The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1086: Xi Jin knows the truth about dumplings 4

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

The child is not her and Jin's brother. It doesn't make sense to keep it, even her shame, so **** it!

As for the pain, the pain is no more than the pain in my heart. The pain is unbearable. She feels pain in her breathing and her whole body is in pain. She wants to cry when she is in pain, but she wants to die when she is in pain. Death is unwilling.

She was so miserable that she didn't get anything, why Shen Qingdai was alive and well, and there was a good man like King Shura around him.

Therefore, she has to live, as long as she lives today, once the day passes, Master will come out of Shang Xuefu, she will be saved, there is Master, and Shang Xuefu is there, and King Shura cannot treat her.

She wants to watch Xi Jin collapse, she wants to watch Shen Qingdai's betrayal live, she wants Shen Qingdai to have nothing!

They couldn't shake the weird black enchantment, so Feng Tianlan and the empress were waiting out of focus. This feeling of powerlessness and anxiety made them uncomfortable and powerless at this time.

"Dair ..." A husky voice filled with guilt appeared behind Feng Tianlan.

Hearing this shout, Feng Tianlan frowned, turned to look behind him, and saw Jiang Ying being held by two guards, walking towards her, and looking at him, his apology, and Make her feel hypocritical and affectionate.

Seeing him, Feng Tianlan's brow deepened, "How are you here? Want to save Shen Yunya?"

She later asked Jiang Ying to return to Jiangfu. Although there were no people there, as long as he had loyal servants, there would still be someone to take care of it, but how did he get here now?

"I'm sorry, Daier, I'm sorry, I'm really wrong." Jiang Ying pushed the guard away, knelt down, and the tearful face burst into tears. "I couldn't stand the temptation of Shen Yunya, but I didn't resist it. The medicinal effect of psychedelic dan, but I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry ... "

Listening to what he said, Feng Tianlan frowned. Has Jiang Ying's confusing heart been solved?

"I know it's useless to say so many sorry, I don't ask for forgiveness, I just want to see you again, I just want to say sorry to you, causing you so much damage." Jiang Ying looked up full of Looking at Feng Tianlan with affection and regret, there is no previous drama, and only affection and apology.

He was a few days ago. After drinking a glass of blood, the whole person suddenly sobered up. He thought about all kinds of things. He thought of the smile and smile of Dai Er, which affected every nerve.

Since saving her with the prince for the first time, she later learned that she was the next owner of the Shen family and would be the new leader of the Xuantian League. She didn't think so much, but felt that she was to be protected.

But later, after knowing her identity and her terrifying sentiment, his father and mother urged him to please him, let him marry him, and keep him out of contact with other girls. Yes, he was also willing to think that it was his luck to marry her, but when he was fifteen or sixteen, maybe he was rebellious, or she was provoked by Shen Yunya.

It made him feel that all of this was imposed on him by Shen Qingdai, his parents persecuted him, and he became more and more disgusted with her, more and more unwilling to get along, and because of Shen Yunya's gentleness, all kinds of thoughtfulness, those He couldn't feel it in Daier.

Later, he didn't know when it started, but he fell in love with Shen Yunya, except that he only hated Daier!

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