The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3419: Long-lost relatives (seeking tickets)

The little red bird turned around and landed on Xi Yue's shoulder, lifting his chin and scanning proudly for a week.

As soon as Xi Yue landed, the root of the wood in his hand was released.

It was just that the wounds of Gu Liufeng and others, who had just been scarred, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even Ouyang Haoxuan's broken arm and Xi Jia's torn intestines have recovered exactly the same as before.

Gu Liufeng and Ouyang Haoxuan stared blankly at the girl who appeared in front of them.

The snow-white clothes, the jet black hair, the beautiful face, and the noble aura that naturally exudes from the whole body gave them a sense of vicissitudes that felt like a world away.

However, when the girl looked over, the shining purple streamer in the phoenix eyes, and the stars in the eyes, warm and close, made them seem to be back to the beginning.

This is Xi Yue, the master they vowed to be loyal to all their lives.

It also treats them as close relatives and friends, and protects their friends even at the expense of everything.

Gu Liufeng and Ouyang Haoxuan stepped forward, clenched their right hand to press the heart, and slowly knelt down.

"See the master!" The trembling voice sounded with excitement, with the joy of reunion after a long time, and choked with the rest of his life.

Ten people including Xi Jia also stepped forward and knelt to the ground, "See the master!"

Wei Chengyuan and Jin Zeyu took a step forward and knelt on one knee, "Shadow Youshi Wei Chengyuan/Jin Zeyu, see the master!"

Real Zijin's eyes were red, and when he looked at Xi Yue's Hua Wushuang appearance, it was as if he had seen the appearance of the saint Fuze Tianxia, ​​and he could not help but knelt down, "See the saint!"

These people called her the saint master, but they looked at her as if they had seen a long-lost relative.

So kind, so excited.

Xi Yue only felt hot and humid in his eyes, and the cold and painful heart was healed little by little.

The death of the unknown made her painful and sad, but also the unknown used her life to exchange precious time for her, and also the lives of the people she wanted to protect.

When Gu Liufeng and them all got up, Xi Yue asked about the situation of other people in Fenglong Domain.

Especially the elderly Mrs. Yun.

Gu Liufeng said: "Xi Yue, don't worry, Lord Nuogu and Principal Qi have been guarding Mrs. Yun, as well as the guards left by your father. Mrs. Yun is fine now. There is Mr. Jun staying in the sealed dragon domain. Although it’s difficult, we have all survived."

Xi Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say something, when he heard Yu Yishan's frantic laughter.

"The Demon Ancestor said, as long as we control the people of Fenglong Domain in our hands and slowly tortured and killed, one day you will not be able to help but run out and get caught. Originally, I didn’t believe you would be so stupid. I didn’t expect you to actually come. Now. Saintess, since you are here, don't even think about leaving. The Demon Ancestor is waiting for you to go back!

Xi Yue's eyes froze, and a cold smile evoked at the corner of her mouth, turning around to look.

It was seen that the low-level demons around Yu Yishan had been killed, but he did not panic at all. Instead, he looked at Xi Yue for a while, his eyes full of cold and evil light.

Xi Yue squinted slightly and said: "Ji Chengfeng specially asked you to wait for me here? Just relying on you, if you want to keep me, I'm afraid it's not enough, right?"

"Hahahaha!" Yu Yishan laughed, "After all, the Lord Saint is the woman that the Demon Ancestor is fond of. Of course I cannot keep you. But since the Demon Ancestor wants to arrest you, how can he not be completely Are you ready?"

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