I don't know what the other side said, which made Xiao Fu's expression gradually become happy, and even his voice became much lighter.

"Okay, uncle, I will definitely invite you to eat my specialty."

When the words fell, he hung up the phone, shook his fingertips, and lit the phone.

A Luan is one of the few people who cares about the young master of the Su family. For the rest of the people, it is not realistic to have a good relationship. retreat.

Therefore, there are only two or three of them at the moment, and one of them is his uncle. Leaving aside a dog, there is only that little young master left.


In general, what do children in the age group of fifteen or sixteen prefer?

Um, no—

I've heard it before...

It is said that the young master is extraordinary, and he can even make Second Young Master He speak of the boy and girl in that tone. It can be seen that their means and abilities far exceed those of their peers, and they have even been able to make Second Young Master He speak. Such a very good young man treats him differently——

Since this is the case, the things they are looking at have become mature, and they will not be limited to a small circle, so they can't use ordinary objects to build a good relationship with them.

"What should we do?"

When Doctor Xiao, who looked a little distressed, was thinking about how to win (bribe) a certain boy and girl over, and then turned around and kicked the dog out as much as possible——

The boy and girl whom he had planned on looked at the little prince who suddenly appeared in front of them and raised their eyebrows.

"Are you fleeing? Or are you being hunted down? Why do you look like a thief?"

Looking at Kasahiko, who had wrapped himself into a black carbon head from start to finish, Shu Qianluo rudely scolded him, which made the Prince's mouth twitch, very helpless.

"Fourth Miss, we are old friends, and we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why do you hate me like this when you see me?"

Those who didn't know thought that there was some kind of deep hatred between him and her!

But, heaven and earth can tell, he doesn't have the guts to mess with her, right?

"Where did I hit you?"

The school flower-sama, whose eyes jumped, raised his chin at him.

"Didn't you take a good look in the mirror? Or—"

She looked at Onozawa behind him.

"I didn't ask your bodyguard, what does he think of your outfit?"


Onoze, who was named by Shu Qianluo, looked at her, and then at his master, who was also looking at him.

"It's good, just like me when I was in the dark."

That's it!

Prince Kasahiko, who was recognized by his family, nodded proudly and said that he was wearing a normal dress, but the school flower-sama was very despised.

"I'm afraid you're not stupid! Your bodyguard is clearly saying that you are black and black, and you have strangled your body into a fleshy worm, like a shadow that should not be seen, with hot eyes. It's amazing! Understand?"


Kasahiko, who was repeatedly stabbed by the school flower, twisted his face and looked at Onozawa. Of course, this time, Onozawa directly ignored his gaze and glanced to the side, pretending that he didn't hear anything, what? Can't see either!

This kind of appearance makes Kasahiko choked enough!

Feelings, he is the master of his own family, and no outsider understands his language trap?


Very unpleasant!

"Hurry up and change it! It's ugly!"

Shu Qianluo, who was so hot that his eyes wanted to hurt, raised his foot and kicked him unceremoniously, sneering.

"If you don't change, I'll crush you!"

Saying this, he stretched out his hand to hold the corner of the table, snapped it with a click, and clenched it fiercely in his hand, and smashed the corner of the marble table into crumbs. With that cruel and ruthless appearance, Kasahiko gave Kasahiko. Startled, he jumped up quickly, flashed into the bathroom, and shouted at Onozawa.

"Go shopping for clothes!"


Onozawa, who was yelled at inexplicably, sighed slightly.

So, Lord, when you came, why didn't you listen to my advice?

You are still there to swear that these two will definitely agree with your taste, and the result?

Got slapped in the face?

That's fine, so what's the matter with me?

Helpless, Onozawa clenched his fists at the two of them and left the hotel to buy clothes for his master. After all, the master maliciously annoyed His Majesty the Emperor this time, and was thrown out of Japan for nearly three years. Even more people stare at them, are not allowed to take away every needle and thread of Japan, and leave!

If it wasn't for the person who supervises them, who felt that they were really pitiful, and gave them clothes to avoid their bodies, he and his master would really have run naked!

As a result, it is difficult to choose what kind of clothes, but the Lord chose that one, really——

Gives a lot of headaches.

Wait, after Onozawa left, Shu Qianluo stared at the stuff that was huddled in the bathroom and couldn't come out, pouted, and asked knowingly:

"Where is the wind blowing? It made you run all the way?"

"It's obviously the one from your family who invited me here, okay?"

The bathroom was opened to reveal Kasahiko, who was looking out. He sat there facing her, drinking tea, propping his chin, and smiling at the boy who looked at each other and raised his chin.

"For this reason, I have angered my father, and he has been exiled from Japan for three years and cannot return!"


Shu Qianluo raised his eyebrows, swept him up and down through the crack of the door, and pouted without a smile.

"But why do I think that you are deliberately angering your father, so that you have a chance to run over and fool around?"


Kasahiko, who thought that he was dismantled on the spot, reached out and touched his nose, feeling a little helpless.

"That's right, after all—"

He paused, his expression a little complicated.

"Rather than being trapped in the Prince's Mansion or even in Japan, I prefer to travel around the country like my mother before she got married, and then draw interesting people and things that I see with my eyes and serialize it to my mother. In the "Gardenia Story", it can be regarded as the dream of my mother and me, so-"

Kasahiko shrugged.

"Not to mention not going back for three years, even ten years is a blessing for me."


The school flower-sama shook his head and sighed in a decent manner (refilling the knife).

"It's like an orphan, with a father and without a father, no one cares about the child, pitiful, really pitiful!"

... It's like you're not an orphan, you have a father, and someone hurts?

Kasahiko glanced at her secretly, but when he glanced at the boy beside her, his expression was silent.

Well, this stinky girl is indeed much stronger than him, although she is a little pitiful, but someone hurts!

Moreover, the person who loves her simply regards her as a treasure in his eyes, and he will give whatever he wants, but he doesn't—


So **** heartbroken!

Kasahiko, who rubbed his face sullenly, comforted himself for a while, and looked at the boy.

"By the way, what you said is very interesting, what is the world like I have never seen before?"

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