The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1087: Xi Jin knows the truth about dumplings 5

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Now thinking about it, he was defeated by Shen Yunya's psychological defense first, and then fed him to take the psychedelic pill. As the pill was eaten more and more, he was completely confused by her, so that he later made Daier That kind of thing comes.

If the Prince did not give him such a glass of blood, he would never know the truth, he would never know. At first he really liked her, but ...

He flattered her purposely at first, but he really liked her, but he couldn't atone for it, he just wanted to say sorry to her, he didn't mean it on purpose.

Looking at Jiang Ying's sincere apology, Feng Tianlan narrowed his eyes. He didn't look at him or answer his words. Instead, he turned around, holding Si Mobai's hand, and quietly looked at the black enchantment.

She won't forgive Jiang Ying, and even if he sincerely apologizes, she won't say it's okay, because she didn't forgive!

Could it be because of his sincere apology, because he really likes her, and the physical and mental pain she suffered has never happened?

Don't say that he was controlled by Shen Xinya and was controlled by Shen Yunya before he could do such a thing to her. Why was Xi Jin taking the same Xin Dan not deceived and did nothing to hurt her?

Since he can be deceived, he will have one betrayal and a second betrayal, and he is not worth her forgiveness at all!

Jiang Ying really didn't ask for forgiveness. It was he who was wrong. He killed Daier by mistake and caused the current situation. He didn't hate her. He hated Shen Yunya!

If it weren't for Shen Yunya, he would marry Daier, he would not be like this end, he would be the leader of Xuantian League and would go higher, so all of this is Shen Yunya's fault!

Si Mobai looked coldly, and gave a slight glance at Jiang Ying, then took Feng Tianlan's waist and accompanied her, quietly waiting for the black enchantment to disappear voluntarily, while studying the black enchantment, what is this? Ghosts can dissolve any spiritual power without being affected by any spiritual power.

For about half an hour, the black enchantment gradually weakened, and could disappear at any time.

Feng Tianlan and the empress both moved, looking nervous and worried, ready to rush in at any time, separating Xi Jin and Shen Yunya, even if it was too late, they also wanted to try.

Jiang Ying looked up at the black enchantment, faintly saw the figure of Shen Yunya, his eyes flashed with strong hatred and killing intention, kneeling, kneeling forward, and kneeling in the direction of Shen Yunya.

Soon, the black spiritual power of the cohesive enchantment disappeared, and the figures of Xi Jin and Shen Yunya were revealed.

Xi Jin knelt on the ground, reached into his mouth, and yanked hard. Many vomits, yellow bile, and red blood.

"Xi Jin."

"Jin Er."

Feng Tianlan and the emperor saw that he was so, and how could they manage Shen Yunya, they all ran to him.

Shen Yunya looked at Xi Jin with a mad smile and watched Feng Tianlan run in. Haha laughed, "Shen Qingdai, don't keep this ... Ah!"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Yunya just felt that her stomach was hit hard, and the whole person fell backwards. She grabbed her subconscious hand, caught her hair, and slammed, and she fell heavily to the ground.

She was pressing heavily on her body, just trying to push him away, but the lifeline of her neck was bitten fiercely.

"Ah!" Shen Yunya screamed in pain, looked down at Jiang Ying's side face, and patted him hard with her hands. "Jian Ying, let me go!"

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