The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 127 Wang Xie's Fury

Lin Chuan's meeting with "Nice to Meet You" has almost been discussed, and all we have to do now is to wait for Thursday. There is still preparations for the implementation of the first part of the plan

Since Lin Chuan is still on vacation, Lin Chuan's fattening plan has not been dropped at all. After all, the good days are not long, so we should cherish them.

It just so happens that the weather is not bad today, and I am tired of eating delicacies in the past few days, so it is more interesting to make home-cooked dishes by myself.

The main reason is that there is nothing to do during this time, and Lin Chuan feels like he is going to be moldy. Just take this opportunity to bask in the sun.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan put his phone in his pocket and walked out. But I never expected to meet unexpected people.

Wang Xie didn't expect to meet Lin'er either, after all, he hadn't fully recovered from the fact that he lost a deadly enemy some time ago.

In fact, when did he not believe that a guy as big as Lin Chuan could fall to his death after being shot, even if it was a ten-story building. But maybe it was because he was too familiar with him, that's why he had concerns about the news of his death.

When guessing that Lin Chuan died, he had already searched all the nearby clinics near the building, but no one had recognized Lin Chuan. He also tried to find his body in the past.

But the result was nothing but a few unknown drops of blood on the ground. No other limbs. Not even a few drops of blood. The amount is not enough to even take it for testing.

For a while, Wang Xie didn't understand what kind of mood he was in, he only knew that he didn't have much joy.

Maybe it's just that he didn't react for a while because of the lack of trouble. But the last time he saw Lin Chuan again, he realized that Lin Chuan had played himself.

At this moment, Wang Xiezheng passed the corner, and raised his eyes to see Lin Chuan who he couldn't find. The smoke in his mouth fell to the ground.

"Why aren't you dead yet, bastard!" Wang Xie roared angrily. Immediately, he punched the wall, awakening Lin Chuan, who was dangling and humming.

Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes and took a step back immediately after seeing the person coming. It's Wang Xie, it's over.

Wang Xie's face was flushed, and he hesitated to speak. "Well, I'm angry~". "The system said lightly.

"Shut up." Lin Chuan cursed back in his heart, thinking about how to get out.

Lin Chuan understood that this incident was very difficult for Wang Xie to accept. After all, the deadly rival is cold ball, who is not happy. The last time I dangled in front of him, I ran away. Suddenly playing corpse cheating now, isn't this just biting someone and running away and then coming back to see if he is there? .

Lin Chuan smiled cutely, and immediately took two steps back before Wang Xie whipped his legs over.

Looking at Wang Xie's red hand. "Tsk, I really feel sorry for the wall." Lin Xiao whispered, while backing away, but Wang Xie didn't let him go so easily.

Because he is not on a mission now, he does not carry the gun with him. After all, who would want to meet the nemesis of the fraudulent corpse when they go out.

Wang Xie staggered, took two big steps forward, shortened the distance to Lin Chuan, and was about to attack him as soon as his hands clenched into fists. Lin Chuan retreated violently.

Before Wang Xie could react, he turned around and ran away. Wang Xie was not a vegetarian either. Seeing someone running away, he immediately took steps to chase after him. Keep a distance of several meters before the person runs away.

Wang Xie was surprised in his heart, even if Lin Chuan didn't die in that fall, he would be half disabled, although he looked much better last time we met.

But now that he was running so fast, he couldn't catch up with him at all. He was shot or found a substitute.

It's absolutely impossible for a stand-in. The person who can leave the scene so calmly has only seen Lin Chuan in his life.

Seeing that Lin Chuan was about to run home, he realized that there would be no end to chasing each other, and he might reveal his address instead. This is not good for him.

Seeing Wang Xie chasing after him, Lin Chuan ran so hard that his shirt was almost soaked in sweat. We must find a way to get rid of Wang Xie. Otherwise, let alone cooking and buying vegetables, the day lily will be completely cold by the end of the physical exertion.

Lin Chuan looked back at Wang Xie dangerously, and saw that the other party didn't seem to be relaxing, he gritted his teeth and got into a dead-end alley. The two kept a distance of six or seven meters.

Seeing Lin Chuan getting into a dead end, Wang Xie chuckled and immediately chased after him. But entering the depths of the alley, there is only a wall left in front of us. Wang Xie was surprised. He clearly saw Lin Chuan running to this place

Could it be that he jumped over the wall and ran away? Wang Xie turned around and took a look, it was empty and unpopular. There are no dog holes in the ground either. Instead, the dust on the wall looked like footprints.

Seeming to be in a hurry, Wang Xie took a deep breath, Lin Chuan was still as stupid as ever. Wang Xie took two steps back for a run-up, then jumped up and onto the wall. Hold the gap between the cloth bricks with both hands. A sudden jump over the alley.

After Wang Xie climbed over the wall, he began to look for Lin Chuan, and at this moment Lin Chuan crawled out from the corner. There was a hole here that hadn't been repaired in time.

It was the hole left by the fire hydrant leaking and dismantled some time ago. No one came to repair it. I didn’t expect that it happened to be a big bargain for Lin Chuan. The alley was deep, and he ran extremely fast after entering the alley. He kicked hard on the wall.

The purpose is to make Wang Xie think that he has climbed over the wall. Then he turned around and hid in the hole, and silently filled the hole in the wall with the bricks from the corner.

Lin Chuan stayed inside for two minutes, and after confirming that there was no sound outside, he gently took down a brick. Look through the gap to see what's going on outside.

Due to the limited range of vision, Lin Chuan can only see clearly that there is no one in front of him. Take a gamble and push away the freshly brewed wall. There was no one outside the wall, and Ugly had fallen for his tricks.

He grinned and slowly emerged from the hole. After getting up, he patted the dust off his body. Wang Xie was as easy to deceive as ever.

Lin Chuan thought about it like this, and walked to the market with small steps. Thinking about what to eat tonight. Now that Wang Xie bumped into her, ".々Nice to meet you" should also be on the agenda.

Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone, thought for a while and edited the information for those (Nuo Dehao) subordinates.

"Let the public know that Lin Chuan, the phantom thief, will start with Leon designer's upcoming jewelry "Nice to Meet You" on Thursday, so that they can prepare in advance."

Lin Chuan's subordinates have a wide network of people and relationships, and the news can be passed to Leon very quickly. Let Leon's people make preparations by letting out some news. Now is the first step in the implementation of the plan. Then just wait until Thursday to start the second step.

After receiving an affirmative reply from the other party, Lin put away his mobile phone. It seemed that it was not long before the end of the wonderful vacation. Lin Chuan sighed.

Lin Chuan nodded solemnly. The drooping eyelashes fluttered slightly with the wind, and the serious expression seemed to have made some important decision.

"Well, let's have braised crucian carp with tofu soup tonight."

At the same time, this very important thing is also happening on the other side. .

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