The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 2347: Endless Seven Feelings and Six Desires 3

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Listening to Pu Xia's words, boundlessly narrowed his eyes, the corners of his lips slowly evoked, it was the kind of happy and indescribable feeling, just like the empty heart, but because of this sentence, Filled up.

There is a feeling of inexplicability, but I feel very satisfied.

Pu Xia looked at the boundlessness, saw his raised lips, and looked at his cold face, at this moment as if melted, as gentle as spring, suddenly like Lei split!

Endless laughed!

He thought that the breakthrough of boundless emotion was just angry and helpless, but he didn't expect to laugh!

It was only because of a word that came out of his mouth. If he heard it from Yun Yi himself, how happy he was, maybe he happily hugged Yun Yi directly and kissed him a few bites.

This time, he really believed that Wuya really liked Yunyi.

Even if his outsider was worried that Yun Yi was a spy, it was useless to worry at this time, because Wuya had already fallen into it.

It is normal for ordinary people to like Yunyi, but Wuya itself is a man with strong self-control, and he has no passion and love, which is very scary, because his love is forever, not for a moment .

Boundless, really planted in Yun Yi's hands.

Wuji converged and smiled, raising his eyes seriously and saying, "So, give it a go."

Just like this sentence, he should also give himself a choice, no matter what the choice is, he must understand.

Pu Xia was shocked and a little bit shocked. "So, are you sure you want to recover your passions, even for a day?"

Nodded without boundaries, Yun Yi was so sure that he liked her, and he also wanted to know what it felt like, and whether he really liked her.

If yes ...

Wuya clenched his fist, so if he gave up everything, he would also be with her.

Pu Xia clutched the predictive ball in her hand, "Okay, then I'll plan for it, and it will definitely make you wish."

Both of them are crazy.

Wuji Wuyi made a sound, his eyes fell on the prediction ball held by Pu Xia, maybe here, foresee him and Yun Yi.

"Don't fight it." Pu Xia will foresee that the ball is tightly held. Although he thinks that giving it a glance, it may effectively prevent his idea of ​​like Yun Yi. ?

What if Wuya wants to change the future?

This is against the sky. Who knows if Endless World will become like this, so it is safest not to let him see it.

Wuxia looked at Puxia coolly, very afraid that he used the prediction ball, but what did Puxia foresee?

"Boundless, I still want to persuade you, and break with Yunyi in time." Feeling the cold eyes of Boundless, Pu Xia said busyly, "Don't forget Ming Phoenix, why did he become a fallen **** . "

Divine love is simply not good.

Wuya glanced at him coldly, "Don't tell Yun Yi about this, and don't embarrass her."

Then he got up and left.

Pu Xia held her back, which meant agreeing to Yun Yi to continue, but he couldn't embarrass her, and had to offer her as her ancestor?



He really became a subordinate, is he now serving the future heroine?

One thing, however, Wuya didn't seem to notice. Even if the seven emotions and six desires were not restored, he had a new one, which was born of Yunyi.

Is this a good thing?

Hope not to bring disaster.

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