The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3522: Dragon Continent: The Hometown of Dragons (2)

Hearing Koike’s question murmured, the little red bird thought for a while, and said in a low voice: “I’ve heard that stinky golden dragon say before. It said it knew from inherited memory that their golden flying dragon family seemed to come from a very From the mighty dragon continent, there are countless dragons there, red, gold, black, white..."

"Little Golden Dragon’s ancestors accidentally came to God’s Realm through a space barrier, and can’t go back anymore. They can only crossbreed and thrive in the God’s Realm and the Three Thousand Plane World, with the dragon clan left over from the ancient times. With the passage of time, the content in the inherited memory is getting less and less. To this day, Xiao Jinlong is not sure whether the content in the inherited memory is true."

The little red bird's gaze swept across the children with dragon horns and dragon tails, and then looked at the humans who exuded a powerful atmosphere of demon power, and muttered: "Now it seems that these are very likely to be true. We are probably here. We arrived on a continent full of dragons, the hometown of Little Golden Dragon."

Hometown of Little Golden Dragon?

Koike's brows wrinkled tightly.

If it is the hometown of Little Golden Dragon, it means that this is an unfamiliar place that does not belong to the world of the three thousand planes.

The ancestors of Xiao Jinlong couldn't return to their hometown for thousands of years. How would they go back?

After annoyed for a while, Koike's open-minded nature made him quickly put his worries and worries behind him.

Because he believed that his sister and brother-in-law found that they were missing, they would definitely be able to find them.

Koike has a blind worship and trust of his sister and brother-in-law.

I feel that as long as it is what my sister wants to do, there is nothing impossible to do.

After figuring this out, Xiaochi's mood adjusted to a leisurely mentality of traveling around the mountains and water, and took the little red bird to wander on the street of the dragon clan.

Because Koike's appearance is clear and delicate, and his eyes are clear, it is especially easy to attract people's favor.

In addition, he is the host of the Wood Spirit Orb, and the vigorous vitality on the Wood Spirit Orb will naturally attract the heaven and earth creatures to want to get close.

Therefore, even if the people in this city have never seen him before, they have shown a lot of kindness towards him.

Even the uncle who set up the stall directly stuffed it with a glowing red fruit.

Koike nibbled the fruit with a smile, and occasionally fed the little red bird, while asking: "Uncle, where is this place?"

"Hey, little guy, I knew you were in this town for the first time." The uncle smiled, "This is Kashel City in the Black Dragon Kingdom. Most of our Black Dragon tribe are tall people, like You have such a beautiful little dragon, but very few! If you have appeared in this city, I will definitely remember."

Koike's smile was particularly shy and well-behaved, which made this uncle love him more and more.

When Koike heard of the Black Dragon Kingdom, he thought of Xiao Hei unconsciously.

It has never appeared since Siam and Xiaohei separated.

The dragon ball in Koike's body also seemed to be completely sealed in dust, without any fluctuations at all.

Could Xiao Hei also be a dragon on this continent? He disappeared suddenly, could he come back here?


After eating the red fruit, Koike thanked the enthusiastic uncle, and wanted to take out the spar or Yunbei to pay.

But when I looked around, I found that the money used here is a very strange bead.

Koike didn't.

He is a little embarrassed, do you want to eat Bawang meal?

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