The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3533: Dragon Continent: Missed (1)

"What should I do now?"

Little Red Bird was asking, suddenly her voice changed, and it turned into a voice transmission, "Someone is here!"

Koike didn't hesitate, and immediately hid the little red bird among a large cluster of red plants.

These red plants were the moving demon plants that Xiaochi saw outside Chenxi's car that day. They looked like corals.

The name of this kind of monster plant is [Blood Tu]. It looks very beautiful, and its branches and leaves are crystal clear, like ruby ​​jade.

But in fact it is very cruel.

It is said that except for the dragon king with the breath of the black dragon royal family, it will not attack when approaching it. Any other dragons and creatures, even if the great elder approaches it, will be violently attacked.

But to Koike, this blood slaughter is just like those beautiful monster plants in the Symphony Forest.

It's so close to him.

Even if he was hiding in the blood slaughter clump, he didn't resist at all, but he was even tighter, covering up his figure.

As for the little red bird, because he was completely embraced by Koike, he was also not attacked.

But because the blood slaughter covered him too tightly, Xiaochi could only hear the messy footsteps coming here.

There is also the voice of conversation.

If you want to see the appearance of the incoming person, you can only see a few vague shadows from the gap in the blood.

"Wang, why did you come back early?"

It is the voice of the great elder.

He calls it that, does that mean that someone outside is the king of the Black Dragon clan?

Koike and Little Red Bird glanced at each other, both curious.

It's a pity that the blood slaughter is too dense. They tried hard to look around, only to see a long, black figure.

As for the face, it is completely invisible.

Afterwards, they heard a low magnetic voice: "Has Haiwangzhu have moved?"

"Return to the king, there is already a thick fog in the Black Sea area, but because only the Dragon King is qualified to enter, we are not sure about the specific time of the birth of the Sea King Pearl. But according to previous experience, the Sea King Pearl is used every thousand years. One will be born, this time, I am afraid it will be within a month."

"What about the other dragons?"

"Golden Dragon is still in the midst of civil strife. I am afraid that I have no intention of participating in this competition for the Sea King Orb. The Red Dragon Kingdom has always been the most combative. Their King Guards have already threatened to win this Sea King Orb. As for the White Dragons, It was a little strange this time, there hasn't been any movement yet...but the Bailong clan has always been the most cunning, and it may be a conspiracy brewing."

There was a moment of silence outside.

The low voice was decisive, and he said in an unquestionable tone: "In any case, I must get the Sea King Pearl."

"Wang rest assured, we will definitely help the king." The great elder hurriedly responded.

Hearing the voice of the Black Dragon King, Koike frowned slightly.

He always felt that the dragon king's voice was familiar, but when he listened carefully, he couldn't remember it.

Pressing the blood slaughter with his hand, Xiao Chi wanted to poke the branches and leaves of the blood slaughter a little to see what the dragon king looked like.

Outside, the great elder couldn't help sighing: "The Sea King Pearl is the only way to open the end of the sky, Wang, do you still have such a big nostalgia over there?"

The Black Dragon King was about to answer sideways, suddenly his face changed, his sharp eyes shot in the direction of Xuetu, "Who?!"

Koike secretly cried out badly.

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