The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 2348: Endless Seven Feelings and Six Desires 4

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Flying across the bounds of the sky, looking at the blue sky, the dark line far away, that is the direction of the demon realm, at this time did not think there was anything there.

Perhaps, the demon is not as evil as they think, just like Yun Yi, she is very good, better than most people in the realm of God.

The majestic palace has a depressing atmosphere.

After guards and guards, and agencies, they finally reached the innermost.

In the huge empty room, there was only the innermost, a small transparent bottle on the platform, a small group inside, curled up there, like the most precious treasure.

The King of God stood in front of it, watching this group of things of some colors, which were gradually growing and inflated, making his face a little bit darker, and his anger released his murderous energy.

"Boundless, you are too disappointed." God King clenched his hands, eyes like eagles, full of murderous anger.

There is nothing else in it. It is the boundless love and lust, which was taken out by him after the full moon was born.

A baby has no emotions, so when he takes it out, these emotions and desires are blank, like a small cloud of soft clouds, so pure and unpolluted.

In recent years, he has grown up, and still does, and he has never worried.

The other day, after he had spoken to Wuji, he had seen that it had a lot of colors. It was a mood that grew up, it was grown up, but the color was very light, so I didn't need to worry about it.

But only a few days later, this small white cloud is almost becoming a colorful cloud, and even from a small soft group into a large group, the red, heart-like place, the bigger and bigger.

This not only has all kinds of emotions, but also moves the mind.

Without the boundlessness of the seven emotions and six desires, after all, still tempted!

And that person is not any person in the Divine Realm, even if it is an ignorant human being on the continent, he also recognizes it, but it seems that Wu Yi likes the female devil of the Demon Realm-Yun Yi.

This Yunyi seems to be beyond retention.

However, he should not be allowed to kill Yunyi, otherwise it would only be a bad thing, but let Wuya do it himself.

He had to make Wuya realize how ridiculous it was to be a witch.

The King of God was dark and raised his hands to release the divine power. The seal of the bottle was strengthened. Never let Wuya possess these emotions, otherwise the realm of God would be destroyed once.


Yun Yi entered Divine Realm, and originally planned to go to Pu Xia directly. After all, it was important to restore the boundless love and lust, but after thinking about it, I decided to go to Borderless to apply first.

Yun Yi turned to the direction of the temple, didn't go too far, and was blocked by the way. He was the second brother of the end, Emperor Zun.

"Anything?" Yun Yi asked coldly.

The emperor looked at her unpleasantly, and she looked at him.

The emperor looked down at her, his eyes lowered, "God has a request."

"God King?" Yun Yi frowned. "Boundless father?"

The King of God could cruelly deprive his son of affection and desire, and it was not a fuel-saving lamp at first. It was certainly not a good thing to find her.

Shouldn't it be known that she wants to recover the boundless love and lust, now wants to start?

"Don't go." She's not from the domain of God, so she doesn't need to listen to orders, not to mention, this time it's not safe.

Emperor Zun said coldly, "It is related to the safety of the elder brother."

Yun Yi froze, slowly looking up at Emperor Zun, and finally gritted his teeth, "Go!"

It's a matter of boundlessness. Even if there is a trap, she jumps, and would rather miss the letter than miss it.

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