The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1536: Feng Tianlan and Yun Yi's memory 8

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The blood flowing from his mouth reddened her white tender hands, she was trembling all over, and her voice was trembling.

He grabbed her hand, tenderly afraid to force, and even though blood kept pouring out, he still said intermittently, "I'm in ... Naiqiao ... waiting for you ... the next life ... still loving you ..."

The voice was weak but affectionate. When this sentence fell, his pupils were scattered, his palms were soft, and he gradually slipped. She quickly grasped his hand tightly, and screamed in panic, "Endless! Endless! You don't leave me You said you would take me home, you said you would marry me, and we will continue to marry. "

The heartbreaking pain spread to her limbs. At that moment, the heavens and the earth were dark. Nothing mattered. Without him, nothing mattered. Without him in this world, she lives and has What do you mean?

Feng Tianlan was trapped in boundless pain, holding her heart tightly. Such pain made her unable to breathe, preferring to die with her like this.

"See? This is your memory."

When she thought she was going to die in this boundless sorrow, the sound of Yun Yi sounded in her ears, and everything around her turned grey again. The difference was that the scene just now seemed to freeze.

Yun Yi hugged the dead end, exuding endless deep sadness, the roar was even more desperate to the bones, and the moment seemed like the heavens and the earth were as sad as her.

And once again, with Yun Yi's perception, she felt this life parting.

"This is my memory?" Feng Tianlan was still breathing heavily, and the life she had just experienced was farewell to death. The boundless death still spread on her body, and still made her pain and couldn't slow it down.

If this is her memory, if she is Yun Yi, what is the side of the heart mirror?

"As long as you restore your memory, there is no difference between you and me."

Feng Tianlan frowned, looking up at Yun Yi, "If I were you, if this is my memory, then if I want to, can I not restore my memory?"


"Why?" Feng Tianlan looked at the fixed side, and there were still a lot of gray next to it, but there were some squares with colors. She looked at them one by one, all her dreams, And those seen in the Temple of the Phoenix Goddess.

She didn't know what happened after Wuya's injuries just now. It turned out that Wuya was dead this time.


This word made her heart feel unusually painful, like it happened to her. It is a life and death apart from the loved one. There is no possibility to see each other. In the next life, it is a different person.

Just thinking about it makes her even more painful.

"You are me, I am you, you just have to believe." Yun Yi did not explain, but said Shen Sheng.

Feng Tianlan frowned deeply. "Can I see more memories?"

"Go find ..."

Yun Yi disappeared in front of her suddenly, Feng Tianlan frowned and shouted, "Yun Yi."

"Laner." Si Mobai sat next to Feng Tianlan, shouting anxiously and worriedly, holding a papa, helping her wipe the cold sweat on her face, and the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes.

Feng Tianlan opened his eyes fiercely, and Smobai's anxious and even pale face came into his eyes. His mind was suddenly empty for a moment, thinking about the disappearing Yunyi, busy sitting up, looking around, "yunyi."

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