The Thief Show: Start As Kaitou Kid!

Chapter 57 Magician Lin Shen, Appeared At The Venue! [Seek Data! 】

Millions of netizens stared at some blond and blue-eyed foreign men in the venue through the live broadcast of the drone.

I can't wait to penetrate their skin and look directly at the bones.

According to the speculation in the third sentence of the notice letter,

Become Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table.

Netizens in the live broadcast room, as inferred by the inspection team, either entered the arena as knights wearing armor, or disguised as blonde features.

The water friends in the live broadcast room have submitted reports to the official live broadcast room many times in a row.

Because the numbers are too many and they are all wrong, it actually aggravates the work of the inspection team.

The assistant stood beside Mr. Sun and leaned over to his ear: "Master, it's already past eight o'clock, and Lin Chuan still doesn't seem to show up."

Grandpa Sun squeezed his chin: "Don't take it lightly. I watched the whole process of his attack last time. It only takes a few seconds for him to complete the theft!"

"Once we let our guard down, we are definitely the ones who suffer."

"The exhibition continues, let Zhong Yu and the others come out and explain the ten treasures."

Grandpa Sun thought to himself, could it be that he really misread Lin Chuan.

Miscalculated the opponent's strength?

Because setting up this theft was too difficult, it made the opponent retreat.

Is it really hard?

Mr. Sun had some doubts about himself, the magnetic card that cannot be stolen, the steel cage that cannot be entered and exited, the special display cabinet, and two additional hidden methods.

Drones filling every corner of the building, a thousand building security personnel.

After carefully calculating the strength of his dispatch, the old man himself was taken aback.

Seems to be really confusing?

If he didn't dare to come, how could I catch him with my own hands, or would I just show a little loophole?

Grandpa Sun calmed down and took off his coat, revealing the white gown he was wearing underneath.

The sleeves were transparent, Professor Shi saw the magnetic card on the inner layer of the sleeve, and suddenly said: "Master, you actually sewed the magnetic card into your clothes?"

Grandpa Sun smiled: "When I came out, I came to Shanghai to work hard with the assets I cobbled together. I just sewed the start-up funds into my pants and sewed them tightly until I arrived in Shanghai. When I needed to use them, Just unplug it."

"Although this method is stupid, it is very useful."

: This is the wisdom crystallization of the previous generation!

: In those years, when there were no banks and Alipay, everyone racked their brains when they took money to travel far.

: Look, there is a string of letters "panby" printed on this kind of clothes. This is the clothes produced by a famous international protective clothing company. Is it made of Pompeian polyester fiber?

:what is that?

: Pompeii is a company specializing in the production of space protective clothing. The clothes they produce are designed to resist the extremely harsh environment of Mars.

: Don't look at the thin layer, even the most powerful Sand Eagle can't penetrate it.

: Then this magnetic card, is there no way to steal it at all?

: If I were Lin Chuan, I would definitely not come here. All kinds of international top-notch high-tech products, how can this be played?

Lin Chuan and Sun Zhongyu walked out of the lounge. For today's performance, Lin Chuan had to change into a dinner dress halfway through.

Wearing a skirt is a bit awkward.

But in order to steal the treasure, Lin Chuan fought hard!

Fortunately, Sun Zhongling himself is a level A, and the difficulty of acting is not too high.

Lin Chuan and Sun Zhongyu, one black and one white, entered through the entrance of the giant steel cage.

The revolving door turns a quarter to allow a person to pass.

The door can only be rotated clockwise, otherwise it will be locked by the internal machine.

Entering from the entrance, the only place to leave is the exit opposite the entrance.

Outside the exit, there were two groups of special forces members standing, a total of ten people, holding an M4 rifle capable of firing 30 paintballs at a time.

Like two well-mannered and well-trained professional hosts.

The two explained the ten treasures of Egypt.

In addition to the crown of the Queen of the Nile, the other nine treasures are also of great importance.

Lin Chuan explained the first treasure projected from the big screen.

In the showcase, there is a statue of Anubis.

