The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3372: Unblocked!

The vigorous and pure power of the origin is running wildly on Xi Yue's limbs, and more and more, more and more full, as if to completely break through her slender and fragile body.

this is--

The fifth stage of the root of the wood has begun to unblock it!

But why? !

How could this be? !

Hasn't he obviously... ruined the Water Spirit Orb? !


In the palace of the gods.

"Hahahaha!" Ji Chengfeng, who was sitting in the God Emperor's nave, burst out with a shocking laugh, "Wei Zixi, Yun Xiyue...Hahaha, after all, you are still fooled. After all, let me wait until this day. Now. Xi'er, Xi'er, we will finally be together forever. Hahaha!"

Elder Huangfu was reporting to Ji Chengfeng. On one of the islands of Yun, he found a secret realm that didn't belong to this place. It seemed that there was the residual aura of the Jiuyou Sealed Dragon Sword. He was about to ask Ji Chengfeng how to deal with it.

Suddenly heard Ji Chengfeng laugh wildly, he couldn't help wondering: "Master, what's the matter? What makes you so excited?"

Ji Chengfeng laughed for a while before slowly saying: "Xi Yue's source of wood is unblocked."

"What, how is this possible?" Elder Huangfu asked in surprise, "Didn't the Water Spirit Orb have not been found?"

Ji Chengfeng curled up his mouth with a cold smile, "Xuexi died that year, and the origin of the wood dissipated. I personally threw the Five Elements Spirit Orb into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds. But before throwing out the Five Elements Spirit Orb, I was attached to it. A strand of my divine sense. This divine sense will not happen immediately, but will wait until Xi Yue unlocks the four-level source power one by one, and all condense into one, attaching to the spiritual orb that has not yet returned. "

"Wei Zixi thought that by destroying the Water Spirit Orb that he didn't get in the end, he would be able to prevent Wood Origin from being completely unblocked and prevent Xi Yue from returning to his place. Haha, he didn't know that this happened to hit the trap I set. Originally, those The classics about the saint's return to the throne and the method of destroying the water spirit orb were left deliberately by me, just in case, someone would oppose me and **** Xi'er.

Elder Huangfu exclaimed: "So Wei Zixi destroyed the Water Lingzhu, which is equivalent to promoting the return of Saint Xi Yue in advance?"

"More than that!" Ji Chengfeng's expression became more treacherous. "If Xi Yue gets the Water Spirit Orb, and the host of the Water Spirit Orb is willing to surrender to her, then the spirit of Xi Yue when he unblocks the origin of the wood will be too solid, I If you want to take away her three souls and seven souls, make her forget Ji Mingyu, and be willing to fall in love with me, it will take a little more trouble."

"But if I destroy the Water Spirit Orb, it will arouse the divine consciousness that I left on it. This divine consciousness will strengthen the power of the original source several times and the power at the time of unblocking, and will completely shred Xi Yue's divine soul and reorganize it. Just to that point. At that time, it will not be Xi Yue that will be reorganized, Xuexi!"

Speaking of Xue Xi, Ji Chengfeng's face showed a gentle touch, "Hehe, even if Wei Zixi doesn't make a move, I will destroy the Water Spirit Orb with my own hands, but it takes a lot of trouble to find the host of the Water Spirit Orb. So. This time, thanks to Wei Zixi. It just so happens that after this incident, he has no use value, and he can go to death!"

Who makes Wei Zixi so overpowered and dare to covet his Ji Chengfeng woman!

Elder Huangfu bowed down and bowed to the ground with conviction, "Master is wise, who can be your opponent in this world!"

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