The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3373: All crazy

Ji Chengfeng opened his hands, as if embracing something, with a fascinated expression on his face, "Xi'er, Xi'er... don't worry, as long as Xi Yue's soul and flesh and blood are completely torn and reorganized, as long as the fifth level of the root of the woods If you succeed in unblocking, you will be able to return to me completely. Xi'er, we will meet soon!"


Temple of the priest.


The original beautiful face, under such tearing power, became like a ghost.

All the exposed skin on the face of the body leaped out of blood.

Bone can be seen deep in the torn wound.

What was even more shocking was the tearing of Xi Yue's soul by that powerful force.

It is as if it is too swelling and overflowing, like the original power of the stormy sea, flooding Xi Yue's sea of ​​knowledge.

A huge whirlpool was formed, and her sea of ​​consciousness and spirit were torn into pieces together.

What Xi Yue looked like at this time, even Yan Shang and Chang Ling were frightened when they saw it.

It was too terrifying to watch a person change from a stunning beauty to a ghost like a ghost.

However, Wei Zixi didn't seem to care about Xi Yue's appearance at all.

He held the person tightly in his arms, the panic and shock in his eyes had receded.

Spiritual power is condensed in the palm of the hand and is continuously transported towards Xi Yue's body.

At this time, he has no time to think.

Why did the Water Spirit Orb that had been destroyed by him reassembled into Xi Yue's body?

Why Xi Yue hasn't urged the power of the origin to unblock the origin of the fifth tree, but the water spirit bead automatically activated the unlocking spontaneously.

At this moment, Wei Zixi had only one thought in his mind.

Xi Yue can't die!

He will never allow Xi Yue to die! !

As time passed, Wei Zixi had more and more spiritual power in Xi Yue's body.

Yan Shang and Chang Ling changed their faces.

Ye Xiao, who had just woke up, rushed in anxiously and desperately yelled: "Devil Lord, you can no longer consume your spiritual power like this! Otherwise, the demon energy in your body will not be able to suppress it!"

Chang Ling also worried: "The devil master, you are the body of the dual cultivation of the devil, the demon energy and the spiritual energy reach a balance in your body, and your body has also been transformed to be suitable for the coexistence of the two vital energy. But if the spiritual energy consumption is too large , When one grows, the devilish energy will fill your whole body, and it will completely destroy your body and soul."

Wei Zixi didn't seem to hear them at all.

He just hugged Xi Yue tightly in his arms, and didn't care about the exhaustion from the dantian, and the blood on Xi Yue's body stained his clothes.

Ye Xiao's eyes were red, and his body trembled with extreme anger and fear.

Even when Xi Yue cut off a hand and found that this hand could not be regenerated with devil energy, he had never hated or feared it.

He can die or be scrapped.

But how can the demon master die? !

Xi Yue, this woman...he knew that this woman would kill the devil!

With a long sword in Ye Xiao's hand, he let out a hysterical roar, and he was about to stab Xi Yue in Wei Zixi's arms.

"Ye Xiao, you are crazy!!" Chang Ling pulled Ye Xiao back, "Do you want to kill Miss Xi Yue in the presence of the Demon Lord? Are you going to die? Or do you want the Demon Lord's life?"

Ye Xiao's body trembled and hissed: "I want to kill this woman. Only by killing her will the demon master change back to the previous demon master. Even if the demon master punishes me for killing me, why should I die? "

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