The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1537: Remembrance of Feng Tianlan and Yun Yi 9

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Sima Bai reached out to support Feng Tianlan and took her into her arms. "Laner, but the nightmare is here. Don't be afraid to stay here for your husband."

"Ink white?" Warm embrace and familiar taste made Feng Tianlan gradually look back and looked around. This is her house. She rubbed her eyebrows, "What happened to me?"

"You have been dreaming and have been shouting Endless, but what have you dreamed of?" Si Mobai patted her back, calming her emotions.

Feng Tianlan nested in his arms, thinking about the endlessness in his dream, and felt his heart ache again. He breathed in a big mouth, "I dreamed of the endlessness, and I also dreamed of Yunyi ..."

With Yun Yi's feeling, parting from the boundless life, it really happened to her, making her heartbreaking and painful.

Simo Bai softly appeased her, "It's okay, all dreams, here for my husband."

"Si Mobai!" Feng Tianlan shoved Si Mobai fiercely, raising his eyes and glaring at him angrily.

"I'm here for her husband." Simobai saw her glaring glaringly, looked at him like a bearded person, and was pushed away suddenly, feeling a bit inexplicable, and then began to review herself, "Why did you do something wrong for your husband?"

"It's okay." Feng Tianlan thought for a moment and said discouraged.

Those were all dreams, but even dreams, as long as the thought of Mo Bai stabbed her with a sword, she was very depressed, and her heart was sore, but it was just a dream.

And why did she dream of that dream before she saw Yun Yi and experienced a so-called memory?

Si Mobai frowned at her, and sighed helplessly, "If you have done something wrong for your husband, Laner, despite saying it, don't hold it in your heart and ruin yourself. If you don't want to say, hit You can do it for your husband. "

Feng Tianlan thought for a while, and felt that there was still a problem, so he said, "I dreamed of you."

Sima Bai nodded, "I heard your husband's name when he heard you sleep." Seeing her cry, did he make her cry in her dream?

"You marry someone again."

"..." Si Mobai stared at her for a moment, "That's your dream again."

"You cut off Yuxi with your own hands." Feng Tianlan looked at him resentfully, even complaining.

Sima Bai took out the hidden jade jade and put it in front of her. "Just take down the jade jade for fear that you don't sleep well."

"You still stab my heart with a sword!" Feng Tianlan grabbed his hand and poked in his chest, and Feng Feng's eyes were even more resentful, even though it was a dream, but when I think of it, I still feel bad.

Si Mobai looked down at the hand she was holding, and poked at a soft place. Through the thin cloth, his fingertips could feel her body temperature, and the soft touch made him I feel like a cloud, but also like a water polo. I want to knead.

When Feng Tianlan saw that he didn't respond, he became even more angry and shouted, "Si Mobai!"

He didn't explain such a serious matter, didn't he explain it?

"Laner." Si Mobai's face was a little crimson, and then all the way to the ears, "You are like this, it is difficult for your husband to talk to you well."

Even if he shared the same bed with Laner, she also helped him, but he had never touched her so intimately, and the soft feeling at this time really made him want more, even if she said It's not suitable, but his body is honest, he wants more, and eats her directly.

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