The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3519: Shenlong Continent: There is a Boundary Outside (3)

At the mouth of the whirlpool, Ji Yunchen caught his sister and Dandan who were almost swallowed by the whirlpool.

Throwing the two out hard: "Tangtang, go find daddy and mother!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Yunchen was also engulfed by the vortex.

"Aw——!!!" Xiaotian saw the little master disappear in the whirlpool, and his clear eyes were instantly congested.

The whole body exudes terrible power, rushes to the vortex desperately, and at the same time releases the power that destroys the world.

Dandan's face changed drastically, and he quickly propped up the protective cover, wrapping himself and Ji Yunying inside.

There was a loud bang!

Ji Yunying and Dandan were knocked out dozens of meters away by huge force.

After finally getting over, Ji Yunying found that Dandan was in a coma in her arms, and the surroundings were empty, without Xueling fruit trees, whirlpools, brothers and other people.

Ji Yunying stared at this scene in a daze, her eyes flushed suddenly, "Brother...uncle...Aunt Xiaoli..."

Tears pattered down from his eyes.

But the tears were wiped off by her, her small face showed a firm look, and her figure suddenly rose into the sky, leaving the end of the sky like a wind.

Only when she left the place wrapped in the Chaos Qi, could she contact her father and mother.

In just half an hour, Ji Mingyu and Xi Yue rushed to the end of the sky, on the edge of the sea.

Seeing her parents, Ji Yunying couldn't hold back her tears for a long time. She threw herself into Xi Yue's arms and cried: "Mother, brother, brother was swallowed by the whirlpool! There are also Uncle Xiaochi, Aunt Xiaoli...all People are swallowed up by the vortex, and my elder brother is only to save Tangtang... Mother, father, elder brother will be fine, right?"

Xi Yue hugged her daughter distressedly, and softly encouraged her, "Don't be afraid of Tangtang, you and Guoguo are twins. You have been telepathic since you were young. If something goes wrong with Guoguo, you will know. You are now Don’t you think that your brother is living well? Doesn’t your heart hurt?"

When Xi Yue said so, Ji Yunying also woke up from infinite panic and guilt.

That's right, since childhood, Ji Yunying and Ji Yunchen, the two twins, have been telepathic.

It's not that you know exactly what the other party has done, but if there is any danger, you can feel it for the first time.

Just like once when her brother mischievously ran into the Warcraft Forest by mistake, Ji Yunying felt her heart beating faster when she encountered the king beast inside.

But at this time, she did not behave abnormally at all. So, is her brother safe?

If the elder brother is safe, then Uncle Koike and the others must be safe too.

Ji Yunying broke her tears into a smile, but couldn't help but ask: "But, where did the brothers go?"

Xi Yue couldn't help looking at Ji Mingyu.

Ji Mingyu walked back from the place where the Xueling fruit tree had just grown, frowned slightly, and said after a long while: "I felt a breath completely different from God's Domain there..."

Under Xi Yue's treatment, Dandan has completely recovered and sobered up. Hearing this, he suddenly said: "I once heard Xiaotian say that it felt that at the end of heaven and earth, there seemed to be a space barrier enchantment."

Xi Yue was startled, "Leading to the world of three thousand planes?"

"No!" Ji Mingyu shook his head, "That breath is far stronger than the 3,000-plane world, it seems to be on par with God's Domain, but it's not spiritual power."

"Could it be a world outside of God's Domain?" Xi Yue murmured, "After all, the 21st century I lived in was not in the world of 3,000 planes under the jurisdiction of God's Domain. Is there a sky outside the sky, is there a boundary outside the world?"

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