Leon was surfing the Internet at this time, and when he saw an article about himself, he looked at the headline, "Shocked! A certain man actually posted a message that he wanted to meet this set of jewelry before the gem of "Nice to Meet You" was announced! Watch out, Leon!"

Leon was obviously very interested in these headlines, especially the ones about himself. What's more, he had never seen anything like this before, let alone thought that this article would be so popular.

For this sudden incident, he obviously always felt that something was wrong, and he even didn't quite believe the fact that it happened.

So I couldn't wait to click in. At first, Leon thought it was just the same as the previous marketing account, but after entering it, he found that there was a detailed video in it. However, Leon had seen a lot of videos explaining the marketing account, so naturally he would not Believe it, I thought in my heart that I would not believe it, but I still clicked in unconsciously.

Leon was preparing to see what kind of big waves the marketing account was going to make, but when he clicked on the video, it was a complete video, which aroused Leon's interest, and even made him look forward to it more and more. If someone saw , sure to shock his reaction.

L087eon continued to read, and found that it was not exactly the same as what he thought, and it could be said to have nothing to do with it. Leon thought it was funny at first, after all, other people knew his identity in this circle, and generally no one would be so rampant .

But Leon was a little surprised after watching it. There was no other nonsense in the video, but a black figure appeared in the video, and then said those words before, which shows that the marketing account did not use the headline party.

This topic immediately aroused heated discussions in the circle, and even Leon felt a little shocked.

People on the Internet all had the same reaction. They all thought it was a marketing account, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Later, some people suspected that it was edited maliciously, and then a master editor came out to "clarify" Lin Chuan.

"I already know something about Leon. I have nothing to do with them. It's just that many netizens asked me to help identify it under this video, so this video came. No more nonsense. Let's start now."

Then the editing master fiddled with the video and explained, and finally got the result.

"It can be seen from (bdaa) that there is no trace of editing in this video. You can rest assured that this video is authentic. Well, that's all for today's video. See you next time."

Netizens also knew that it was not edited after watching the video edited by the master, and then they became more interested in this matter.

And Leon flew into a rage in shock.

After watching the video, he threw away the phone angrily, and complained to the people around him.

"Why, he is too rampant, I don't understand this person." He said in Chinese that was not easy to speak, and there was a bit of a mouthful in it, and then he spoke English abruptly

Leon naturally knew about Lin Chuan's previous "deeds", that's why he felt so scared, but whenever Lin Chuan failed once, Leon might not be so angry.

Angry is angry, but the number of security guards has been strengthened.

And these security guards are not ordinary security guards, they are all retired armed police hired by Leon at a high price, and let them watch over them strictly.

Although these people have retired, they still have two brushes on their bodies, and they are full of confidence in themselves.

Seeing their confident looks, Leon relaxed a little.

Time passed quickly, and it was Thursday in a blink of an eye, and Lin Chuan made an appointment to come to Leon's house to look at the gems.

This day, Leon felt a little uneasy, but he couldn't tell where he was uneasy. I'm afraid it was the fear that Lin Chuan's news brought to Leon, but this kind of fear can't be eliminated before Lin Chuan comes, because you don't know Whether Lin Chuan would enter through that door, or in other words, whether he would come in quietly, take the gem and then walk away quietly, made Leon feel very scared.

At this time, Lin Chuan was also humming and walking slowly on the road. He seemed to be floating when he walked, looking extremely crazy.

Leon, on the other hand, was completely different, walking around the room.

Then Lin Chuan came to Leon's door, packed his clothes, and politely knocked on the door.

Leon's heart skipped a beat when he heard the knock on the door, and he asked his assistant to open the door.

"You, go and open the door."

The other retired armed policemen also cheered up when they heard the knock on the door.

The assistant who was instructed had to go to open the door, and then saw Lin Chuan. The assistant was a little shocked, but let Lin Chuan in anyway.

Lin Chuan also politely said thank you.

Then I saw two rows of retired armed police.

In addition to being a little shocked, there is also a little might.

"Hi, hello."

Those retired armed police naturally ignored him [still standing there with a prestige look.

And Lin Chuan didn't care if they reacted or not, and went straight to Leon.

Seeing Lin Chuan approaching, Leon couldn't help feeling a little flustered, but on the surface he still looked calm.

Leon had to be a little surprised by Lin Chuan's arrival, because in his impression, no one would come to see the gems so openly, and he was the first one.

Lin Chuan also saw Leon's face, and immediately understood what it meant, and then sat down on Leon's sofa unceremoniously.

Leon saw Lin Chuan being so rude, as if he was a guest, and sat down right after him.

Lin Chuan didn't make a fool of himself, and directly stated his purpose for coming here today.

"Mr. Leon, long time no see. I came here mainly to drink tea with you and discuss life. I also hope that Mr. Leon will not be so malicious towards me. I don't have any malicious intentions." Then, without waiting for Leon to speak, he spoke again.

"I heard that Mr. Leon has a very nice set of jewelry, and he named her a nice set of jewelry. I wonder if I have the chance to take a look."

That's what Lin Chuan said, but everyone here didn't know that video, and it went crazy on the Internet.

Then he smiled at Leon [smile as sweet as sugar.

Leon didn't eat this set at all, and said with a sneer.

"Oh? Really, I don't know if Mr. Lin wants to drink tea with me alone, or just look at the jewelry? Does he really mean to take him away? I just came here, so don't lie to me. "

"Mr. Leon, what are you talking about? How dare you lie to Mr. Leon, of course you won't."

But what Lin Chuan said made Leon build up a stronger sense of defense.

But he didn't realize that Lin Chuan was actually very nervous, he felt uncomfortable all over his body, and even had cold sweat on his forehead, but he still dealt with Leon.

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