Because, once He Er had such sequelae, the danger lurking around him would instantly engulf him until there were no bones left!

So, He Lixun looked at He Lijun.

"I'm going back."


He Er nodded and watched him leave, but when he was about to disappear outside the door, he suddenly said:

"Why would you give them that?"


Of course it's a letter of recommendation.

He Er really couldn't understand this.

Because he knew that no matter how lost He Lixun was, he wouldn't really ignore the He family, but he really couldn't understand what the purpose of this younger brother was.

However, his question made He San glance at him sideways.

"Isn't it good to learn about observations nearby?"


Abandoning these words, He San, who turned around handsomely, made He Er's mouth twitch, and he was a little - speechless.


To understand the meaning of observation nearby, it is clearly-

It's all right under the eyelids and thoroughly analyzes the inside and outside, so that they can't hide the slightest secret from the hair to the heels, right?


His own younger brother, how much does he see the sincerity of that kid?

Why, at this moment, he felt that his previous worries were completely unnecessary?

Just, the cold-blooded and ruthless appearance of their family's three children, can they really find a daughter-in-law in the future?

The kind of daughter-in-law, male or female?

"Ah, really—"

He Er, who sighed suddenly, asked the doctor to look at him, lowered his head and wrote the case, and asked casually—

"Are you worried that the second son is going the wrong way?"


Looking at this doctor who can see through people at a glance, He Er pouted.

"What do I have to worry about about him? Even if I worry, it's just blind worry!"

"Well, indeed."

The doctor who nodded in agreement with He Er raised his eyebrows and explained with a light smile.

"It is said that He Da is the most unselfish and unsympathetic, He Er is the most tactful and old-fashioned, and he plays the world with applause, and also said that He San is the most upright. He has always said anything, and he will do whatever he wants, but—"

He shook his head to add as he twirled the pen in a fancy way.

"It's right to say He Da's, but He Da has a soft heart, and He Er's is also right, but He Er has a kind heart, and He San's is also right, of course—"

The doctor paused for a while, and in He Lijun's squinting eyes, he blinked, with a bit of begging for mercy.

"But he has the coldest heart, and that's the main reason why he was chosen as the next head of the He family, right?"

"...Xiao Fu! Do you know that you hate it?"

Seeing this man dissect the three brothers of the He family clearly and clearly, He Er, who was clearly clear, had a dark face.

"That's why I don't want to come to you! After all, every time I come back to you, you always choke on a myocardial infarction! I have never seen such an irritating doctor as you!"

How much does this **** like to bully people?

Obviously when they were very young, this dead uncle was still a gentle and elegant, very similar to Wen Liu, but he was more assertive than Wen Liu, a good brother from someone else's family who had mastered the overall situation. Poisonous and broken mouth?

Who did you learn from?

"Have it?"

Facing the glaring eyes of Shang He Er, Dr. Xiao chuckled softly.

"But, don't you think it's interesting for doctors to fight patients?"

...meaning you uncle!

He Lijun even wanted to scold his mother!


I don't know what he thought of, which made him stare at Xiao Fu suspiciously for a while, and asked:

"Do you know a stinky girl named Shu Qianluo?"

Do you know?

Absolutely know, right?

Look at this stance that likes to hate people, it's like it's carved out of a mold!


As for He Er's words, Xiao Fu, who was filming him, tilted his head and was a little puzzled.

"Who is that?"

"do not know?"

No way?

He Er opened his eyes wide, then thought about it, and asked again.

"What about Su Gu Bai?"

This name made Xiao Fu startled and asked tentatively.

"Yes, is that young master from the Su family in the waste city?"


He Er, who nodded, stared at him suspiciously, squinting.

"Isn't it? Since you recognize Su Gu Bai, why don't you recognize Shu Qianluo, who was held to the top of his heart by him? When she hates people, she is as good as you are?"


This made Xiao Fu lowered his eyes and shook his head with a light smile.

"I really don't recognize that little girl named Shu Qianluo, but I do know that little young master because—"

He paused for a while, and his lowered eyes were full of tenderness, like a sparkling lake illuminated by the sky, extremely beautiful.

"That little young master, I often hear from one person, and that person always loves and hates that little young master, and even more, that little boy really got the true biography of the big guy, and he is a slaughter. Even a good player in scolding people, and even suppressing the big guys, so I think—"

"The little girl who is very similar to me in the mouth of Second Young Master He should have learned from that young master, and that young master learned from that group of extraordinary people."


He Er, who heard what he said, stared at him for a while, and asked abruptly:

"The person in your mouth, shouldn't it be your old lover? I remember that she is also from the waste capital, and even more of your uncle's pro-daughter apprentice? Even—"

He Erye, who suddenly revealed his scars with revenge, gleefully glanced at the old man whose smile did not change, but his eyes were a little gloomy, and smiled.

"Is it the one who dumped you and made you drink to relieve your worries and break your leg by yourself?"


Who is more annoying?

Dr. Xiao, who had a stumbling block in his heart, raised his eyes and looked at He Er's suddenly smug face, and a sudden force on his hand made He Er groan.

"Fuck! You murdered!"

"Ah, sorry, my hand slipped."

The gentle smiling doctor quickly raised his hand and winked at him.

"Does it hurt? However, I don't seem to be exerting too much force. Shouldn't it be that Second Young Master He has been too carefree recently, delaying physical training, so that it is so painless?"


But go to your uncle!

He Er, who had the blue veins on his angry skull jumping out, pointed at him with shaking hands, and sneered.

"I'm afraid you don't know, that old lover of yours is going to marry another wild man! And that wild man is the old lover of your old lover!"


Xiao Fu, whose expression was suddenly suffocated, suddenly felt that He Lijun, a public lover, was really annoying!

As annoying as that dead dog!


Want to get married?

Did he agree?

The woman I can't even marry, that dog still wants to marry? What a sweet dream?

He took out a tube of tranquilizer and knocked it into He Er's body before he could react. Then, after he rolled his eyes and passed out, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a set of numbers.

"Uncle, it's me. Is A Luan conducting academic research at your place? What is the question? Do you need my help?"

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