "

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