The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3420: Swish, blood splattered

"There is one more thing, I am afraid that I will also tell Master Saint. Since you are here, I am afraid that the little blue fox who stayed on Wuwang Island, and the remnants of Hell Temple and Priest Hall on Qiankun Island, at this moment It has been completely wiped out by our demons and turned into fly ash!"

As he said, the expression on Yu Yishan's face became more and more excited, "We are all betting to see who can catch you back to the devil ancestor, and receive this great credit. I didn't expect that the reward would be I, God helps me too, hahaha!"

While talking, I saw several figures flying by like lightning, quickly falling beside Yu Yishan.

When everyone around saw the people coming, they all took a breath.

A total of ten people came.

Nine are the peak demons of the Divine Lord Realm like Yu Yishan.

They not only possess the cultivation level of the **** master, but also possess the terrifying demon energy and corrosive power of the blood **** demons.

Just a high-level evil demon like Yu Yishan can already kill a human being, not to mention ten cultivators of the Divine Realm.

But the most terrifying thing is not these ten **** masters and demons.

It was the remaining old man with a gray complexion.

The high-level puppet of the upper **** realm-Shangguan Qingyun!

Only Shangguan Qingyun was able to destroy everyone on Chiba Island with a single finger.

The monk on Chiba Island shivered, his eyes full of despair.

At first, when Xi Yue and Zhongming Bird suddenly appeared, they thought they were waiting for a savior.

But now these ten divine masters appeared, plus Shangguan Qingyun, a puppet of the upper divine realm.

Even the Saint Xuexi from ten thousand years ago could not have a chance of winning at all.

What's more, Xi Yue is just a girl in her twenties.

Even if the talent is outstanding, is it possible to compete with the great elder Shangguan Qingyun?

When Xi Yue saw this scene, he showed a mocking smile, "Ten gods, plus one god, Ji Chengfeng can really look up to me."

One of the gods Jie Jie smiled and said: "My Lord Saint, don’t dying to struggle. We know that you have unlocked the fifth level of the origin of the wood, but what about it? Given your age and training time, even if you unlock the fifth level. The origin of the wood is no more than the pinnacle of the God Realm at best. Even if your talent is really good, and you are lucky enough to break through the God Realm, can you still be a high-level opponent of the God Realm!"

"Yeah, Lord Saint, you are the woman the Demon Ancestor wants, and we don't want to hurt you and be punished by the Demon Ancestor. Why don't you just grab it with your hands. Then we can spare the group of people around you a dog. Let them be fortunate to be slaves and pets of our demons. If you take care of Lord Demon Ancestor, maybe they can live a good life for a few days. Hahaha...what do you think?"

Hearing these demons insult Xi Yue, Gu Liufeng and Ouyang Haoxuan both showed expressions of righteous indignation. They wanted to step forward, but they were stopped by Xi Yue.

The little red bird slapped its wings and looked contemptuous and mocking, "A bunch of fools, just take advantage of the screaming now, I'm afraid I don't know how to die later!"

Xi Yue's white jade-like wrist flipped, and the Lishui sword appeared in her palm, emitting a bright light.

"Hmph, saint, since you toast and not eat fine wine, don't blame us..."

The last three words of the divine lord "you are welcome" have not been spoken, Xi Yue's figure has disappeared in place.

With a scream, blood splattered, and a head rumblingly rolled to the ground.

The audience was silent.

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