The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3532: Shenlong Dalu: The magical medicine? (four)

The dazzling light radiated from Yan promise.

Along with it, there is also a strong demon power and a strong coercion.

The great elder watched this scene and couldn’t stop himself from grinning sharply: “Okay, great! Our new generation of the strongest of the Black Dragon tribe was born. In the future, we will compete with the Red Dragon and the Golden Dragon to see who is going to win. Dare to laugh at our black dragon clan who will succeed without dragons!"

The light on Yan Nuo slowly converged, and the dragon's horns and dragon's tail that had been exposed had disappeared.

There was a burst of light in the open dark eyes.

Obviously, his strength has not improved a little bit.

Yan promise bowed deeply to the elder, his voice hoarse: "Thank you, Master!"

Usually, the promises are called the Great Elder, but at this time the true feelings are revealed, but they can't help but call the master.

The elder touched his beard and smiled: "It's not me that you want to thank, but the little dragon named Xiaochi. I didn't expect that one of his medicines would be so powerful that it could save your life and let it You are advanced."

Yan Nuo nodded silently, and said in a deep voice: "This little dragon may be the descendant of a predecessor of the Hidden Dragon. He has so many treasures on his body, and his cultivation level is not low, but he is willing to come to the Dragon Palace to participate in the election. Must be the king who admires us so much."

"Yes!" The elder nodded in agreement, "I like this little guy very much. You must give him more opportunities to get along with the king. Maybe the king will like him too!"

A ray of light flashed in Yan Nuo's eyes, and he secretly said in his heart that he must help this little dragon and realize his dream for him, in order to repay it for its life-saving grace.

However, the dragons around who wanted to compete for the personal guards showed unwilling expressions when they heard the conversation between the two.

However, most dragons just regretted in their hearts, they could not accompany the wise and great king, but they would not give birth to other thoughts.

But there was also a dragon who turned into a handsome young man. He narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction where Koike had just left, with a cold glow in his eyes.


Koike entered the Dragon King Palace to find the rare elixir in the [Tian Shen Dan] pill.

Especially the Dragon King Lin is something he is bound to get.

So the next day, it sneaked out of the West Palace with Little Red Bird, trying to find where the elixir was.

But since it is said to be a rare elixir, where is it so easy to find.

And after leaving the West Palace, the guards of the other palaces were very strict.

Although Koike and Xiaohong are very powerful, they don't dare to use their spiritual power too much for fear of exposing their human identities.

So I could only sneak around all the way, sensing the breath of all kinds of elixir.

As a result, after a half-circle, one person and one bird were forced to find that they were lost.

"You stand on my shoulders and don't have to walk, shouldn't you recognize the way?" Koike said depressed.

The little red bird said confidently, "If there is only one bird, I will fly directly into the sky and I will find the location of the West Palace immediately. Why should I record it."

It's a pity that Koike can't fly, otherwise the fluctuation of spiritual power will definitely be sensed by the surrounding dragon guards.

One person and one bird looked at each other and sighed together.

Looking around, I only feel that the eyes are all golden.

This decoration is really indistinguishable from a normal aesthetic human like Koike.

This is why he and Little Red Bird will get so lost.

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