The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3534: Shenlong Continent: Missed (2)

The little red bird made a decisive decision, and a blazing flame suddenly appeared from his body, enveloping Koike's figure.

The blood slaughter also reacted very quickly, spreading quickly, and lined up again, blocking Xiaochi and Little Red Bird behind him.

The grand elder's face changed drastically, a dragon chant overflowed from his mouth, and he roared: "Who dares to break into my Dragon Palace!!"

Powerful pressure radiated from him, and at the same time, his body rushed towards the little red bird like lightning.

The Black Dragon King beside the Great Elder was already prepared to attack.

When the gaze fell on the figure in the swaying fire, the action was a pause, the pupils suddenly contracted, and the low unheard mutter overflowed from his mouth: "Koike?!"

Because the Black Dragon King did not attack, when the Great Elder came in front of the Blood Slaughter, he was given a key reception by the Blood Slaughter and was unable to move forward.

The little red bird took the opportunity to incarnate into a fireball, engulfed Koike, and quickly disappeared.

After the aura of Little Red Bird and Koike completely disappeared, Xuetu stopped attacking and moved lazily to their original positions, looking dispirited and too lazy to pay attention.

The great elder was going to be furious, and pointed at the blood butcher and cursed: "You guys who eat inside and out, why do you want to help the intruder? Say, did you take that demon any benefit?

Xuetu shook the branches and leaves, and continued to bother to pay attention to the roar of the great elder.

The elder blew his beard and stared at the blood and cursed for a while before turning to the Black Dragon King: "Wang, why didn't you make a move just now? Did you recognize the flame monster?"

The Black Dragon King was silent and did not speak, but looked towards the sky and muttered in a low voice: "Impossible? How could he appear here?"

"The king? Do you need your subordinates to immediately block the palace and catch the monster out?"

The Black Dragon King was silent for a while before shook his head: "No need, the demon has no murderous intent, and the blood massacre has not attacked it, indicating that they have no bad intentions. You can strengthen your guard in the future."

The elder nodded.

The Black Dragon King glanced at the blood butchers again, frowned, and then left.


The little red bird flew around the small pond for a short distance, and immediately turned into its original form and quietly fell behind a palace.

Because the flames of the red birds flying in the sky are really eye-catching.

The dragons are also good at taking off. If they are discovered, a group of dragons will catch up.

Little Red Bird didn't think he could beat Koike.

Foot on the ground, convinced that there is no dragon behind.

Koike let out a long sigh, and said with a lingering fear: "It's dangerous, I was almost discovered."

"Isn't it all to blame you!" Little Red Bird said in a bad mood, "Let you move those blood butchers? Otherwise, we will hide them well, and the blood butchers will also help us hide our breath, so we won't be discovered at all. "

Koike touched his nose with some guilty conscience: "I just think the Black Dragon King's voice is familiar, so I wanted to look away from the blood butcher, but I didn't expect it to be discovered just now."

"Are you familiar?" Little Red Bird tilted his head and asked, "Why didn't I think. Forget it, let's go back to the West Palace soon, if the dragon finds out your human identity will be bad."

They had better luck, and their whereabouts were very close to the West Palace.

Under the cover of some Yao Zhi, the two entered the West Palace smoothly. Just as they were about to return to their room, they saw Yan Nuo rushing over.

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