Anubis is the god of death in Egyptian mythology, with a dog-headed body and a black body, with a golden ring on his neck and a pair of eyes inlaid with golden gemstones.

"Anubis, the guardian of the dead on their way to the afterlife. He is usually described as a male with the head of a jackal, with golden chains wrapped around his arms."

"Because the jackal has a preference for scavenging, the body color of the statue is quite different from the original brown of the jackal, but the same color as the carrion and the mud of the Nile River."

"This statue of Anubis was made during the reign of the pharaohs."

Lin Chuan continued to explain, and the scene received bursts of applause, and Mrs. Sun nodded in satisfaction.

Netizens in the live broadcast room started a discussion about the first exhibit.

: Kobold? Isn't this the Desert Reaper in League of Legends?

: It really seems that the prototype of the desert god of death comes from the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology!

: What about his big brother Desert Butcher?

Twenty minutes later, six of the ten treasures were introduced.

The seventh piece is Lin Chuan's goal this time, the crown once worn by the Queen of the Nile!

Wang Renyuan's voice came from the tiny earphones.

"I'm ready, sir."

Lin Chuan nodded slightly, and then quietly threw a white ball to the side of the Nile River Crown.

This little ball is the inflatable doll stand-in he got from the system.

In Conan's world, this kind of inflatable doll stand-in is called a bug. It can be inflated automatically. After it is fully inflated, it is almost the same as a real person, which is very confusing.

And they can pose in a variety of poses.


Lin Chuan raised his left hand, pretending to pluck the silver hair that fell to his forehead, and gently patted the invisible earphone twice.

This is the battle plan he discussed with Wang Renyuan.


In an instant, Wang Renyuan, who had remotely hacked the building's power system, tapped the keyboard.

For the entire fifty floors, the electricity was cut off in an instant!

Exactly the same as Lin Chuan's method of stealing last time, darkness suddenly enveloped the entire floor.

There were screams at the exhibition site.

All inspectors at the scene became nervous.

Monitoring room.

Detective No. 8 said in horror: "It's Lin Chuan, he's already here!"

A drop of cold sweat rolled down Gao Yingjie's forehead: "Isn't there someone guarding the power room? Why did the power go out suddenly? When will it be restored?"

In order to prevent the occurrence of sudden power failure, the monitoring equipment is equipped with an independent battery.

In addition, there are hundreds of SkyEye drones in the exhibition hall!

All the audience got excited, Lin Shen really did what he said, a landmark building like the Bund Center.

The entire floor suddenly lost power, and they couldn't think of another explanation except for the arrival of Lin Shen!

: Lin Shen, he really came!

: The old man is dangerous, hurry up and protect the old man, don't let him steal the old man's clothes.

: The old man has dozens of bodyguards by his side, so it should be fine!

: God Lin, my God!

: What will he choose to steal? How can he take away the treasures in the display cabinet without a magnetic card and break the cabinet violently?

: Hey, the scene is lit up again?

Immediately after the lights on site went out, electrical maintenance personnel entered the power distribution room and tried to repair it.

During this period, the floor under the display cabinet was modified, and suddenly, like a sliding phone being opened, the surface was scratched away, revealing the glass lamp below.


More than a dozen huge ground lamps cast bright beams upwards!

The light appeared in the exhibition hall again, not because the electricity was restored, but because the floor remodeled by the construction team was shining brightly.

Grandpa Sun smiled confidently, "Lin Chuan, the same trick doesn't work for me!"

It turned out that after seeing Lin Chuan's previous actions, he immediately took countermeasures.

This includes inviting the famous construction team in Shanghai to install an independent lighting system.

That way, it doesn't matter if the power on site is cut off.

In short, next to the showcase, it is bright enough.

The floor shone upwards, and at the same time, everyone saw a figure in white clothes, a top hat, and a white cloak appearing next to the Nile River Crown Jewels.

"Lin Chuan, catch him immediately!" Professor Shi yelled.

The two special forces teams at the exit, including more than a dozen security personnel, raised their guns at the same time with fiery eyes.


At this time, a smoke bomb exploded, and a large amount of smoke spread out instantly, covering the steel cage.

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