The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3518: Shenlong Continent: Beyond the Boundaries (2)

Even if she never advances to the Heavenly God Realm, she doesn't want her to suffer any harm.

Later, it was Jiuye and found an ancient pill.

It is said that only ancestor saint-level alchemists can refine the pill.

Taking this pill, you can attract the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation of the God Realm breakthrough.

Once you have passed the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, you don't need to go through the painful heart demon trial, you can directly advance to the Heavenly God Realm.

After obtaining this pill, Ji Mingyu ordered the three thousand planes of the Eighty-one Islands of God's Domain to search for the elixir on it.

However, after searching for a long time, only one of the dozens of elixir mentioned above was found.

That's right, with the rich variety of elixir in God's Domain, everyone has never even heard of the elixir mentioned in the elixir.

The only thing he knew was Xue Ling Guo at the end of the sky.

After learning about these things, the little guys secretly followed Xiaotian to the end of the sky.

They want to find out if there is any elixir mentioned in the other pill at the end of the sky.

Even if it doesn't, at least you can pick more Xue Ling Guo and go back!

"Ah, look, there is Xue Ling Guo!" Suddenly, the little Jinlong who flew in front exclaimed with joy.

When everyone looked around, they saw a big snow-white tree in the center of the purple tree.

The leaves swayed and rustled under the blowing of the wind, and at the same time, the white, crystal clear fruit on top was swaying.

Everyone rushed over happily, even Xiaotian shrank and flew down from the sky.

There is no chaos around the Xueling fruit tree, and the pressure of heaven and earth will be compressed to a minimum.

Koike stretched out his hand and was about to pick the fruit hanging on it.

Suddenly, Xiaotian's eyes widened suddenly, and he let out an exclamation: "Be careful——!!!"

Xiaotian is now able to speak, but he can speak very little.

Moreover, at this kind of moment, it is too late for him to say more.

I saw Koike's hand just touched one of the fruit.

The surrounding air suddenly rolled like water waves.

Then, with the Xueling fruit tree as the core, a huge vortex slowly appeared.

Koike was caught off guard, and the whole person was quickly sucked in by the vortex.

"Xiaochi!" The little red bird nearest to Xiaochi screamed, and flew over to save people with flapping wings.

However, in a flash, even it was swallowed by the whirlpool.

Moreover, after engulfing Koike and Little Red Bird, the vortex not only did not calm down, but became bigger and bigger, and the power of swallowing became more and more irresistible.

The surrounding purple trees all began to shake violently.

The little raccoon couldn't stand firm, and his whole body flew towards the whirlpool irresistibly.

Yun Ying didn't even think about it, she hugged the little raccoon in her arms, no longer able to resist the engulfing of the whirlpool with her spiritual power, but used her body and spiritual power enchantment to firmly protect the little raccoon in her arms.

Little Jinlong let out a "Huh", as if feeling a familiar breath in the vortex.

It was stunned for a moment, wanting to feel what the breath was, but one of them didn't pay attention, and was sucked in along with the little raccoon dog and Yun Ying.

The vortex was still gradually expanding, and finally Ji Yunying couldn't resist it anymore.

The whole person was rolled up and flew into the whirlpool.

A look of determination flashed in Ji Yunchen's eyes.

He gave up resisting the suction of the vortex, the spiritual power in his body ran wildly, and the whole person rushed toward the vortex like lightning.

At the mouth of the whirlpool, Ji Yunchen caught his sister and Dandan who were almost swallowed by the whirlpool.

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