The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1971: Sima Bai and Feng Tianlan Alone 6

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Si Mobai raised his brow lightly, "Are you past?"

Feng Tianlan said quietly, this is just her guess, and such a long-term thing may not be easy to check. Now it seems that except for the mask man, no one knows it.

"Every time, I will try to break the curse for my husband." Si Mobai took Feng Tianlan's hand and looked at her softly and firmly. "I will never allow this tragedy for my husband."

In any case, at least he won't confess his fate like this. He and his wife finally got some results after such a long time. He must go through his whole life and don't want to be left alone.

Feng Tianlan looked up at Si Mobai with a smile and nodded, "Me too."

"Abao is also oh." The milky and milky voice reached the ear, and then a small figure fluttered in, and hugged Feng Tianlan's arm, round his head, and hesitated.

Feng Tianlan looked down at A Bao and reached out and rubbed his little head. "Why is A Bao here?"

"Well, Abao has written it, and let Dad check it." Abao did the same trick, took out a stack of papers, and handed it to Simobai.

Sima Bai took it over and looked at it one by one to see if he had written something wrong and neatly.

"My dear, Abao has already written it, take Abao to take a bath, and then my mother can coax Abao to sleep."

As soon as Feng Tianlan wanted to respond, Si Mobai said in a deep voice, "No."

"Why?" A Bao glanced up at Simobai.

Feng Tianlan also looked at him doubtfully, why not?

"Abao has grown up and can take a bath by himself." Si Mobai had no intention of checking Abao's words, and decided to teach him well.

A Bao shuddered, and said something silently, "Daddy doesn't always say that A Bao is a three-year-old? Of course, three-year-olds can't take a bath by themselves."

"Then let someone wash you."

"Dad, are you too bad? Abao and his mother have been separated for so long, what's wrong with letting their mother bathe Abao?" Abao's angry little short hand on his hips, leaning his head, looking straight at Si Mobai , "Are you jealous that Abao can take a bath with his mother, can't you?"

Sima Bai hesitated again and again, "When Dad took a bath with your mother, you were not born yet."

"Mobai ..." Feng Tianlan shouted in embarrassment. Don't talk about such things. Does he know how to be shy?

Listening to Si Mobai's words, Abao blinked his eyes like black pearls, and then shaved his face at Si Mobai. "Daddy is ashamed, the boss is not young anymore, and he let his mother take a bath, ashamed Shame. "

Feng Tianlan watched Abao shave her face, and said that she was more embarrassed as she was ashamed, holding Abao's hand, "Go, mother, take you to take a bath, ignore your father."

A Bao nodded happily, ignoring the calm face, and did not know the shy father.

As soon as Si Mobai stretched out his long hand, holding Abao's collar, he lifted him up, "Daddy wash it for you."

"No, Abao will ask his mother to wash it in vain." Abao struggled, protesting, "Daddy is not gentle at all, so don't want Daddy."

"Mobai, you put down Abao." Feng Tianlan advised, don't hold Abao as a chicken.

Sima Baitaohua's eyes fell on her with some ambiguity. "The woman can only be regarded as the lifeblood of her husband ..."

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