The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1970: Sima Bai and Feng Tianlan Alone 5

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Si Mobai gave a faint hum. "Fortunately, you didn't find it, otherwise you will have husbands and wives in the future."

"You won't have this opportunity in the future." Looking at his eccentricity, Feng Tianlan's lips were white and his temperament was really unchanged.

"If you dare to have such an idea in the future, you will be **** by your husband, and you will not be able to get out of bed. You dare not have any thoughts."

Feng Tianlan understood the meaning of his words, and immediately blushed, "Speak well, now that I know the curse, what do you want to do?"

It was a very serious word, but it was interrupted with ambiguous atmosphere.

"Now you and my mind want each other to survive, at least not to Abao."

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "Yeah, A Bao is innocent. He is still so young that his life has not yet begun."

"I want my wife to live for her husband, whether or not they can be together. As long as the woman is still alive, I can live for her husband. Although I want to be with my wife for my husband, I believe that the lady also thinks so, otherwise she won't miss her. It's the same as four years ago, desperate. "

Speaking of robbing her, Feng Tianlan narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Speaking of which, I don't regret it."

The matter of snatching a relative, no matter how many times, she will do it, and never regret it, it is the most right thing in her life.

"I regret it for my husband." Si Mobai gave her a glance. Losing her meant losing the world, and he never wanted to experience it again.

"Ink ..."

"Laner, you haven't experienced it, you won't understand, if you ..."

Feng Tianlan interrupted his anger, "Si Mobai, don't talk nonsense!"

Can such words be said casually?

"Don't be angry, angry women are easy to get old." Simo Bai coaxed her, he just assumed it and didn't say it yet.

Sima Bai's words made Feng Tianlan's body stiffen, and then she covered her look of fear. It was natural to ask, "Why, old, you will be disgusted."

"No, when I am in my seventies and eighties, I still have to press the lady. At that time, I can still come once or twice." Si Mobai thought carefully.

Feng Tianlan was blushed again by Si Mobai's words. This man was really old and bad, seventy and eighty years old, still thinking about this kind of thing.

"speak nicely."

Sima Bai said, "Well, what decision does the woman have to listen to the woman?"

"To crack the curse, we must first know who cursed it, and why cursed us? What curse is it? As long as we know these three things, we can start to solve it."

Smobai said, "But this curse should have nothing to do with our past lives. There are no such memories in our past lives."

"Mo Baike still remembers the sentence that said," Three lives and three generations, I am back, Ru Jiu waited. "Feng Tianlan raised his eyes and asked Sima Bai.

Si Mo nodded his head, "Of course I remember, this is the first time you and I face each other, the first sentence for my husband."

"So, this curse may come from the previous life." Feng Tianlan shook his lips. The previous life was a thousand years ago. Shouldn't the previous life be 10,000 years ago?

And if it is really the curse of previous lives, then who the **** did they offend, and then they will be cursed because they love each other?

The mask man seems to know a lot, is it all related to him?

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