The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3523: Shenlong Continent: A blessing in disguise (1)

"Uncle, I have no money, can I use this to offset it!" As he said, Xiaochi took out a five-pointed star fruit from the space and handed it to the uncle.

The uncle was about to say, the most common spirit fruit, what kind of money do you want!

But when I saw the five-pointed star fruit in Xiaochi's hand, his eyes widened suddenly, "This, this...this is the star Yaoguo, you, how can you take out such a precious thing casually, fast, fast collection Go in!"

The uncle's expression was very flustered, and he quickly concealed what was in Koike's hand to let him receive it in his arms.

After looking around again, I was sure that no one had noticed, and then he was relieved: "Hey, which big family did you little dragon come from? You are so inexperienced in the world, such precious things, you take it out at will, don't you? Are you not afraid of being coveted and robbed?"

"Is this precious?" Koike looked unclear.

But in that weird forest, it collected a lot!

The uncle sighed and stared at him with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "We have an illusion demon forest west of Kashel City, you know?"

"Oh, it turns out that the forest is called Symphony Demon Forest." Koike nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, aren't there many such fruits in that forest?"

The uncle looked speechless, and said with no good air: "Xingyao fruit, dragon blood tree, frost flower... This is only produced in the Symphony Forest, but you can see that there are several dragons that can enter the Symphony Forest. Afterwards, came out without incident? Not to mention picking the fruit. Those monster plants will never allow any dragons to touch their fruit. As long as they show their coveting power a little, the monster plants in the entire Symphony Forest will go crazy. s attack."

"Even a Tier 9 Shenlong, it will not be able to resist such an attack. At most a few fruits will be picked and flee. So you said, is this Xingyao fruit precious?"

Koike, who took the initiative to send fruit and flowers to various strange trees in the Symphony Forest, blinked.

Said that he really couldn't feel the same way.

The little red bird was speechless and choked. It turned out that being attacked in that weird forest is the norm!

Only Koike who possesses the wood spirit orb is special.

As a result, it thought at first that it hated ghosts, and even Lingzhi didn't like it!

The uncle was still educating Xiaochi in Balabala, Xiaochi listened with a smile, but thought in his heart, leaving behind a star Yaoguo secretly.

However, when he heard the uncle repeatedly talk about the preciousness of demon plants such as "Star Yao, Dragon's Blood Tree, and Frost Flower", Koike's heart suddenly jumped.

Wait! Why does he think these names are familiar?

"Xiaohong, have you brought the prescription of [Tian Shen Dan]?"

"You don't need to take me to the melons too!" The two passed through their voices, "Ten Xueling Fruits, 12 Dragonskins, Eighty-one Petals of Bone Rotting Spirit Flower...Six Stars Fruits, Frost Flower Stamens Three flowers..."

Back here, the little red bird's voice stopped abruptly, and he suddenly looked towards Koike!

The two looked at each other, and they both saw shock or surprise in each other's eyes.

The elixir that could not be found in God's Domain and the Three Thousand Planes World was actually found by them in this Dragon Clan Continent? !

The little red bird excitedly said: "I just checked carefully. The fruits, flowers, and spirit grass you picked in the Symphony Forest actually matched the dozens of elixir in it, nearly a quarter of the spirits. We have all the medicine."

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